
Javascript DOM - add form element to newly created appendChild?

I have two functions to add and remove table rows that contain a form input element. They both work fine, but I have a problem in that I need to show a Remove button input only on subsequently created table rows. My two function are as as follows: function addRow(table_id){ var clone; var rows=document.getElementById(table_id).getElemen...

appendChild in IE6/IE7 does not work with existing elements

I have a div that needs to be moved from one place to another in the DOM. So at the moment I am doing it like so: flex.utils.get('oPopup_About').appendChild(flex.utils.get('oUpdater_About')); But, IE, being, well, IE, it doesn't work. It works all other browsers, just not in IE. I need to do it this way as the element (div) 'oUpdater...

appendchild on mouseover

I'm searching and displaying results from an xml file using combination of javascript and jquery. The results are displayed as thumbnails which upon clicking should bring up more information in jquery colorbox. The information in the colorbox comes from inline hidden div(#affInfo). I'm trying to append a new div(pWindow) to the hidden di...

Images breaking on page refresh?

I am pulling data from a database with Ajax and dynamically populating a div tag with image elements. The image file name corresponds to the data in the database. For instance if there was something in the database called 'foo', I have an item called 'img/foo.jpg' My javascript pulls the data and creates a an image with the src if 'img...

Why does removeChild() prevent me from doing appendChild() within a Javascript Function?

In this code when I call the cleanGrid() function my goal was to get rid of the div that was class 'circle' and to replace it with a div with class 'square'. For what I'm really using this code for they are not replacable items so replaceChild() would not work. If I comment out the function call to cleanGrid() the code runs fine and the ...

appendChild in old IE browsers

Hi, I am trying to create a new Element in my javascript code and append it to one of my elements. But it seems that old IE browsers do not support this function and my code breaks on the line where I use appendChild function. var child = document.createElement('span'); child.innerHTML = "Hello World!"; // Crashes here parent.appendChi...

JavaScript IE appendChild() - Unexpected call to method or property access

I have been having this problem in IE. I have two divs which I use to drag selected elements from one to another. Lets say I have a child element (also a div) in div1 and some child elements in div2. I call the div2.appendChild() method on child element of div1. It removes the child from div1 and appends it to div2. If I then try to appe...

Javascript appendChild name property

So I'm trying to add attributes to a radio button input, specifically the name attribute in Javascript. I'm appending children to a main object and when I use Object.setAttribute("name", value); and subsequently check the innerHTML of the appended input, it does not even contain a name property at all! I'm guessing I'm missing something...

How to append DOM Element into an empty element in JavaScript?

I have bunch of objects that return a DOM-tree that I then use to append to an element. For example, var elem = document.createElement('div'); elem.appendChild(callSomePrototypesMethod()); elem.appendChild(callSomePrototypesMethod()); elem.appendChild(callSomePrototypesMethod()); and I will eventually end up in something like: <div> ...

What is the best way to remove a <br> from a <div> that was created using appendChild?

I am dynamically creating textboxes using document.createElement('input') and adding a break between them using the same method - then using .appendChild to add this to my div. var box = document.getElementById("myDiv"); var inp = document.createElement('input'); inp.type = 'text'; // add attributes, etc... box.appendChild(inp); box.ap...

Howto update a xml document's child regardless of it's "vertical index"/depth in actionscript 3?

I'm in a situation where I have a xml document which is going to be updated in the following way: The deepest child within the document which surrounds a certain x,y position (depending on it's x, y, width and height attributes) is going to get a new child element. If multiple childs exist with the same depth, the bottom one is updated. ...

Javascript not working?

For some reason this isn't working? I want to fill the ul#list with some items, but it's not working. var list = ""; for (var i = 0 ; i<=history.length; i++) { list += "<li onclick=\"copyShortURL('"+history[i].shortURL+"');\"><div class=\"short\">"+history[i].shortURL+"</div><div class=\"long\">"+history[i].longURL+"</div></li>"; } ...

appending DIV comes vertically

Hi, In the below code, progressDiv is the DIV which is getting build up. But it is getting build up vertically... i need it horizontally... What shud i do ? var progressDiv = document.getElementById('progressDiv') var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'block'; = 'left'; d...

Safari and Chrome doesn't evaluate dynamically added <script> tag at page load

I am writing small JavaScript code which will load external js files at html page loading. I tested 2 ways. Case 1: Used document.write to add <script> tag. It worked for all browsers (IE, FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera). Case 2: Used DOMElement.appendChild to add <script> tag to the <haed> element. Only worked for IE, FF, and Opera. Did ...

Client side javascript, creation of several elements and show each asap

Client side javascript code create some elements (about 50-100) in cycle: for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var obj = document.createElement("DIV"); obj.innerHTML = "<span class=\"itemId\">" + list[i].Id + "</span><!-- some more simple code --> "; mainObj.appendChild(obj); } There is some problem wi...

Problem with File uplolad in javascript.

I have used javascript to upload more than one file. when user clicks on 'add more' javascript appends new object to older div using innerHTML. Now the problem is if I select a file and then click on "add more" then new file button exist but older selected file removes and two blank file buttons display. I want this old file must be sel...

Javascript dom tree modification

Hi all, Whats the wayto modify the "body" of a dom tree like this using javascript: Original htm: <html> <head></head> <body> blah blah blah </body> </html> Modified html: <html> <head> </head> <abc> <body> blah blah blad </body> </abc> </html> That is, I wish to put the whole body node inside another node. The code I...

problem in using appendchild in IE7

Find below the js function that I'm using to add a new date field & 'Select Venue' link to an existing div with id 'coursedates' . Problem is this works fine in FF 3 & IE 8. It doesnt work in IE7. If I alert the count(length) of 'dts' it always says 1, though it IE developer toolbar shows that the new date div is added to coursedates. I...

Most efficient way to create and nest divs with appendChild using *plain* javascript (no libraries)

Is there a more efficient way to write the following appendChild / nesting code? var sasDom, sasDomHider; var d = document; var docBody = d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var newNode = d.createElement('span'); var secondNode = d.createElement('span'); // Hider dom newNode.setAttribute("id", "sasHider"); docBody.appendChild(newNode); ...

Javascript - formular - nested dynamic appendchild functions

Hi I have a form which changes the inputfields depending on a radio-button. for text there appears a textbox for textarea there appear additional 2 fields for cols And rows for select, checkbox and radio there appear additional fields with appendchild have a look here: Now what i want is to let t...