
Need Help in Setting Appender Name through a separate configuration file like app.config or web.config

Hello I am Basmah, Undergraduate student. I need your help in the following scenario. I have four appenders namely as follows appender name= LogFileAppender // to write general logs in File appender name=LogDatabaseAppender// to write general logs in db via Oracle StoredProc appender name=ExceptionFileAppender // to write except...

How to log this exception if log4net appender fails to write in database?

Hello , Please help me in the following case. I am using log4net api in my application to log any important event or information as well as logging my exceptions in database. There might be an exception while using log4net api , if it fails to perform logging into database then HOW THIS EXCEPTION WILL BE STORED? WHERE ALL OTHER LOGGING...

Log4Perl bundling logging from several programs into one log

Is there any Logger on CPAN which allows me to bundle logs from several programs into one file with synchronising parallel logging when two programs run the same time and call log4Perl in parallel. Background is that I use a custom appender which writes Emails and I would like to bundle all emails in a single file as a backup in case the...

Debugging an ADO log4net appender (that won't append)

I've had this working before, but now it's not working and I've been tearing my hair out for the past two hours trying to figure it out. I have several appenders, where some are for a "main" log, and another is for another "task" log. The main log has 4 appenders: console, memory, file, and DB (sqlite3). The task log has 3 appenders: ...

Log4j SMTPappender with HTML mail

I would like to use log4j and send email in HTML format (Using SMTP Appender). Is it possible in log4j out of the box. If so please point me to right examples ...

log4j redirection to desktop application in swing

Hi, I have a GUI application in swing, implemented in NetBeans. For the various functionality provided from the input of the user, a jar is used, which uses log4j for logging. All is ok, but I have to redirect information from log4j to a text area in my GUI. I have found that to redirect from log4j to swing text area, one must extend an...

Editing Log4Net messages before they reach the appenders

I have a security tool that sends users their new password through email. The production email module (that I don’t own and don’t want to change) will log the entire html email message body using Log4Net when the threshold is VERBOSE. Since the email contains a domain user’s password in clear text, I would like to remove the password fro...

send log output to different files in grails 1.3.2

Hi, I want to have log output of my packages or classes in a specific appender. But everything is printed out to the root-logger. Here is my config: log4j = { appenders { console name:'stdout', layout:pattern(conversionPattern: '%c{2} %m%n') file name:'grailslog', file:'grails.log', threshold:org.apache.log4j.Level...

Can a log4j (or other Java logger) Appender accept or access request context objects?

I am currently writing a web service using Restlet, and logging with slf4j in front of log4j. Currently I have standard log4j Appenders in place for logging to files. What I was trying to do is also include log output in the HTTP Response, using a custom Appender. The issue I am seeing is that Appenders by default have no ability to...