
Using relative URLs with mod_rewrite

Environment: Apache 2 shipped with Mac OS X Leopard; with no big changes in the default httpd.conf. I am setting up some rewrites through my .htaccess but I am not able to use target paths relative to the current directory. # URL: http://localhost/~davis/rewrite/.htaccess # File: /Users/davis/Sites/rewrite/.htaccess RewriteRule go.php...

How to redirect request coming from a domain to a subdirectory invisibly?

Hi, I am trying to redirect all requests coming from example.com to a subdirectory. The code below accomplishes this but I cannot make the subdirectory invisible. (The subdirectory contains a Drupal instance with its own/htaccess file. Could that be the problem?) RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http...

security holes in xampp for windows?

i need to install a mysql server on my windows machine to run a local database. does anyone know if this thing poses a vulnerability? ...

How can I provide a temp file download using mod_perl and CGI::Application?

My web app runs on Apache mod_perl using CGI::Application. I want to provide a download of a generated file. In the past (before we were using mod_perl and CGI::App) I just spooled out a csv file to STDOUT as it was generated. Now I'm shooting for a little more refinement - creating an Excel spreadsheet using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel -...

Mod-Rewrite Question

Hello, I want to make a category path with pagination. URL's would be as followed; All paths should work with or without trailing slash (if possible) /category/entertainment-and-music/ /category/entertainment-and-music/music/ (represents "music" category "under entertainment and music") /category/entertainment-and-music/5/ ...

Using the Apache Mahout machine learning libraries

I've been working with the Apache Mahout machine learning libaries in my free time a bit over the past few weeks. I'm curious to hear about how others are using these libraries. ...

Source install Apache 2.2.13 + PHP 5.3 + Snow Leopard

Can anyone direct me to or write their experiences installing Apache and PHP on Snow Leopard? I had this working in the past on Leopard, it would die after a security update, but was as simple as: $ ./configure --enable-layout=Darwin --enable-mods-shared=all $ make $ sudo make install and I was up and running again. Since the Snow L...

Fixing mod_wsgi after upgrading to Snow Leopard.

After upgarding my MBP to 10.6, I get the following in my apache's error.log: [error] [client ::1] Premature end of script headers: django.wsgi WSGI FAQ suggests: If using daemon mode, this is a symptom of the mod_wsgi daemon process crashing when handling a request. You would probably also see the message 'segmentation fault'. See...

mod_rewrite - change URL case

Is there any straightforward way to change the case of any URL using mod_rewrite? I thought this was pretty trivial... apparently not. Examples: http://example.com/id to http://example.com/ID http://example.com/id/123 to http://example.com/ID/123 and so forth. ...

htaccess 301 Redirection for Multiple Files

I'm wondering if multiple entries on htaccess will work for 301 redirects. The problem I see is that old site files have 'html' extension and are named named differently so a simple global redirect won't work, it has to be one rule per file name. This sites receives 1000 visits daily so need to be careful not to penalize search engine....

mod_rewrite rules, how to test for 'not a string' ?

I have a blog installed in www.foo.com/wp/ and would like all requests that go to any page that doesn't start with /wp/ to be redirected to www.foo.com/wp/ (without preservation of the URL). E.g.: www.foo.com/bar/baz/hello.gif > www.foo.com/wp/ Also, at the same time, I need the URL to have www. added if it doesn't (which might b...

What is the best way to obfuscate/minify dynamically generated javascript

I am looking to obfuscate and minify dynamically written javascript with ruby. Does anyone have any suggestions? Some kind of apache module that would intercept the .js file and obfuscate it before it was served would be ideal. ...

Find Apache Directory

I'm looking for a way to programatically detect the location of the Apache config directory, and the name of the configuration file. Bonus points if this is in Ruby or Bash. ...

Apache & JBoss use port 80 at the same time

I have both Apache 2 and JBoss 4.2.3 on the same machine and would like both of them to use port 80. There are several ways I see people doing this mod_jk, mod_proxy, but I'm not sure which one is the best. I don't need any load balancing, but I do need HTTPS. ...

Getting mysqlnd error when using Snow Leopard's Apache

After installing Snow Leopard I got the following error when connecting to a remote MySQL server: mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication What I don't get is why it's working fine with MAMP when I only start MAMP's Apache, but I get this error with Snow Leopard's build in Apache. Is it because MAMP has some MySQL ...

Redirecting root only via .htaccess with other rules in place

I have an installation of YOURLS that redirects generated addresses to a different domain, however the root does not redirect. How can I set a rule that cooperates with the existing rules to achieve this? Here's the .htaccess file as it stands: # BEGIN ShortURL RewriteEngine On #RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteC...

Why php page keep loading ?

I am running php 5.2.6 with apache 2. On my localhost, some pages keep loading forever with Firefox. Konqueror works fine. From another computer using Firefox works as well. I looked at the network with ethereal and 200 ok is send and no more data is transiting. any ideas ? Thanks ...

Use HTTP Auth only if accessing a specific domain

I've got several sites: example.com, example1.com, and example2.com. All of them point to my server's /public_html folder, which is my Apache root folder. What do I need to add to my .htaccess file to use http authentication only if the user is coming from example2.com? example.com and example1.com should NOT use authentication. I k...

Copying Files with Spaces

I'm trying to copy one file to another directory, but the way I am copying the file is not working when the source path has a directory with spaces in it, e.g. /Volumes/public/Music/Directory With Spaces/01.mp3 I am using: http://commons.apache.org/io/ I can't find a way around this, any ideas? Edit: The problem should probably be p...

How to fix failure of PHP code in windows:exec("rm -rf F:/tmpJob/*")

It's executed when browsing a PHP file(http://localhost/filename.php) on windows. The web server is Apache. I think it should be divided into 2 steps: 1.found user of Apache threads 2.give enough permissions to that user towards "F:/tmpJob/" I checked httpd.conf and found: User daemon Group daemon But there is no "daemon" user on...