
appendChild + createElement

what's the difference between var div = document.createElement('div');//output -> [object HTMLDivElement] document.getElementById('container').appendChild(div); and var div = '<div></div>'; document.getElementById('container').appendChild(div);//output -> <div></div> shouldn't both be the same? and if not, how do i get the 2nd ve...

xml appending issue

Any one help me? i have the xml with 2 steps. example : <listgroup title="Lifestyle" shortnote=""> <list>Type of Company: Architects may be self-employed.</list> <list>Workspace – Indoors/outdoors: Architects work both.</list> <list>Environment <sublistgroup> <sublist>Travel: Architects often visit construction sites to r...

xml append issue in ie,chrome

Hi, I am creating a html page, using xml data. in which i am using the following function. It works fine with firefox,opera,safari. but in case of ie7,ie8, and chrome the data what i am getting from xml, is not appending properly. any one help me to solve this issue? in case any special thing need to concentrate on append funcation as ...

why does this javascript code jump into jQuery code? appendChild conflict?

I will be using some jQuery below this chunk of code (which I may rewrite as jQuery). jQuery is loaded. But I don't understand why, when I step through this code in the debugger, the debugger jumps into jQuery on the line indicated, and I am get the error that "UL.appendChild" is not a function. var Dialog = document.createElement('div...

Insert created element at start of html tag using PHP DOM

Hi All, I'm trying to insert an HTML <base> tag immediately after the opening <head> tag of a page using dom. I've tried using appendChild which just inserts it before the </head> which is no good. Code im using: $head = $dom->getElementsByTagName('head')->item(0); $base = $dom->createElement('base'); $base->setAttribute('href', $url)...

Why does appendChild only work when I remove the docType

When I put any sort of doctype declaration like <!DOCTYPE html >, appendChild does not work.... Why? <form> <script language="javascript"> function function2() { var myElement = document.createElement('<div style="width:600; height:200;background-color:blue;"></div>'); document.forms[0].appendChild(myEl...

Early appendChild hell in top 3 browsers...

I'm trying to lazy load javascripts, but I can't get it to work reliably. My pages load quite quickly and I want to keep it that way, so I'm not about to use a timeout to delay the loading. Besides document.readyState, how do I ensure the DOM is genuinely ready for modification? Method I: poll readyState createElement script ...

xmldoc.Childnodes.item() question

I decided to try out the tutorial on this website Here's my code, which is more or less the same but a bit easier to read using System; using System.Xml; public class Mainclass { public static void Main() { XmlDocument XmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); ...

Firefox/XHTML: creating and appending nodes

I'm trying to replace a bunch of innerHTML references in code with DOM-compliant node stuff. <html> <body>hehe</body> <script type="text/javascript"> var myDiv = document.createElement('div'); myDiv.setAttribute('id', 'myDivID'); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(myDiv); var tex...

How do I change this function to add the child nodes into the //root/Product/Genres node instead of adding to the end of the file (i.e. after </root>

It works properly in the way that it breaks up the comma-separated values into an array (with explode), but when it adds the child nodes, they show up after the closing root tag. What I'm trying to do here is replace the <Genres>Adventure,Crime,Action</Genres> with <Genre>Adventure</Genre> <Genre>Crime</Genre> <Genre>Action</Genre> A ...