
Append text to input field

I need to append some text to an input field... ...

Ajax append load

it must be jquery I have file text.html with 6 div in (a,b,c,d,e,f) In another file i have a div, i like it to populate the content of a+b+c+d+e+f into that single div I have try .load = but b remplace a i have try append, but i need a temp var so now i am stuck That code get the content from the file textes.html ... div #a and put...

Unable to find the program >> in Mac

I want to search the program ">>" that is by which you append to a file. I run the code unsuccessfully in Mac find . -print0 | xargs -0 grep " >> " I get too many results to find the correct app. The program is not among other teletypes at /bin. How can you find the program ">>"? ...

Java appending XML docs to existing docs.

I have two XML docs that I've created and I want to combine these two inside of a new envelope. So I have <alert-set> <warning>National Weather Service...</warning> <start-date>5/19/2009</start-date> <end-date>5/19/2009</end-date> </alert-set> and <weather-set> <chance-of-rain type="percent">31</chance-of-rain> <conditi...

ScrollHeight not updating in IE8 using JQuery

I am trying to append some text (divs) to a scrollable div and then automatically scroll the the bottom. For some reason, when I try to do this in IE8, it is not working. Uncommenting the 'alert' lines show that IE8 returns two values for the ScrollHeight attribute. Does Jquery appends run asynchronously or does the DOM take time to r...

Append digit to an int without converting to string?

Is there a safe way of adding a digit at the end of an integer without converting it to a string and without using stringstreams ? I tried to google the answer for this and most solutions suggested converting it to a string and using stringstreams but I would like to keep it as an integer to ensure data integrity and to avoid converting...

How to use YUI to locate an Input by Name and insert content after

How can I use YUI to locate a text input by name and insert a div after it? For example, this doesn't work: <input name="some_name" type="text"> <script> var el = new YAHOO.util.Element(document.createElement('div')); var some_element = document.getElementsByName('some_name'); // doesn't work .... replacing 'some_element' with 'docum...

TSQL Hack needed for getting a filter for data.

A UI (before the report shows) shows a look up (Combo) that has (ID = 0).All Organization Units (ID =4).HR (ID = 5).DEV I need to: Be able to show data of (4) + (5) if (0) is selected. Only (4) OR (5) if either HR or DEV is selected. Lookup combo code (Selected Feeds the parameter in the below query.) Select 0 AS ID,'All O...

How to append value from form field in a new form field

Hey Guys, Here's the story. I have a form with some form fields. Example: name email message What I would like to do is when I click to submit the form, get JQuery to grab the email field value and append it to the message field. I have the value stored here: var email = $('#email').val(); Any ideas? ...

$.ajax working with file and not url?

in the $.ajax function the url part has data.json which is a text file but i want to put a url i.e. the code works with $(document).ready(function() { $('#content').html(''); $.ajax({ url:'data.json', dataType: "json", success: function(data) { $('#content').append('<p>'+...

jQuery replaceWith, append, prepend not working

I am trying to prepend something to a li, hosted inside a #container #boxes #third li a but it isn't quite working. I am using the following code: $('#container #boxes #third li a').append(kevintext); But whenever I do that, nothing happens. You can see the code in action at my testing page here. Because that didn't work, I tried so...

in vim, how to append/insert text with argdo?

There's the ":a" command, but that's multi-line, and argdo asks you for the text again for each file. The docs mention the global command (g/pat/command) that will use an alternative version of ":a" that is terminated by a newline instead of by "." on a line (you can include newlines by escaping them with "\"). But I couldn't get this ...

How do I prepend information to STDERR when a method generates stderr?

Is there some way I can catch when a method generates a write to STDERR? I'm trying to pre-pend some information with each STDERR write. let's say our method is: parser.thatGeneratesSTDERR(); it'll generate something like line 37:29 no viable alternative at character 'a' can I just wrap it with something that catches the stderr to...

Best way of sending a file to SQL server and save it, then reading it from DB?

Hi I am developing a software with vb6.0 :( . I wanna to know that what the best code for saving a file in SQL server and then reading from it is? I should say that I use ADODB.Stream when saving file..... what is you suggestion? ...

Append! in Scheme?

I'm learning R5RS Scheme at the moment (from PocketScheme) and I find that I could use a function that is built into some variants of Scheme but not all: Append! In other words - destructively changing a list. I am not so much interested in the actual code as an answer as much as understanding the process by which one could pass a list...

Jquery how to append and remove on a div click event

Hi, I am new to using jquery and would like to know how to append and also remove the IDs from divs using the click event and appending to html. In the code below I have been able to append the IDs from clicking on a div, but am not sure how to remove. Whichever divs are highlighted yellow should be the ones that are appended. Clicking ...

I know PHP's read, write, and append... but can you insert? or remove last line?

I am trying to create an XML file, but the XML file needs to be wrapped in nodes... hence, not easy to use append. Any help with this would be great!! My XML consists of 2 different node types: <entry id="1_0"> <title>This is the title</title> <description>This is the description...</description> <subName>Publishers Name<...

Prototype Element.update multiple objects

Hi, I'm trying to construct a table with Prototype's New Element function. I was experiencing problems in Firefox when I was updating the thead with the complete content: all th elements plus contents. Firefox was stripping the tags and displays only the contents. Anyways I decided to construct every single th element and then append i...

How can I write Erlang's list concatenate without using the lists module?

The book I'm reading about Erlang has exercises in the back of it and one is to re-create the lists:append function. I could do this simply using the ++ operator, but isn't this really slow? And I think the point of the exercise is to do it using list operations that I write. So far the only approach that I could think of is to do some...

jQuery append Google Adsense to div..

Hi everyone, I'm having issues with google adsense and it loading before my jQuery and killing my codes, so I thought I'd try to append the Google Adsense javascript to the appropriate div using the document ready function, here's the code I'm trying to write: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(funct...