
Automatic logged out

I have a php page from where my users log-in to the application. It is working fine. Yesterday, all of a sudden the users were able to login but were forced out and redirected to the login page again. My database has logged in the user's login timings and this problem was automatically solved after about 2 hours. Why will like this hap...

JAXB vs Apache XMLBeans

Anyone can tell me which one is better (JAXB or Apache XMLBeans) taking in account the performance for files bigger then 10Mb? ...

Why would file uploads stop on busy LAMP server?

We have a lamp server that is fairly busy, the CPU usage hovers around 90% at peak times. We are having an intermittent problem where file uploads from web forms fail. It only seems to happen with larger files (over a mb) and it seems to affect some users more than others. We've gone through and checked the obvious stuff like PHP ini ...

Apache - Rewrite Rule confusion

Redirect 301 /resort.php/FOO/BAR http://www.sitename.com.com/index.php RewriteRule ^/direct/(.*) /direct/$1 [QSA,L] # access non i18n files directly RewriteRule ^/([a-z]{2}\/.*) /$1 [QSA,L] #any language subdirectory should be left alone RewriteRule ^/(.*\/$) /en/$1index.php [QSA,L] #fix for links ending in / Rewrite...

Apache Redirects/Rewrite Maximum

I have a migration project from a legacy system to a new system. The move to the new system will create new unique id's for the objects being migrated; however, my users and search indexes will have the URLs with the old ids. I would like to set up an apache redirect or rewrite to handle this but am concerned about performance with that ...

Packing and minimizing HTML and CSS

What're the best practices for CSS/HTML minimizing? I'm looking for server side tools to fasten the interaction with the browser. ...

How to access images on a directory outside of the web application

I'm using Apache and Windows and I'm writing an application that needs to display the images of parts that are on a different server, not in the path of the application directory. There are too many images to move and other applications use these same images. What is the best way to deal with this problem? The back end is php and myslq...

Help with mod rewrite redirecting to new url

Hello, The following url rewrite works fine but it doesn't redirect to the new url. RewriteRule ^test-(.*)-(.*)\.html$ /test.php?&abc=$1&xyz=$2/ [L] ...

Rewrite both domain and path

I want to redirect one specific url like: www.example.com/test/ex.gif to static.example.com/ex.gif How can i do this in .htaccess? ...

how do I do a single point authentication with php, apache and LDAP

Hi, I have this senario. We have an application server that contains a few web based applications that our users use. Our users and the groups are stored in an OpenLDAP database. Access to these applications are restricted depending on group. Now what I would like to do is that when the user hits the server (http://server/), a basic...

Passing query parameters to a C# CGI program in Apache on Windows

I'm running a C# program as a CGI script in Apache on Windows, which works just fine. However, I'm now trying to pass it query parameters, e.g. http://localhost/cgi-bin/csharp_program.exe?hello=kitty&goodbye=world I understand that my query parameters will be passed in the QUERY_STRING environment variable, e.g. `hello=kitty&goo...

Applying mod_rewrite rules AFTER DirectoryIndex is applied

Hi there, My hosting company recently upgraded me from Apache 1 to Apache 2, and I've started seeing some quite different behaviour with my mod_rewrite stuff. Here's my .htaccess file: DirectoryIndex blog.html # Various rewrite rules. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on # Rewrite current-style URLs of the form 'showpage.ph...

Apache SetEnvIf trouble

I have the following in my .htaccess file: SetEnvIf Host "^example\.com$" myvar=1 <IfDefine myvar> RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index2.php?q=$1 [L,QSA] </IfDefine> As far as I can tell, this should be working properly. However, "myvar" does not appear to get defined when I visit from example.com. I know that I have the mod_setenvif.c enable...

mamp make the filenames case insensitive

in mamp which uses apache is there a way to make the files names filenames case insensitive? ...

How do you set up your web server & document's html to correctly serve HTML5 documents?

Maybe I'm an idiot but I don't quite get what goes in the header of my HTML to use XHTML w/ HTML5. Is this still good and we just add the HTML5 tags?: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html dir="ltr" lang="eng" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; Or i...

Sniffing/capturing all traffic between Apache and Weblogic on Solaris

We have an application where an embedded device talks to weblogic via Apache. Weblogic and Apache are on the same Solaris server, and we are using the weblogic module for Apache. The communication works over http It does not work over https, although the problem does not appear to be directly related to https (the SSL session is negoti...

Subfolder for website on Mac OS X

I would like to run a local PHP (5.3) website on Mac OS X 10.6. I have PHP configured properly and can access a website using http://mymac.local/~me/index.html. I have this folder structure: ~me/Sites/index.html which points to http://mymac.local/~me/index.html ~me/Sites/mysite/home.html which doesn't work If I try http://mymac.loca...

Passing CGI arguments to an executable in Apache on Windows

I was under the impression that I could put any old executable program in the cgi-bin directory of Apache and have it be used as a CGI script. Specifically, if I have a C# program static class TestProg { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Write("Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); Console.WriteLine("Argum...

Some Problem with htaccess!

How can I redirect my users from example.com / or www.example.com to new.example.com but I dont want to redirect some specific urls like: www.example.com/test.php api.example.com/testo.php www.example.com/forum/index.php I did: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.com$ [OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.example.com$ Re...

.htaccess multi domain using

Hello all, I have problem. I want to load defined folders into my website from same system, now I need to know how I can get a folder from a domain if I type "domain.dk" its load "theme/domain.dk/javascript/ and if I type "domain.com" its load "theme/domain.com/javascript/" folder to use. RewriteRule ^Javascript?$ /theme/{HTTP_HOST...