
How do you get / invite beta testers for your iPhone / iPad app?

How do you get / invite beta testers for your iPhone / iPad app? ...

Can not see iAd in program?

Hi all, My app has just released on Appstore ( . It runs with an iAd banner but I can not see it when I download from Appstore to my device (of course, network is working). The status in iAd Network is "Live: This app is receiving live ads.". iAd preferences was typed. My origin...

submitting application to iPhone appstore

Hi Friends, I have an iPhone application which is POC for the client demo and want to upload to appstore. We have static data in search results. So is there any chance that appstore validate the data and reject application? Please guide me. Thanks in advance Regards, Malleswar ...

URL for sending a user to the app review page on device's app store

What's the URL to launch in order to bring the iTunes App Store to the front, and open it to show the Reviews page of an app? I want to send my users to the "Write a Review" page. Some other SO answers provided URLs like the one below, but it doesn't seem to work: itms-apps://

Can my app provide an "Update in App Store" link?

For various reasons I need my iPhone app to include a way to tell the user that a new update for the app is available and prompt them to go update in the App Store. It looks like there used to be an undocumented way to give an HTML link that would lead the iPhone to open the Upgrade page for app, or something?

Programmable iPhone apps?

I have been toying with the idea of adding a programmable interface to my program, but was afraid it might not make it into the app store. Today I discovered that someone has a programmable program on the store: the Sophistimacalc programmable calculator: But I've also heard o...

A link to my iPhone apps that works correctly?

I'm trying to put a button in my iPhone app that will move the user to the appStore and list ALL of our apps. This wastes time loading safari... then the music store... then the appStore: This tries to load Music Store... and never reaches the app store at all:

Uploading new screenshots to iTunes Connect.

Hey all, I've recently uploaded an update for one of my iPhone apps, but I didn't update the screenshots. It has now dawned on me that they are old screens for the new game, which might be confusing for users. Is there anyway to upload the new screenshots without submitting a new binary? Thanks James ...

AppStore Tax information for UK developer

Hey, I've been reading about the Apple withholding a 30% tax on the revenue until you fill out a W8BEN tax form. This isn't very well documented and as I've only just read about this, I'm starting to think I'm going to lose out on my previous sales. If you're from the UK (like me) and are a sole trader, how do you go about avoiding thi...

App is on App Store but does not list in category

We have an app on the store that if searched for by name or company it appears and we can download it, in fact it is getting downloaded, but it does not list in its category? I have checked the iTunes Connect MetaData and it is in the category Education and is free, but if we list all free education apps it does not list. We also looke...

How many ratings are enough to display an average for an app on the App Store?

I have seen the message "We have not received enough ratings to display an average for the current version of this application" How many ratings are enough to warrant a display? ...


Hi I am trying to crawl the apple itunes website. I am getting output in binary format. For example curl -A "mozilla/5.0" returns binary. Can anybody please tell me what i am missing? Thanks ...

Are there limitations for playing video over wifi/3G on the iPhone?

I have an app that is playing archived *.mov files from a server. Some of them are longer than 10 minutes. Is this ok? Can anyone point me to the guidelines for playing video? ...

How strictly is Apple's new developer agreement actually enforced with regards to Monotouch?

Hi, I have a C# application which needs to be ported to several Smartphones. Monotouch looks like the best choice for the IPhone, if there wasn't section 3.1.3 in the new developer agreeement. Now the Monotouch website lists 3 Monotouch apps that were allowed to the App store after the new agreement was put in place. Was it just pure ...

viewing by Artist ID in the AppStore

is there a way to view all the apps by an artist in the AppStore? more specifically, within an iPhone context? (because these viewArtist?id= links work just fine in a web browser, which then launches iTunes... where they don't seem to work is on an actual iPhone device using the ITMS-style URLs) in my iPhone apps I've been using the f...

Install iphone development apps remotely

Is there a way to install iphone apps in development stage (not distribution) remotely? can I send the user the binary and install the app via itunes? ...

iPhone app submission without a website

I'm just about ready to submit my iPhone app to iTunes Connect, but they require a company website. I don't have a website, and I can't afford a domain registration and hosting. Is there a way to submit an application without a website URL? ...

Can we upload applications developed by VMWARE server to App Store?

Hi Guys I am having one doubt using VMWare Server. I have developed applications using VMWare Server. Can i upload these applications to App Store? Is there any chance to apple that it can find the application is developed in VMWare Server and apple will reject this applications? Can any one please tell me? ...

Can I change the bundle ID of an existing app, already in App Store?

I'm pushing out an update for an app. I wonder if I can change the bundle ID. If not, what are my options? ...

Which characters are allowed in iPhone app name

I discovered I probably should rename my app. What characters are allowed in the name? I have searched for the list of restricted characters but have found none. A second question. Apparently the simulator won't allow a slash in the name. Any workarounds (assuming / is allowed)? ...