
What is the significance of a source folder/directory with a .tproj suffix ?

What is the significance of a source folder/directory with a .tproj suffix ? ...

How to use Kerberos authentication with a Mac web server

I'm trying to do some development work that involves authentication at home on my Mac. I've got a full domain set up here with my mac joined to it. Unfortunately, it seems like mod_auth_kerb is non-existent for the Mac platform. I tried compiling from source, but I get a bunch of warnings that don't really make sense and the compilation ...

iPhone App Upload - CodeSign Missing?

Hi, For a long time now I have been searching through the forum whilst teaching myself the delights of iPhone programming, and I thank you all for the massive number of questions you have unknowingly helped me with! I seem to have come up against a brick wall regarding the upload of my finished application to Apple and would appreciate...

Where can I find beginner iPhone tutorials?

Hi, I am looking for beginner iPhone SDK tutorials, but something a little bit more complex than "Hello iPhone!". So far I only found a free one at: Any other suggestions? ...

What should I consider to ensure seamless port of my iPhone apps to iPad?

Following iPad's announcement and its SDK (iPhone SDK 3.2), porting apps to iPad becomes an important issue. What guidelines I should follow in my iPhone apps to ensure I can port it to iPad as seamlessly as possible? The different resolution is particularly an important issue. While the iPad runs iPhone apps unmodified, it's not really...

What's new in iPhone SDK 3.2?

Apparently it is available (, but I can't find a changelog... Not used to though. Does anybody have detailed information? What I would like to know is : are there any new API or did they only add iPad stuff? Edit : I am not asking for implementation-level details, I would just like to know the feature...

how can I develop Apple Java Extensions on Windows?

When I do multi-platform testing on Windows it gets annoying that Eclipse shows errors in the project because of the code that I have in a special Mac customization task. Worse yet, if I export a runnable jar on Windows, it won't run on mac because of the unresolved compilation problems. What's the best way to let Windows ...

AbsoluteToNanoseconds vs AbsoluteToDuration

Apple has extremely comprehensive documentation, but I can't find any documentation for the function AbsoluteToNanoseconds? I was to find the difference between AbsoluteToNanoseconds and AbsoluteToDuration. Note I am beginning to think that the Apple Docs only cover Objective-C functions? Is this the case? I found the following by usi...

Are there any CPU considerations while porting iPod apps to iPad?

I'm wondering what are the things to keep in mind when porting iPod apps to iPad, considering the new CPU and capabilites? Would you have recommendations for a newbie before attempting such a task? ...

What is the Apple A4 processor

What is the apple A4 processor, used in the iPad, and how does it improve upon existing CPU design? ...

Howto start writing iPad applications?

I know Objective-C from Desktop Apple Programming. But i want to jump on the iPad bandwagon and start developing some small edutainment applets. Is the iPad API the same as iPhone just with more power? Do i need to join the iPhone developer program and does it still start with $100. Is there any iPad emulator yet? ...

Are iPad tutorials available?

Are there any iPad tutorials? At they say that iPad SDK is under NDA. Does this mean that there will be no iPad programming tutorials for a while? ...

Programming for the iPod with Clicking Wheel

Hello, some years ago I bought a brand new iPod Video (now known as iPod Classic) with an hard drive of 30GB. Now, after it has been unused for ages, I decided to replace its built-in battery and do something good out of it. Unfortunately, although there are some games for it in the iTunes Store, some of which really good, I can't find...

using mdfind how can I append an mv command to the result and escape spaces?

Using apple os 10.5.x I am trying to hunt down font files and move them on client workstations. So far I have: mv $(mdfind -onlyin ~/Desktop/fontRm/ "kMDItemContentType == '*ont*'" | sed -e 's/ /\\ /g') /Users/chrihopk/Desktop/target/ I'm struggling with getting the sed command to escape the spaces before the mv command executes. Tha...

iPhone App Submission Question

In my Xcode project I put all my images, audio files, ect... in the resources folder. When I opened the project folder in finder all of my "resources" are not in a resources folder instead they are just scattered in the main folder (I have a good number of files). I already submitted the binary to Apple on Friday so will they care if t...

How to use PushMeBaby sample to send Apple Push Notifications ?

Hi, I am trying to use PushMeBaby sample APN Server application to send push notifications to my device. I have adhoc distribution application. For my application ID I have created both ssl certificates for development and production. It seems to be not sending push notifications from PushMeBaby application, I have alread installed Push...

When aiming to AOT compile a ruby script with MacRuby is there any restriction on the language?

I am looking into using MacRuby and am interested in it's ability to AOT compile ruby code down to an executable. I am wondering though whether this places a restriction on the code in any way? Is there a subset of ruby which is supported or can i go ahead and perform all the meta-magic i want and still have the code AOT compiled? ...

How to filter mail from apple mail?

We have a program written in c# that goes through emails in outlook 2007 and parses out contact information that may be contained in the body of the email or any attachments. What we've found is that any email we get from apple mail, while having legitimate attachments, may also have other attachments that are not the types of files we ...

Is it possible to develop Mac OSX apps on Windows?

If so, how would one get started? Basically, I'd like to port a Windows app to Mac without having to purchase a costly Apple computer. ...

Programming on iPhone - how ?

hi i have some question about programing on iphone what OS the iphone have ? what the language for programing on iphone ? what compiler i need ? is there Visual-studio tool for this ? (i'am C# programmer ) ? thank's in advance ...