
Changing a Delphi/Oracle application from 2-tier to 3-tier

In my company they are finally (about time...) considering to convert one of our best selling apps from a 2-tier to 3-tier architecture, both on logical (Presentation, Business and Data layers) as well as physical level. Probably we will go for either a Delphi-Delphi-Oracle or a Delphi-Java-Oracle approach for the change. This is a rel...

PHP developer looking for solutions equivalent to j2ee architecture

I am a PHP developer, I read about J2EE technologies and I want to implement such technologies( n-tier, EJB, JPA...) with PHP and all what coming with ( MySQL, Apache..). ...

Design and Test Approach for given scenario

Hi All, This is not an homework. But an practice to understand what are the best practices to design , implement and unit test a particular scenario and so discussion explaining why a particular approach was taken as compared to other would be really helpful from understanding point of view to gain better understanding of how to approa...

How to structure CAPTCHA validation architecture for an ASP.NET MVC site?

I'm writing an ASP.NET MVC site where I want to display a CAPTCHA when content that a user submits fails my Akismet spam check. I know how to display the CAPTCHA, but I'm having trouble imagining and planning the architecture for this. Here's what I'm currently thinking: User submits content via HTTP POST The action that handles the su...

How to approach this design problem

Scenario One warehouse, suppliers and consumers. One supplier can produce only one type of stuff. One consumer can also consume only one type of stuff. The warehouse knows about suppliers and consumers, but none of them is aware about each other. How can I Design the interfaces for all actors in this scenario and simulate it using gen...

Idiomatic way to store a single, "first-class" list in MongoDB?

I have a special list (a sort of queue, as in the data structure, not as in a work queue) that I want to store in MongoDB. I need to access and manipulate this single list often in my application - and I don't have several of the same type of list. It would be easiest to store it in a single document, but the problem I'm having is figur...

advice on client - server architecture

Hello I am making a proof of concept-application that maybe one day will be a source of income. The data-flows dictates that have to be a client - server app, information is shared between clients and should be persisted. I have experience of writing stand-alone apps, I have modelled the app and have written the client. The communica...

How should I structure a data driven Win forms solution?

I am writing a Windows Forms application which is growing and becoming quite extensive. Initially I thought that a separate project for graphical components and one for business logic and one for data access would be the best approach. As the application gets larger I'm beginning to think that a more modular approach would be cleaner.....

Service References vs Assemblies References, using WCF Services

I have a WCF Service (with servicecontracts, datacontracts, etc) , like this: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] public interface IService { [OperationContract] CompositeType GetData(); } [DataContract(Namespace = "")] public class Comp...

How to store the index separately from the data on Azure?

I've read that a lot of websites store the index separably from the data. Specifically on Azure, the index will be stored in Azure SQL and the data stored in Azure Table Storage. This supposedly increases the performance and allows you to store a lot more data and query it efficiently. I'm not sure how to architect a system to do t...

Lookup Tables - Where to put in n-Tier Architecture

I have a few lookup tables that I am in the process of plumbing through my app. These are tables that drive dropdowns on the website. They have no business logic, but they need to get from the database to the UI while following the architecture of the app. The current architecture has a Data Layer, Business Layer, and Presentation Lay...

Is C++ and .NET used together in Domains like Banking , Health Care and Telecom

This may seem relevant but it has some significance for me,may be few others like me. I just want to know ,How Important is it to Learn C++ , COM and ATL while you are a .NET programmer? I love programming with .NET and C# .Visual Studio just has it's own charm of intellisence ,Color Coding and other pretty features , which make us add...

What is the better way to use WPF,WCF,PRISM

hi, I'm developing an EMR Application as my project. there Im using WCF to transfer all the data from the centralized server , WPF for the UI and PRISM to build modules. I have 3 projects in my solution for WPF/PRISM application The Main project(mainApplication) where the shell and bootsrapper are. Class library(modulesLib) to hold ...

What is the difference between agile and architecture-centric software development?

From what I have read, "agile" seems to be just a euphemistic term for hack-and-slash development. In other words, where architecture-centric development is based around design documents, agile development has no "design," per se, and the code is just hacked together until it passes tests. I really hope this is not the case. Clarifica...

How do I design my software for remappable short-cut keys?

I've just started on a GUI application which will feature several distinct modes and a large number of keyboard shortcuts. Ideally I'd like to support letting the user remap these, like in eclipse. What is - if any - the standard solution to this situation? I can imagine the main window captures all key-presses and translate them to key-...

Design question regarding Dependecy Injection and reuse of a single data context

I'm currently just starting to implement Dependency injection so i can start testing my code and have come across an issue many of times that i cant figure out. My current case scenario: I have a single class ( foo.cs ) that is active the whole time a windows service is running. Its responsible for polling the db for new messages then ...

How to best organize the rules component of a Django system?

I'm designing (and ultimately writing) a system in Django that consists of two major components: A Game Manager: this is essentially a data-entry piece. Trusted (non-public) users will enter information on a gaming system, such as options that a player may have. The interface for this is solely the Django admin console, and it doesn'...

Tramp Data vs. Testability

I'm not doing much new development right now, but a lot of refactoring of older C# subsystems whose original requirements no longer support new and I'll add unexpected requirements. I'm also now using Rhino Mocks and unit tests where possible (vs 2008). The dilemma for me is that to make the methods testable and mockable, I need to defi...

Can anyone suggest a good client-side architecture and structure for large scale web applications?

I'm building a large scale web application. It will grow in the future so I need a good back-end and front-end architecture for my application. at the back of the site, I use Zend Framework so the architecture is OK for me. But at the front, working with javascript and ajax without having a good architecture makes later changes hard and ...

Should the Domain Layer in a 3-tier application architecture wrap Data Layer classes needed by the UI Layer?

Assuming a "standard" 3-tier application (UI - Domain - Data), should the Domain Layer show to the UI classes originally defined in the Data Layer? I mean, assuming there's a Product class defined in the Data Layer, is it wrong to make some method from my Domain Layer have methods returning it (this is, making them visible to the UI)? O...