
MSIE : jQuery's append()/html() not working, resorted to getElementById().innerHTML

Hi StackOverflow, This is a long one, The Premise Was called in to help out a client with some bug fixing on a current project of theirs. What needed fixing was a jobs listing page. You have a list of jobs, you click one and if JavaScript is activated an AJAX call is made to dynamically load the job's details into an existing element ...

Appending text in <a>-tags with Javascript

I now that I can insert text to <div> tag by : <script type="text/javascript"> function doSomething(){ var lbl = document.getElementById('messageLabel'); lbl.innerHTML = "I just did something."; } </script> </head> <body> <div> <div id="messageLabel"></div> <input type="button" value="Click Me!" onclick="doSomet...

Why, when I append to an empty array in PHP, is the index 2?

I have a method in a class that will append an item to an array member of the class. When the array member is empty (but previously had two items in it at index 1 and index 2) and I call the method, the item is inserted at index 2. Why is that? If anyone doesn't know right off the bat, I can provide MANY more details. ...

Dynamically adding variables to a URL using flex

In my Flex application I am able to read the variables using something like /flexapp.html?name=josh with no problems. However, this is because I go into the URL and type in the variables by hand. Is there anyway in the code to dynamically append the variable part "?name=josh" ? For example, like retrieving the url and then adding that...

jQuery, html5, append()/appendTo() and IE

How to replicate: Create an html5 page. Make sure you have the script from added so that IE will notice the tags. Create an hardcoded <section id='anything'></section> tag. Using jQuery 1.3.2, append another section tag: $('#anything').append('<section id="whatever"></section>'); So far, ...

append removing quotes

Hi, This is a fairly simple problem but I can't find a solution. I write some xml to a hidden div on tha page and i read it later on. The problem is that some quotes are being removed when writing to the div and because of this I can't load the use the xml in IE using LoadXML this is the XML <parameters id='XXX'> <product_id value='...

how to remove only tags appended using append() in jquery.

Hi, I have a div which pops out on mouse over and i am inserting some content using html(). And i want to some part of code to be remain without manipulation. <div id="pop_div" ><span>X</span></div> $("#team_div > ul img").bind('mouseenter',function(){ $("#pop_div").html('<img src="' + img + '"/>' + content ); }); and onclick i...

IE6 jquery unable to update select tag options w/ .append

<html> <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function getcsa(){ $.get("getcsas.php",{},function(xml){ $(xml).find('csa').each(function(){ var csa = $(this); var vzid = $(csa).find('vzid').text(); var fir...

Append NSData to a file in Objective C

Hiya, I'm attempting to download a large file on the iPhone and save it to disk as it is downloaded. Ideally, in: -(void)connection:(NSURLConnection*)connection didReceiveData:(NSData*)data { } I want to append 'data' to a file on disk. I've checked out the NSData documentation. There are functions to write to a file, but I can't ...

Write problem - lossing the original data

Every time I write to the text file I will lose the original data, how can I read the file and enter the data in the empty line or the next line which is empty? public void writeToFile() { try { output = new Formatter(myFile); } catch(SecurityException securityException) { System.err.println("E...

jQuery AJAX: How to append a "SAVED" message and make it disappear after a second

Hi, this is probably really simple for a jQuery expert. I have <div id="form23"><form><textarea>blahblah</textarea><input type="button" value="save" onClick="saveCaption(23)"></form></div> I want a SAVED message appear and disappear. But I DO NOT want to make the form or its elements disappear. I have a AJAX call that is like the foll...

How to manipulate appended content? Jquery.

Hello! I'm with Jquery. I appended html to a div like that: $('div#byletter').append(createLettersHtml()); The createLettersHtml function creates a list of letters (links) all wrapped in 'div.ln-letters'. Then I want to call a 'onclick' event like that: $('.ln-letters a').click(function(){ alert(123); }); but nothing happe...

jquery append to string variable

Hello guys. How can I append a word to an already populated string variable with spaces? ...

jQuery: How do I select text in a div and add tags around it?

Hello everyone, I'm new to jQuery and I'm trying to do the following: <div class="test">text</div> I'm trying to write jQuery that will select the text inside the div and change it to: <div class="test"><span>test</span></div> When I try this in jQuery: $(".test").prepend("<span>"); $(".test").append("</span>"); It shows up in t...

Attach (show/hide text) dynamically and when clicked show/hide a fieldset below

Hi All, I want to attach (show/hide text) dynamically to a span and when clicked on that particular text, i want to have show/hide effect on a fieldset below. I acheived the task of having show/hide text appended to span. But the problem arises when i click on that text. Nothing happens except the text beside span gets changed. HTML: ...

jQuery appended text is invisible

I'm trying to create a couple of buttons above a textarea to insert some HTML code -- a VERY poor-man's HTML editor. I have a couple of INPUT elements, and I'm using jQuery to set a click handler that will call's jQuery's append() or html() or text() functions. The handler fires, it shows a debug alert(), but the text I'm trying to app...

Have a problem with jquery append items..

I have a problem with datePicker. When a make a new text field with datepicker and append it to some div it wont work.. Did anyone had the same problem... $(function(){ $("#DP").datepicker({showOn: 'button', buttonId: 'kalendar', buttonImage: 'calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: true}); $('a').click(function(){ $('<input...

To append a match efficiently in Vim :g/---/s/---/X/

How can you refer to the match in the command g in Vim? I would like to put X after the match without replacing the match. For instance, in the following command without writing the create_title twice. :g/create_title/s/create_title/X/ You should get create_titleX by running the command to create_tile ...

c# sharpziplib adding file to existing archive

Hi, am trying to add a file to an existing archive using the following code. When run no errors or exceptions are shown but no files are added to the archive either. Any ideas why? using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(archivePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) using (ZipOutputStream zipToWrite = new ZipOutput...

Using anchor after adding using jquery html

Hi, This is two questions in one really... First, I have a list of 'tickets'. Each ticket has a unique ID, which I am using to ID the element. There is an option to click ('a.showMore') to view more information about the 'ticket'. When this is clicked, I'm using jquery.append to add an option to close this extra information and slide d...