
How stable is APC 3.1.x?

Is anyone using APC 3.1.x in production on a high volume site? The 3.1 series is labeled a "beta" release, but it has some features that we'd really like to have (specifically, performance improvements for apc_clear_cache('user') which didn't make 3.0.19) So: are you successfully using APC 3.1.x on a very active site? (more than 1 PHP ...

Programatically rebuild .exd-files when loading VBA

Hi, After updating Microsoft Office 2007 to Office 2010 some custom VBA scripts embedded in our software failed to compile with the following error message: Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found. As far as I know, this error is a result of a security update from Microsoft (...

how to install apc for php on mac osx mamp?

i am running a mac with mamp and mamp pro. how do i check if i have apc enabled and if its not enabled or not installed how do i install it? thanks i am trying to get the apc upload loader to work that i found online and it gets stuck on NAN% when im uploading. this is a link: http://www.haughin.com/2007/10/23/php-upload-progress-with-...

popup of are you sure you want to open it when certain scripts are ran

im on a mac using mamp/mamp pro. when i open apc scripts i keep getting this warning “apc-6.php” is a script application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it? ive downloaded and setup one of these scripts to test if apc works for me http://pecl.php.net/package/APC and when i click around a message box wit...

Clearing APC caches without crashing our scripts

Currently, when we update our PHP code for our website, we have a script that calls apc_clear_cache on all servers, so that the new code will be used. We also have some PHP scripts that run in the background on a separate server, processing some slower queries, and the like. The same script that calls apc_clear_cache also notifies the s...

PHP and APC, File Upload Progress not Cacheing?

Hi There, I've been all over the internet reading up on APC, and it seems like a nifty way to detect file Uploading. I am, however, having a problem. I know how to call files and everything using Ajax, and that is what I am planning to do, but for Testing sake, I'm doing something like this. Ok, so I have 3 files. form.php upload.ph...

do we need to restart apache + APC after new version deployment of app?

when we deploy our app, we simply create a new folder and point a symbolic link to it, so apache will always find its way to the latest build. However, we get strange errors when we deploy and continue testing without first rebooting the apache server. We also have APC running and have a feeling that caching has something to do with thi...

Does the function "apc_store" reset the TTL values when replacing a cache key that already exist?

I current utilize the APC "apc_store" function as a means to replace items in the cache that already exists, but I'm not sure if the TTL gets reset or not. I'd like to have it so it does NOT reset the TTL values. ...

How can I properly replace a cached item using APC?

I have a setup that uses a method called update in a cache class. It simply creates an array using a key-value pair. For example, if I do $cache->update('cache_key', 'array_key', 'array_value');, that will result in an array a key as array_key with a value of array_value. If I then issue another update using the same cache key, but a dif...

php 5.3 and APC (what's going on)?

I am trying to get a version of APC that works with PHP 5.3.x According to several online resources including wikipedia, the version of APC given as compatible with PHP 5.3.x is APC-3.1.3p1 However upon investigating the contents of the file, in the file named INSTALL The first few lines declare: Installation Instructions for APC ...

Apache 2.2 (Prefork) + APC issue

I have a dedicated server running FreeBSD 7.2 64bit. When I enable APC on Apache (Prefork), I notice in 'top' and in the SIZE column, it grows from 110MB to 384MB. I realize this is shared memory and shared across all apache processes. The problem I have is this : Each process size (in the 'RES" column) grows from 25mb to almost 100mb...

Installing PHP APC on Windows/Apache

i need help installing and configuring PHP APC i have downloaded from http://downloads.php.net/pierre/ in my PHP info, i see Compiler MSVC9 (Visual C++ 2008) Architecture x86 so i downloaded php_apc-5.3-nts-svn20100226-vc9-x86.zip. then to install, i tried adding [PHP_APC] extension=php_apc.dll to php.ini. restarting Apach...

Issue Caching Resultsets using PHP and APC on Windows

Hi, Just for the record, I'm using Windows Vista with XAMPP (PHP 5.3.1). I'm trying to use APC to cache a database result. I did a simple APC test on string variables and it seems to work ok. However, when I try to do the same thing with a database result resource, I get a complaint the data in the cache 'is not a valid MySQL result re...

PHP APC and Memcache Benchmarking

Is there any simple test I can try to benchmark APC and Memcache, just to get a sense of the performance benefits of using them? I tried some simple stuff using microtime() and looping requests to my database and storing the results, first in cache and then without, but I didn't notice any significant performance boost. Thanks. ...

Why is APC incrementing "Cache full count" for User Cache even though it has plenty of memory available?

I've played with this for quite a while but am at a bit of a loss as to what to do. I'm using APC 3.1.3p1 on CentOs 5 with PHP 5.2.5. APC is acting as both the opcode cache and user cache. Mostly this server runs Drupal 6 sites using the CacheRouter module for APC cache support. I was running APC 3.0.19 for a while but it was causing...

Apache 2.2 (prefork) + Pecl-APC + Wordpress

If anyone is running Apache 2.2 (prefork) + Pecl-APC + Wordpress, could you please tell me how large each apache process grows on your machine? Mine are growing to almost 100mb each and I know something is not right. Without APC installed, the apache processes only grow to 30mb TOPS. I just want to know what it should be (roughly). Th...

How to configure PHP apc so that caching is done automatically?

When we include($file) ,caching is done internally,automatically. How to achieve that? ...

Where can I find the apc extension for PHP 5.2.8 in windows?

I know it's not the latest version, but need to stick to it for the project. Anyone knows where I can get apc extension for php 5.2.8? ...

How to get graphs about apc info in PHP?

I need to get statistics info like this: More in this post. ...

Why APC's "cached files" jump so fast?

It keeps jump : Cached Files 292 ( 32.3 MBytes) ... Cached Files 0 ( 0.0 Bytes) Is that normal? Why can't the figure be stable in production environment? ...