
Does this make any sense (Apple-documentation)?

Here is a snippet of the official Apple Documentation of AudioBufferList (Core Audio Data Types Reference): AudioBufferList Holds a variable length array of AudioBuffer structures. struct AudioBufferList { UInt32 mNumberBuffers; AudioBuffer mBuffers[1]; }; typedef struct AudioBufferList AudioBufferList; Fields ...

gameKit or bounjour ???

which one is better for implementing chat for the iPhone with users in the current area gameKit or bounjour ? ...

What's the best way to return different cells depending on position in a UITableView

I have a grouped UITableView that has 3 sections and a number of cells in each section that each need to be a different custom cell, with different display requirements. I currently have a large if statement in cellForRowAtIndexPath, with each branch instantiating and returning the appropriate custom cell based on interrogating the inde...

[LazyTableImages Apple Code] Anyone noticed images fail to load after network interruption ?

Hey guys, I just noticed that when you get a network interruption the code proposed by Apple fails to load the images ... It works perfectly otherwise though ;) It is due to the fact that IconDownloader doesn't do anything if NSURL connection fails ... Before I struggle with this on my own, anyone has any tips for me :D ? Thanks a l...

how can i add concept of theme or skin to iPhone application

how can i add concept of theme or skin to iPhone application ? my app will download themes from location upon purchase and then it will be applicable to apply that theme to application .. does apple support any such thing? ...

Should the rfc1034identifier be removed from the CFBundleIdentifier in plist file?

In my Xcode project's plist file, I can see the value for the key CFBundleIdentifier is: com.mycompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} Obviously I will have to change com.mycompany to the domain name of my company, but I have no idea whether the rfc1034identifier should be removed so that it becomes: com.mycompany.${PRODUCT_NAME} G...

iPhone keeps going into dim/sleep mode even with the proper API calls.

I call: [[ UIApplication sharedApplication ] setIdleTimerDisabled: YES ] on the applicationDidFinishLaunching event.. I set a breakpoint on it, which fires so I know it's getting called.. I've also called this function in other places as well.. Basically, a 3G iPhone will still go into sleep mode, but my 3GS won't. Has anyone seen th...

BSD Sockets don't behave in a iPhone 3G environment

I noticed that many times while developing for an iPhone 3G, BSD socket functions will simply fail. I also noticed at the time, the 3G antenna wasn't even ON, nor was there WIFI Access to back up the network call (So it seems ridiculous that it doesn't turn on to support the network request).. This information was verified with an app ...

cstring replacement on OS X?

I have old code that uses size_t which IIRC comes from cstring.h. On OS X, I either dont know how to find/use this or it is not available. What would I replace it with? ...

iPhone GameKit Picker Fundamental Connection Issues

Hello.. This is one of the more interesting things I've seen in iPhone development. The following question has nothing to do with code because I'm using an SDK Example from Apple (Tanks example). I have a 3GS iPhone, and a 3G iPhone both showing the GameKit picker screen. Both will eventually show the other phone in range just fine (...

Best way to change XIB files based on rotation?

Hi, My app has so far just been a portrait-based application. However, I am adding landscape mode to a new version, but have found that my XIB files look shocking when rotated from portrait to landscape. Apparently I need to make a landscape version of each XIB and use some code to change with XIB launches based on what rotation occurs....

iPad application submission with iPhone SDK beta 5 rejected

I try to send an specific iPad Application to iTunes connect before March 27 and as Apple says: "Only iPad apps compiled with iPhone SDK 3.2 beta 5 will be accepted for this initial review." So I compiled my application with iPhone SDK 3.2 beta 5 with a distribution provisioning profile. But when I upload my application on iTunes Connec...

iPhone payment portal development

A client has asked me about building an iphone app that can take restaurant orders. I have the resources to get this app done, but I had a few questions. *Will this app require a portion of the sale to go to apple (if so how much?) *Whats the best way to integrate a payment portal to this? *Will I have to/should I have someone author...

How do I create breadcrumbs like in this Apple site ?

I've seen this page here and I really like the breadcrumbs at the bottom. How do I achieve this behavior ? The breadcrumbs at the bottom stays at the bottom and nomatter if you're scrolling down, it is still there. Please so...

can not connect the apples APN server for pusNotification from by PHP code

Hi developers, To connect my server with the APN server I use the following code. // coonecting the apn server $apnsHost = ''; $apnsPort = 2195; $apnsCert = 'apns-dev.pem'; $streamContext = stream_context_create(); stream_context_set_option($streamContext, 'ssl', 'local_cert', $apnsCert); $apns = stream_s...

Can only "agents" build and submit Applications to Apple?

I'm afraid I know the answer to this but I'll ask on the longshot chance that I'm wrong: I've been doing some freelance work creating an iPhone application for a company. They've created their own developer account and added me as an team member with "admin" rights. That seems to be the highest assignable rights (with the only higher ...

iPhone autorotation for too many objects on screen

Hi! I have a BlahAppDelegate, BlahViewController and no nibs in my iPhone app project. Only some subclasses of UIView in addition. All this is situated in main.m. My app has 6 subclassed UIViews. Each of it contains 18 UIImageViews. I need to get autorotating work. Or custom rotating. Or something. For example it would be nice to fade t...

Way to update iPhone SDK without having to re-download Xcode?

Silly question - but is there a way to download the iPhone SDK without Xcode when Apple releases an update? ...

Using Apple autorelease pools without Objective-C

I am developing an application that needs to work on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. To that purpose, I am using C++ with Qt. For many reasons, on Mac OS X, I need to use CoreFoundation functions (such as CFBundleCopyBundleURL) that creates core objects that need to be released with CFRelease. But doing so generate a lots of these warnings...

How can I test Xcode Project on iPhone ?

I have developed a view based project in Xcode. It is successfully running in iPhone Simulator. But I want to test this project on real iPhone device to check the behavior of application. Is there any way I can test my application on iPhone device without buying Apple Developer's License? Thanks in advance. ...