
How do I compile my app for submission to the app store?

Hi all, I have an iPhone app that I've developed and I'm ready to submit it to the app store. I've read the iTunes Connect Developer Guide, but there's nowhere that specifies exactly how to go from an app in XCode to a binary uploaded to the app store. Is anyone who has done this able to guide me here? Thanks! Bjorn ...

Can iphone web apps, be put on appstore for sale, just like native apps?

Can iphone web apps be sold on appstore, without requiring user to do manual bookmark, etc? ...

Do I need the Private/Public key for App Distribution and Ad Hoc installs?

I'm working for a company that has already released an app on the store. So - they have already created a Distribution certificate. The person has left, and now I have to set up the Ad Hoc installs and Distribution for a new app. The iPhone Developer Program User Guide states: Saving your Private Key and Transferring to Other System...

Apple not accepting applications built with some versions of the SDK.

Hi I'm trying to upload a new binary to the app store. the message i get is: "Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the SDK." Does any one know how to solve it? ...

What is the definitive checklist for Apple app store submittals?

I have a couple of apps coded up and tested, but can't seem to find out what is the definitive checklist for submitting apps to the app store. There doesn't seem to be an Apple document that spells everything out in a nice easy checklist. I am hoping to generate that checklist from the responses here. So my question has two parts: Te...

How to find different size icon for a certain app on the itunes app store?

I need to create a widget where different size of an apps icon is needed, how do I find them in different sizes? The only thing I have is the itunes app link like the following ...

Limit the number of times an iPhone app is used.

Hi. Is there a way to limit the number of times an application is used in an iPhone (to implement the lite version)? I know I could use the UserDefaults, but if the user deletes and re-install the app, the limit would disappear. I tought of using a webserver, but it is too much work for a simple problem. Anybody had the same issue (an...

Flash CS5 and the App Store TOS

Has Apple been known to recently reject apps that were created in Flash CS5? Also, If I submit an app that violates the TOS, am I risking my Paid Developer status, or just having my app rejected? ...

App store link for "rate/review this app"

I want to put a "rate/review this app" feature into my app. Is there a way to link directly to the screen in the app store where they review the app? So the customer doesn't have to click through the main app link. Thanks. EDIT: starting a bounty on this due to the lack of response. Just to make sure it is crystal clear: I am aware...

Static Libraries and the App Store Review Process

I using a self compiled Obj-C Library in two of my iPhone Apps. Now, I want to send one of my apps to the App Store Review Team. What's the best pratice here? They might be some problems if I'm going to send it without the library source code. Any experiences to share? Thanks, Henrik ...

Average time for approval of iPhone application on Appstore

Any idea on what is the average time that Appstore usually takes to approve/dis-approve a submitted application ? ...

Is iOS4.0 a requirement for app store submission?

Hi, Is iOS4.0 compatibility required for all app-store submissions now? To my understanding, your application is required to run on iOS4.0 now. It can -also- be compatible for iOS3.x, but there is no way to submit an application and have it run for 3.x only. (Note: When I say 3.x, I mean <3.2) Thanks! ...

Problems uploading the binary of my app to the Apple Store (Unaccepted version of the SDK)

Hello all, I’m having a problem when I try to upload the binary of my app to the Apple Store. Once I upload the file, the following message appears at the top of the page:’The binary you uploaded was invalid. Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the SDK.’ The thing is that I have tried with every com...

Linking the Developer Page at the appStore from an iPhone App

Hi. So I know how to open an app page on the appStore from within my iPhone app. Is there a way to open my company's page? On iTunes on my mac I can do that, but using that URL in the iPhone I can't (or I'm not doing it right). Thanks in advance. ...

UIButton to "view all our apps"

We are trying to add a UIButton to out iPhone app that will direct users to the iStore to show a list of all our apps. We got the button to display an NSLog() so we are almost there. Is there a "search by company name" link we can redirect users to? (Automatically opening the user's iStore app.) What would that code look like? Thanks...

Distribution Provisioning Profiles pending

I have succesfully finished testing my app on iphone by AdHoc Distrubution and now wanted to submit for AppStore. But there is a problem during creating a Distribution Provisioning Profile for AppStore. After creating this Profile the status is still PENDING. How long it takes? There were no delay after creating Distributing profile fo...

Why must the bundle identifier be changed prior to submitting an iPhone app to the App Store?

I need to understand this piece better because when I reached that step in the app submission process, my comprehension went to hell. While developing my app, my bundle identifier was com.yourcompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}. The instructions say In the Properties Pane of the Target Info window, enter the Bundle Identifi...

Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the SDK.

When I submit, following error message appear. The binary you uploaded was invalid. Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the SDK. I update my app but it's written by iPhone SDK 4 latest. I can't submit it. Can't we submit iPhone SDK 4 base app ? ...

How long/how much did it cost to develop iPhone SDK & App Store

Possible Duplicate: How much does it cost to develop an iphone application? Hope somebody can help. I have been googling trying to get an indication of how long it took apple to develop the AppStore & the iPhone SDK? My Co. have had an idea to try and do a similar thing internally for our own apps and massively underestimati...

Is it possible to create, package and successfully submit HTML5 apps to the app store?

Hello everyone and thanks for reading... I'm a Mono / Web developer and was recently talking to an Apple guy regarding development on the iPhone and iPad. Now I know that Objective C / XCode is the heavy hitter for development on these platforms; however, I'm pretty sure he mentioned (and showed me) a HTML5 application he had created th...