
Open other program's configuration files

I have a program A, it also have an app.config file where I have added some keys like server address, username and password for connecting to a server. It is a console application. Now I want to make a UI which I have done. In that UI I want to modify the content of app.config of program A. How do I do that? Here is what I tried, I cop...

Reload app.config with nunit

Hi I have multiple NUnit tests, and I would like each test to use a specific app.config file. Is there a way to reset the configuration to a new config file before each test? ...

How do you store and retrieve a StringDictionary in app.config?

I have a list of information in a string dictionary that I want to store in the app.config for my program. I've created the entry in the "settings" portion of the program called "extentions" but when I go to use "Settings.Default.Extentions" I get an error that it is null. Is there a trick or something to using this? private void Load...

Can you have a generic List(of T) in your settings file???

Hi, In my settings file, I would like to have one setting that is of the type List(of Myclass).... I can't find anything on the net that does this. Is it possible? ...

When using ConfigurationSections in app.config - do you get intellisense?

Consider: When you are creating your custom types in the app.config do you get intellisense to aid you? Or is it a case of programming in XML 'on your own'? It does not appear to be working for me, if this is the case that's fine but if intellisense is meant to work I know I'm doin...

What are the available runtime settings for app.config files in .NET?

In the app.config file of a .NET application there is a <runtime> element that allows you to configure various behaviours of the CLR, usually for backwards compatibility with legacy behaviours. For example: <configuration> <runtime> <legacyUnhandledExceptionPolicy enabled="true"/> <!-- .NET 2 --> <legacyCorruptedSta...

C# how to specify the appData file path in the app.config file

Hello, I am using log4net and I was to save the log file in the AppData file for win XP/Vista etc. This is my app.config file so far, and I have specified the name softphone.log. Hoewver, I am not sure how to specify the complete path to the file as each user will have a different path depending on their username. <log4net> <logge...

How to programatically modify WCF app.config endpoint address setting?

I'd like to programatically modify my app.config file to set which service file endpoint should be used. What is the best way to do this at runtime? For reference: <endpoint address="http://mydomain/MyService.svc" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="WSHttpBinding_IASRService" contract="ASRService.IASRServ...

IDE complains Config files referenced in ConfigSource attributes do not comply with DotNetConfig.xsd

Hi. I find configsource references in the .config-files to be very helpful. However, since these referenced config-files only contain fragments of the entire app.config hierarchy, the IDE complains. In the app.config file: <configuration> <configSections> <section name="customProfiles" type="SomeConfigClass, SomeAssembly"/...

Modify AppSettings in the App.Config of different Exe

I have a C# .NET Console application exe with an app.config specifying a handful of ApplicationSettings used as parameters. I have an additional separate (Windows Forms) exe (residing in the same directory) to allow the ApplicationSettings used by the first exe to be modified by the user. What it the cleanest way to go about modifying ...

Multiple ConfigurationElement types in ConfigurationElementCollection

I would like to have a configuration section like the following: <mycollection> <add name="myelement" type="class, assembly" var1="value" var2="value" /> <add name="myelement2" type="class2, assembly" var1="value" var3="value" var4="value" /> </mycollection> The idea being that the actual ConfigurationElement created is defined by t...

Can I group appseting keys?

I'm creating a little console application that creates a Lucene index from an Sql Database. This application will be run with a single parameter. This parameter will define what connection string it will use and where the destination file should be placed. I would like to store the connection strings and the target paths in the app.conf...

Update app.config setting at runtime

I need to update a setting in the SectionGroup of a .Net exe app.config file at runtime. I don't have write access to the original config file at runtime (I am developing a .Net dll add-in which is hosted in an exe provided by the app which I have no control over) so I was hoping to save a copy of the file and replace the conf...

Unable to retrieve the module type Error

I'm using prism as an example; this is my first time playing with WPF. I've written two modules; orderModule and orderDetailModule. I was able to run my app and have them populate on one screen, now I'm trying to have only one module load and load the other with a button click. I was loading my modules in code before, then I noticed pris...

What is the run-context for a form opened in the designer for a winforms application

Hello, I have a form that will not open in the designer. I used the technique that I mention in an answer to THIS questions... determine why the form will not open in the designer. The bottom line is that the for...

Visual Studio 2008 App.config Caching

For the last couple months i have ben having some issues with my app.config. I will add an AppSetting key and run my project with no real issue it reads the config file and all is good. Then at a later date i will change the value of that same key and when i run my project I will get the old value of the key. It seems like it isnt savi...

How to persist app.config through ClickOnce updates using ConfigurationManager?

This question describes my problem exactly, except I'm using a custom configuration section in app.config with ConfigurationManager, so the solution presented there doesn't apply... Basically, my problem is that when ClickOnce updates the application, it installs into a different directory with the new app.config, thereby erasing any ch...

Why do people consistently recommend using appConfig instead of using Settings files? (.NET)

Very often I see the answer to the question like: "How should I store settings in my .NET app?" is to edit the app.config file by manually adding entries to the app.config (or web.config) like so: <configuration> <appSettings> **<add key="ConfigValueName" value="ABC"/>** </appSettings> </configuration> Then, accessing them li...

How can I make LINQ to SQL use a connection string which is being modified at runtime?

I'm experimenting some difficulties trying to use Connection String Builders (ADO.NET) within LINQ to SQL. Let me show you guys what I'm trying to do: the app.config file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configSections> </configSections> <connectionStrings> <add name="LoremIpsum" ...

How can I write to my own app.config using a strongly typed object?

The following code has two flaws, I can't figure out if they are bugs or by design. From what I have seen it should be possible to write back to the app.config file using the Configuration.Save and according to the code should work. The bugs are shown in the source below and appe...