
Objective-C/Cocoa tutorial for internet capable application?

I've done a bit of iPhone programming (even have 1 published app) but what I'm really interested in doing is learning to create applications for OS X. I'm a 7 year .Net Developer so I have some understanding of how to make desktop applications, though I don't know much about memory management as .Net spoiled me. I was hoping someone coul...

Apple Segmenter - is it working right?

Hi everyone, I'm trying to get our video files (m4v) converted to the Apple http streaming and ran into some questions. I have a file that is 6mb in size and when I pass it through the segmenter using all default settings the files that output add up to 32mb in size. The last file is 17mb in size. I'm not sure if that is how it is sup...

Audio File FFT in an OS X environment

I'm looking to perform an FFT on a linear PCM audio file (with potentially more than one audio channel) on OS X. What is the best way to go about this? Several sources have indicated that Apple's Accelerate Framework is what I need. If so, how should I extract and properly prepare the floating point data for use in those FFT functions...

iTunes online store architecture

Hi, These are days when many major websites are sharing details about their internal architecture. I am curious if anyone has some idea about the architecture of the iTunes online store. Is there any published material,video or folklore about the architecture of the iTunes online store? In particular I would love to know what Apple us...

Using views from other apps as CoreAnimation Layer

All, How can I use (NS)Views from other applications as Layers in my CA app. I.e. I'd like to display a Keynote presentation as Layer in my CA app. I found the iChatTheatre API which looks promising - however I'd need the oposite. An API to get the contents from an app - not to provide it. Any pointers? Thanks. ...

How many iPhone/Touch users have converted to 3.0?

Im planning to make my next app 3.0 only (with Core Data). Does anyone have any data on what percentage of users have updated to 3.0? If it's too low I might consider adding 2.0 support. ...

Perl strategy for a new Snow Leopard user?

I'm about to get a new iMac. It's my first Intel mac and will presumably come with Snow Leopard. What would other users recommend as the right strategy for installing and using perl on this machine? I know I've read some complaints about the version of Perl (or was it the version of CPAN?) shipped with Leopard, although a quick google i...

Is it possible to get the user's apple ID through the SDK?

Hi, is it possible to get the user's information, such as apple ID, through the sdk? I am writing an app which will require an account linked to the app user. I want to allow the user to have one account across multiple devices, so using the device ID is not possible. The easiest way to do this, I am thinking, is to use the app user's ap...

How do you control the Apple MacBook "Sleep" light?

I would like to control the "sleep" light on a MacBook or iMac. That is, I want to be able to make it turn on, turn off, and pulsate. I am happy to do this in usermode or in kernel mode. I assume I'll need root. Any ideas? ...

Extract information from Apple App Store

Does anyone know how to extract the title, cost, description and icon for a list of apps from the App Store? I have seen various sites do it, ie. link text. I do not need all of the apps, just 30-40 different ones, mostly from the education category. Also if possible is there a way to dump it into a MySQL database? Thanks! ...

If it is a hack or I am doing right? ( Custom UIAlertView )

Hi all, I have asked a similar question here and got some answers, so first of all sorry for making you people bother once again. But I have an argument this time. First I will show my piece of code - (void) showTheAlert{ UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Hey!" message:@"?" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:n...

Problem with UIViewController orientation

I'm writing EAGLView - based application (game) and need to add UIViewController with UIWebView in landscape mode. What I done: Specified UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight for UIInterfaceOrientation in the Info.plist Call [application setStatusBarOrientation:UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight animated:NO] in the applicationDidFi...

how to get the event that switch tab menu on iphone

hey i want to catch the event that controll the switch tabs on the UITabBarController how can i accomplish it ? thank you guys ...

Why is Apple's gcc output mixed up when compiling for multiple architectures?

When running gcc on the command line in OS X, every now and then, I'll get warnings and/or errors. But I'm always compiling for multiple architectures (with the -arch option), and since gcc spawns several processes for each architecture, errors will constantly get garbled. For example, just running gcc (options) -### will result in Usin...

Cause the iPhone to go into Standby

I am looking to make an app to replace the standby button. The problem, I've looked over the iPhone API very thoroughly and found how to disable standby but not how to cause the iPhone to go into standby. I'm sure there must be a way, after all the iPhone goes into standby after a time anyway. Thanks in advance for any help. ...

Mac OS X Programming and distribution

In the recent hype over iPhone App programming, I got my hands on a MacBook. I have an idea for a program. Can I just write it in Objective-C and distribute it, or must I register with Apple Developer Connection? Does the OS X development / distribution process require Apple censorship like the iPhone does? ...

Are startup costs for iPhone development more than (Mac + iPhone + 99$)?

I am going to develop an iPhone app, and I need to know what to expect of startup costs. I have never used Mac or any Apple products before, so I have no pointers as to where to look. Hope to draw experience from you guys. ...

iPhone App Rejected by Apple with crash report - can not reproduce

I am totally at a loss on this crash report. I have several fairly complicated apps already in the store and recently submitted an update to one of them. I promptly received the response it had been rejected for crashing on startup. They are using exactly the same SDK version as me, 3.1.2. After symbolicating the stack trace, this is wha...

Anyone experimenting iphone sdk downloading speed drops ?

The problem is simple: you start downloading the sdk from and after a few minutes at around 500 KB/sec, the downloading speed drops and finally hangs. Restarting the download with interrupt/restart works at ~500 KB/sec and then drops again. Since it's a 2.5 Gb file, restarting every minute for an hour isn't exactly ...

Xcode linked project header files not found

Hi all, Here is the situation I have: ProjectA - Xcode static library project. ProjectA contains logical code group ExternLib with file ExternLib.h. ExternLib.h itself is in the folder Classes/lib/ExternLib (relative to ProjectA folder). Within ProjectA, I use ExternLib.h simply as: #import "ExternLib.h". This works fine. Next I have ...