
My Xcode only supports 3.1.2 not IPhone OS 3.1.3

What can I do?? I just upgraded my iPhone OS but now my Xcode can't run things on it. (and the newest Xcode on the apple site is like a beta version or something) ...

How do I upgrade IPhone SDK from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3

So I'm downloading this xcode 3.2.1 with iphone sdk 3.1.3 (it's like 3gb). I currently have xcode 3.2.1 with iphone sdk 3.1.2. What is the way to upgrade this, do I just install it and it'll install it over the one I have or something, is this even the right way to do this since I'm only trying to upgrade the iphone sdk?? Thanks in advan...

Week View Control for Cocoa (Apple Mac OS X Dev)

Hi there, does anyone know if there is a control for Cocoa that has the same abilities like the iCal Week View? Which means a spreadsheet like view for the whole week with Appointments to render in their timeframe. I searched through Google for some time now and didn't find anything. Thx in Advance Steve ...


Midi networking OS X 10.6 / Bonjour sample code? ...

How to send multi-touch events from one Cocoa App to another?

Is there a way to send a multi-touch event (something like NSEventTypeMagnify) from one cocoa app to another, so that I could for instance tell iPhoto to zoom into a picture? ...

After UIViewController viewDidLoad where do I write code?

I'm new to iPhone dev, I'm wanting to start a loop that checks for user input, but the main hook into the program I've written needs to be instantiated and started, I thought viewDidLoad would be the appropriate place to place the code for my sub view controller. But the actual backgroudn of the VC doesnt get displayed until viewDidLo...

to submit iPhone application to app store do we need our own server in all cases?

Hello all: i read this overview of the StoreKit API but could not understand the role of developer's server exactly, will you please elaborate the role and is it mandatory to have if i need to submit an application ? Thanks in advance.. ...

Since the iPhone MapKit doesn't allow geocoding (address -> lat/long), would it be allowed to query directly?

For example, you can make a request like,%20Washington%20DC@&output=csv and simply get the response 200,8,38.8987480,-77.0366260 So I guess the only question is whether Apple would approve this in an app. Or is there a better way? ...

Is it possible to run the iPhone SDK from a flash drive?

I'm getting into iPhone app development, but I have neither the money for a mac mini, nor a PC with hackintosh compatible specs. However, my university has some mac labs that I can access, but to which I cannot install new software. As such, I'm wondering if there is a way to run the iPhone SDK from a usb drive, so that I can start pra...

iWork Comment Ability, Is this possible to implement using JQUERY

iWork has the ability to highlight text and then tag a comment to that text. The comment then is linked with a line to the highlighted text. I'm curious if something like this could be implemented in JQUERY. What has me puzzled is: A. How to draw a line and have it update when a user changes the text B. How to highlight text and have ...

Objective-C Preferences Window makeKeyAndOrderFront or showWindow?

Hello everybody, I'm working on a new Mac App and want to open my Preferences Window, i've got 2 Nib (xib) Files, one for the main window, and one for the Preferences Window, then i've got a openPreferences Action, which shows the Preferences Window, sth. like this: - (IBAction)openPreferences:(id)sender { PrefCont *cont = [[PrefCo...

Own framework on iPhone

I created a framework for common tasks such as XML parsing, buttons and so on. Can I upload my application in App Store if it uses this framework? I saw somewhere that App Store did not support private frameworks. Is this a private framework, even though I created it using Apple's libraries, such as UIkit, Foundation, etc.? ...

Xcode acts weird on Build and Debug

Hi, I'm currently developing an iPhone app and so far things have worked out smoothly. However, tonight I've been getting some weird behavior from Xcode when choosing 'Build and Debug', especially when using the simulator. In simulator it seems I'm getting two builds of my app installed, there's two identical icons on the homescreen of t...

The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate

The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate getting this error message.. since 2 dayz.. tried all googling.. its still there ...

GetTextExtentPoint32 equivalent on Mac OS X

I am working on a cross platform library that needs to draw text using fonts into a device context. The width of the text combined with the user selected font is proving difficult to calculate. In Windows we use BOOL GetTextExtentPoint32(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR lpString, int cbString, LPSIZE lpSize) this works without problem. On Mac OS X we u...

Universal preference pane is forced to launch on 32-bit

I'm building a Preference Pane for an application, it's Universal (PPC/32-bit/64-bit) but when I install it on the System Preferences, i'm forced to run it on 32-bit. Any idea why and how to solve it? if i run file FILE_PATH i get: FILE_PATH: Mach-O universal binary with 3 architectures FILE_PATH (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64...

Client Side Apple APNS Ports

Have several iPod behind a firewall that does not have access to the internet. What ports / protocols does the iPhone use to connected to the Apple APNS server so it can receive APNS messages from 3rd Party applications. I know my application will use port 2195 to communicate to the APNS server to push updates to my iPods but what ports...

Options for ipod nano development?

My wife recently bought a nano, and I wanted to write a simple program for it. It appears that Apple has only released an SDK for the iPhone/iPod Touch without the ability to target the nano. What are the options to create an app targeted at the nano and install it onto hers? ...

Installing more then one iPhone SDK

I was wondering how I would go about keeping Apple's SDK 3.2.1 installed, while also installing the new beta. I am sure this is simple, but wanted to ask before creating a potential problem. Also SKD 2.0 is it possible to get back, like from the Apple site or not? I am wondering what most programmers are doing to test multiple versions ...

MonoTouch CoreGraphics PDF memory issues with CGPDFDocument and CGPDFPage

Hi. I've been working with MonoTouch for 3 weeks now and everything was going great until I had to display PDFs in my app. Using Apple's Quartz 2D Programming Guide I managed to display the PDF. The problem is, that the app runs out of memory. I tried to use the Dispose() methods on the CGPDFDocument and CGPDFPage objects, but t...