
How to get the Apple Javascript Split Flap Counter to run on a local machine

I am captivated by the split-flap animation on Apple's 10 billion song download page: however, I have not been able to replicate it on my own machine. I have downloaded the script and what I believe is the appropriate css, but the page only displays 3 images of the number 0. Has anyo...

What are the possible messages from appstore ?

i have used storekit framework, now what are the possible messages that would come some of them "Are you sure to purchase ### product?" "Purchased Successfully" with documentation. ...

What's the correct procedure for replacing an expired developer's certificate on an iPhone xCode project?

My iPhone developer certificate expired. I got a new one (developer_idendity.cer) but I'm not sure how to make my xcode project and my iPhone use it. I keep getting the Code Sign error: a valid provisioning profile matching the applications Identifier '' could not be found. What's the procedure to follow when your devel...

Can i use Apple Push Notification without SSL

Hello, i have got a HTTP Server on Windows CE, but this might not support SSL,.... can i push from that server without SSL? ...

Debugging threads in Xcode for iPhone

When debugging in a thread created with an NSOperationQueue I can set breakpoints just fine, but actual crashes result in the thread silently dying. This is in the simulator, but it also happens on the hardware itself. Is there a setting in Xcode (gdb, really) that will catch these? ...

iTunes Gift - do they have an API we can use?

Hi Is there an API which lets me create iTunes Gift cards and send them in emails? The iTunes FB app has this option so there must be a programming interface, but couldn't find any references anywhere. Any ideas where I can get a head start or is there no such API? Thanks. ...

How to download text file from web on iPhone?

Hi, I'm a young iphone dev who needs to download a .txt file from a web (I got a ftp sever) to update a small database on the device. Anyone could give me an advice of how to do this? Thanks. ...

Why do my xcode builds always go to the iPad simulator instead of the iPhone simulator?

I just installed the latest SDK from Apple so I can start learning iPhone / iPad app development. However, I'm having a stupid issue: all my builds get run in the iPad simulator instead of the iPhone simulator, and I have no idea how to change it. ...

Xcode and the iPad simulator

Hi - I have just installed Apple's SDK 3.2. When I run the iPad simulator Safari doesnt appear in it. Can anyone help? Any help much appreciated. ...

OBJ-C: Core-Plot XY-Axis Fixing

I want to fix the axes so that they are always to the left hand side and bottom of my plot space. My current implementation is not enabling userInteraction so no need to worry about scrolling. // Setup plot space CPXYPlotSpace *plotSpace = (CPXYPlotSpace *)graph.defaultPlotSpace; plotSpace.allowsUserInteraction = NO; // Axes CPXYAxisSe...

iPhone SDK: Core Data

Probably a silly question but I cannot find a way to do it. I am developing an iPhone application that uses Core Data for it's storage. At one point I want to loop around all the objects in the store and perform and action on them. Is there an easy way to do this? I've tried all manner of for and while loops but can't seem to get anyth...

iPhone In app purchases and Encryption export restrictions

When an application is being submitted to the Apple App store, I need to choose whether the app implements cryptography or not. My application itself does not use any cryptography, BUT it has In app purchase feature, i.e. the users can download additional paid content. I still didn't drill much into the in app purchase details, but I...

What language is that?

Well I found a nice tutorial about how to program applications using Bonjour. It's cool. But the only problem, I do not understand which language they teach. I am not even sure that it is a programming language? May be they write about commands that should be typed in a command line? Or may be these are commands which should be executed ...

Am i allowed to use c++ in code which i plan to submit to applestore? (iPhone Product)

Hello, I've heard that apple drops a lot of app submissions due to their stiff terms. I dont want to get too far with my project because i know that it will be hard to rewrite it later. Now i began rewriting it to Objective-C (from c++) because i got somehow the impression that apple takes only pure objective-c code. In some places on t...

Problem with Core Data information not showing until iPhone app closed and re-opened

Hi, So I've transferred the core data code from Apple's sample Core Data / RSS parser application, TopSongs, into my own application. It loads fine, (i.e. no errors or warnings) and the first time you open the app all that happens is the UIActivityIndicator spins and then stops. No data displays in the UITableView. You then have to clo...

Problems Executing iPhone "GenericKeychain" Example

I can't get apple's "GenericKeychain" example to run. I have replaced all 5 occurrences, as mentioned in the readme file, of "" with my own string: se.[company name].[project name].demo. The compilation goes fine but when trying to run it on the phone, an error saying "The executable was signed with invali...

Can't Reorder a UITableViewCell into _some_ empty sections of a UITableView

If I have a UITableView in edit mode, w/ reordering turned on, it seems I can't move some (but not all) cells into some (but not all) empty sections. For example, if I have this layout : Section 1 apple banana Section 2 doberman Section 3 Section 4 Then I can move 'doberman' into any slot in section 1 (except after 'banana'), b...

Adding iPod Support to (previously) iPhone Only App

When I started on my current project, there was already an App in the App Store. This App was iPhone only. My first task was to test and build a version that also ran on an iPod Touch. About 3 weeks ago Apple removed the option on iTunes connect to set the device requirements. And sent an email out to all developers: "The App Store...

Tagging files with colors in OS X Finder from shell scripts

One can tag files and folders with a color in the Mac OS X Finder. Is there a way to do this from a shell script? ...

Optional Navigation Controller

I have an application containing a variety of view controllers linked together in different ways (Welcome > Browse > Preview OR Browse > Preview OR Settings > Splash). The first view controller is presented modally using a navigation controller from a main controller, then the next set of view controllers are added using pop and push. ...