
Linking against Apple frameworks with gcc

I've created some wrapper functions that encapsulate working with CoreAudio, and the goal is to create a C library that I can use with some command line C++ tools. So far things are working well. I took a sample project, modified it, and it builds and runs in XCode. I'd like to skip XCode altogether and build the library with gcc and ...

Can we use pthread instead of NSThread in iPhone apps

Well I have an application that uses both Objective C & c++ but for portability reasons I have tried to use c++ as much as possible.... Now I am confronted with some problem that requires threads I was thinking of using pthread instead of NSThread.... is it Okay to use pthread... will Apple punish me for using it by rejecting my app on t...

Position boxes like in Exposé

Hi! Does anyone know a way to locate rectangles to best fit a certain area? The rectangles can be scaled up to a certain limit, but they should keep their proportions. I basically want to rebuild Mac OS' Exposé: Picture Thanks, eWolf ...

What is the reason behind giving Underscore in private header files of apple

I have seen many .h ( Private API's ) of apple. Most of the variables / structures / enums / classes have _ as prefix. #import <Foundation/NSValue.h> #import <Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h> @class NSString; typedef struct _NSRange { NSUInteger location; NSUInteger length; } NSRange; My question is, What is reason behind giving...

Is MonoTouch a viable platform for iPhone development?

MonoTouch seems like a great platform for iPhone development, but I'm concerned about deploying it to the Apple Store. Are there any examples of applications built with it that are currently available on iTunes? We're starting a new project for the iPhone, and keeping the entire stack in C# would be great, but we don't want to incur th...

iPhone Congiguration Utility - Add webclip for webapp

Hi all, I'm using Apple iPhone Configuration Utility to configure in-company mobile phones. I'd like to add to home screen an icon for a in-house web application we have developed. Using the Web Clip section, it's easy to add the webclip to home screen, however, and here are the main issues: - The webclip doesn't show up the png icon d...

Does Apple Reject applications that use a lot of bandwidth?

I've heard reports that Apple will reject applications that use excessive amounts of bandwidth. The number that I've heard is a maximum of 1MB/minute of bandwidth usage. Although I've seen this number on various boards, I haven't been able to find an explicit statement from Apple's guidelines that speak to this. I'm looking to strea...

Managing different windows in Apple's Interface Builder

I'm working on Interface Builder. I don't like the fact that I have to manage multiple windows. For example if I open two xib files I can easily have six different windows scattered across my window. One problem is bringing these windows together to make a sensible arrangement. Another problem is Interface Builder doesn't remember this a...

Full Text Searching in Apple's Core Data Framework

I would like to implement a full text search in an iPhone application. I have data stored in an sqlite database that I access via the Core Data framework. Just using predicates and ORing a bunch of "contains[cd]" phrases for every search word and column does not work well at all. What have you done that seems to work well? ...

Using Mac-style dock menu in an application. Illegal?

I was planning to use a dock menu similiar in looks and behavior to the Mac OS X dock menu in an application. It seems that apple have patented their dock about a year ago. I've seen some websites that use a similiar dock, the article also lists a few applications that use a similiar style. What is the legal stand of this? Is this a vio...

Resources To Learn NewtonScript

Hello, Today I got my Apple Newton MessagePad 2000 and then I want to start developing for it. I already downloaded and installed the Newton Toolkit, but where I can learn NewtonScript? Thanks. ...

- (void)scrollWheel:(NSEvent)theEvent does not work

Hello, I wrote an app in cocoa with a window document with a PDFView inside. I am trying to intercept scrollWheel: events in the PDFView but for some reason that method is never passed to the PDFView. Instead the view scrolls down or up depending on your perspective. scrollWheel: is part of the responder chain so I expect the method to...

Other App icons in iPhone App

Hey I was wondering if anyone has used the Phone and Maps app icons in their app as links to these other apps? Ie: I have the phone app icon as a button which when taped closes my app and starts the phone app... is this allowed by apple? cheers ...

What are the arrow brackets "<…>" in an Obj-C class interface for?

Can anyone tell me what the arrow brackets "<…>" in an Obj-C class interface do? Like this… @interface MapMeViewController : UIViewController <CLLocationManagerDelegate, MKReverseGeocoderDelegate, MKMapViewDelegate, UIAlertViewDelegate> { I've previous programming experience with web la...

Most important documentation in the Iphone Dev Center

What is, according to you, the most important topic (chapter) covered by the iPhone Developer Documentation? Do you know another topic that is very important to you, yet rarely read by other developers? I would like to print and read some important chapters, but I may forget something... ...

Using Apple Scripting Bridge in C

I'm wondering if it is possible to use Scripting Bridge (as discussed here) in C. What I'm trying to do is control and/or get information from Apple applications (such as iTunes, see link listing 2.1 & 2.2 on above link) which is fairly easy using Objective-C. I could write those parts in Objective-C using C, but that would get pretty c...

What tool or technology does Apple use to create its documentation?

I am sure they use something really fancy to create their documentations and guides. Everything is so streamlined and equal, and they always have a HTML and a PDF version. Now we make a big framework and want to provide a good documentation that's set up the way Apple does it. Online in HTML format and offline in PDF. Any idea how the A...

What is the best "how to" site to learn how to program for iPhone?

What is the best "how to" site to learn how to program for iPhone? ...

How to remove ads when user buys in-app purchase

I have an app that I want users to be able to pay a small fee to remove ads from. I figure the best way to do this (the app needs to remain free) is via an in-app purchase. I'm wondering however the best way to go about removing the ads and how to do it once the user has bought the upgrade. Any help or advice would be great thanks. ...

iPhone APNS Device Tokens in sandbox vs. production

How do device tokens vary from sandbox to production modes? I think I have locked up some device tokens into a production mode, and they can't be pushed to from development. Any ideas on how I can check? ...