
How to properly setup a multi module SpringMVC application created by appfuse in Eclipse?

I am trying to setup a multi module SpringMVC appfuse applicaiton in Eclipse but it seems that I'm facing lots of errors in Eclipse after I import the project in Eclipse. Can anyone please help me with a step by step guideline showing the ideal way to setup such application in Eclipse? ...

websphere portal 6.1 development - which web framework to use?

I am starting a portal project using websphere portal server 6.1. This involves lot of portlets and i am inclined to use JSR286 specs rather than JSR168 Also, i wanted to use Spring Portlet MVC but 3.0 release is still in M2 and does not have proper documentation for the new features added. Should i start using Spring v2.5.6 and later ...

Use an alternative Maven Profile during test phase

I'm trying to build an application starting from an Appfuse Archetype, but I get some strange problems. For once I'd like to use a hsqldb for automated unit tests and integration tests, and a mysql db for my manual testing so that I can easily manipulate the data when I need to, so it would be nice to automatically switch profiles during...

AppFuse Generic/Universal DAO and Manager usage

I've been using AppFuse to create my projects for a while now. And I'm already aware that there are two approaches to developing your DAO and Manager classes: GenericDao/GenericManager approach UniversalDao/UniversalManager approach I often find that using the Universal approach to be more convenient, because I just need one class t...

Is there an Appfuse equivalent for .net mvc apps? (An open source C# .net mvc project that eliminates the ramp up time when developing applications for new customers?)

I use Appfuse in Java to crank out a quick web app pre-configured with the front-end and backend frameworks of my choice. Appfuse used ANT or Maven to build a web application. Seeing as .net has equivalent frameworks & tools to Java, i.e. ANT and NANT, Hibernate and NHibernate, log4j and log4net, Spring and Spring.Net; Is there an eq...

appfuse: should I configure jdbc credentials twice?

New to appfuse - I like the concept. I configured the username/password to the database in It didn't work. So I also configured my credentials in pom.xml Why is it so? Am I doing something wrong? ...

appfuse: Embedded error: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'x' doesn't have a default value

appfuse: Embedded error: java.sql.SQLException: Field 'x' doesn't have a default value ...

appfuse vs roo - what would you use

Appfuse vs. Roo, what would you use and why? What are the sweet spots of each. ...

spring roo vs appfuse generate service /dao layer

I am looking for feedback from experienced users on spring roo and appfuse. Which do you think does a better job reverse engineering database tables and generating a service layer, dao layer, and jpa entities? If I am not mistaken, spring roo currently cannot reverse engineer a database. ...

appfuse uses on existing application

reading appfuse example, it only guide you with prebuilt login screen etc...and start build from there. if i have an existing project and i only interested to use appfuse to generate service/dao layer from database. how to do it? what dependency i need to add into my existing project? can provide some guide ...

Allow unauthorized users to access RichFaces Skin CSS files

I've created a small web application using AppFuse(with JSP as Web Framework) and RichFaces. There is a page that uses rich:dataTable that should be accessible without authentication. To make this page public I put it into a folder called "public" and added the following line to the security.xml: <intercept-url pattern="/public/*" acce...

while running mvn jetty:run showing the following error ..

C:\source\myproject>mvn jetty:run [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building AppFuse Spring MVC Application [INFO] task-segment: [jetty:run] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Preparing jetty:run [WA...

while creating archetype getting following error

D:\Training\workspace\vppsource>mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=org .appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-modular-struts-archetype -Darc hetypeVersion=2.1.0-M1 -DgroupId=com.vmware -DartifactId=vpp [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'. [INFO] ------------...

What is the purpose of Managers / Transactions?

I'm building a spring application for the first time. I'm running into lots of problems with concurrency, and I suspect that there is something wrong with the way I'm managing the backend. The only difference I can see between my backend code and examples I've seen are manager classes. In my code, I have my model (managed by hibernate) ...

Saving owned/child objects in Hibernate

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the way hibernate objects work. Here's a little chunk of what my model looks like: JobOpening: @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER,cascade=CascadeType.ALL) @JoinTable( name="jobOpening_questionSet", joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name="jobOpenings_id"), inverseJoinColumns=@J...

Spring project expects to be at root directory, freaks out when it's not

I have a spring project that works beautifully when it's located at the web root - i.e. http://myserver/index.html but it breaks terribly when it's not - i.e. http://myserver/spring-project/index.html Is there a way to configure spring to live in a subdirectory? Going through docs has been entirely unhelpful. ...

Old AppFuse ... What Framework is StraightForward Migration?

We started building our website / application back in 2006, and chose to use appFuse 1.9.4 as our application framework. There isn't a direct upgrade path to AppFuse 2.x and now AppFuse has been discontinued. We're stuck on Spring 2.0 and Hibernate 3.2 and we're using JSTL, along with XFire (and SOAP). We'd like to upgrade our framewo...

Problem with maven and Appfuse (m2eclipse)

hello, could someone help me create a project using Struts2 maven with AppFuse because I meet a lot of blocking problem ..?! ...

How to print the year in a JSP?

I want to do something like this: <?php echo date('Y'); ?> But then in a .jsp file. All the tutorials I'm seeing require building a class somewhere. We're running appFuse and Tapestry. Surely one of those (if not Java itself) provide us with something to do this sort of thing without all that overhead. This seems like it should wor...

How to display just the child menu items in appfuse

(I think this is coming from appfuse, anyway. I'm not always clear on what's part of which framework still.) I've got this in my menu-config.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <MenuConfig> <Displayers> <Displayer name="Velocity" type="net.sf.navigator.displayer.VelocityMenuDisplayer"/> </Displayers> <Menus>...