
What is the relationship between DDD and the “Onion Architecture”?

What is the relationship between Domain-driven design (DDD) and "The Onion Architecture" of Jeffrey Palermo? Is the Onion Architecture a subset of DDD? ...

Server Push vs Client Pull for Agent-Server Topology

I need to create a system comprising of 2 components: A single server that process and stores data. It also periodically sends out updates to the agents Multiple agents that are installed at remote endpoints. These collect data in (often, but not always) long-running operations, and this data needs to get to the server I'm using C# ....

Architecture/patterns for pushing live data in client server application

I have got a server that controls a complicated industrial system. We need to write a remote client that can connect to the server and "observe" its internal state. I need to work out: How to establish the current state when the client connects How to keep the client up to date with changes on the server Do we replicate all of the obj...

Design approach (Domain driven or Service Driven)

Hi All, My problem statement is : I want to write design file management (add, copy, delete etc. operations). There are two approach : Service Driven approach Write file VO which contains only file attributes. For e.g. public Class File { private boolean hidden; private boolean read; private boolean write; publi...

Books and resources for smart phone application architecture (iPhone or droid in particular)

Can anyone recommend any books or resources for learning smart phone architecture (specifically iphone or droid) ? I am lookinng to learn and get into smart phone development, having been doing desktop development for a few years now. ...

Call a web service from inside or outside the model?

I'm looking for a bit of guidance on the architecture of an application I'm creating. Here is the situation: Our company gives out reward cards to salesmen which are then handed out to customers (used like a debit card). For tracking purposes, the salesman must request activation from our system before the card can be used (providing in...

Handling multiple file input mechanisms gracefully

I'm currently refactoring a library for internal use in Java. The library receives an XML document, and returns a Result data structure. Given that: There are two clients for this library, one has the XML document as an InputStream and the other has a file path as a String. The class that the clients use is passing around inside the l...

Architecture Question: Web Service - Multiple client types

I am thinking of a certain application. It should have a database driven back-end and clients can be: Browsers (Via HTTP/S and XHTML/JS), Applications (windows, mac, mobile devices) via Web-Service SOAP requests. I thought about designing the back end in layers. the initial layer would be the database, of course. Above it, Web Service ...

RESTful Application Structure

I am new to RESTful architecture or at least new to using it properly I have only had true experience with SOAP. I am having a problem wrapping my head around some things. I know there are other questions that are similar but none, that I have found, answer my question satisfactorily. I am just starting this app so I want to get it st...

DAL, BLL, Facade. Old model?

Many Java programmers joke, which all use model DAL, BLL and Facade when programming in C#. I wonder, those who program the more time that I C # if this model is recommended, or if this model is outdated. I've worked with this model, and frankly did not like because it is very cumbersome to change all layers always. Would like to know y...

Fail fast or fail safe?

Hi, I'm working on a small project involving the creation of a console program intended to be run in background by a larger product. The program is supposed to talk with the main product (IP21) on one hand and act as a server, handling several clients, on the other. I've started working on the architecture and came up with something b...

Perl web app and mod_perl architecture question

I've written a website in Perl. It has a root handler, that all HTTP requests are sent to. This root handler then processes the request, and things like cookies, POST and GET vars, etc, then chooses a sub-handler and forwards the request on to that. Because the root handler includes all the sub handlers, and all the sub handlers includ...

Please review my design - Need Input

I'm basically just posting tonight to get some feedback from some of you more experienced architects out there. I'm just starting to get into more use of Interfaces...already seasoned and know Abstract Classes which I've used in some pretty slick designs of my own. Anyway, I created a hack UML here: uml.pdf A few things about the diag...

Is OData intended only as a way to publish data to other parties or can i use it as a Data Layer for my Application

I am a bit confused about OData. Is it meant only for "publishing" data to other parties? Or can I use it in my client server application as a data layer. The case I have is : developing a client-server application for managing some information. The client is a WPF application, the Server is basically Database and a WCF Layer to expose ...

Software pattern for auto-discovery mechanism

I am currently developing a system for translating between data files of different types. Some of these files are just a single stream of data, some have multiple columns of data, and some have multiple channels of data (i.e. can contain multiple streams and types of data embedded). The user would be allowed to select any file type as ...

Architectural issues in cloud computing deployment

When you decided to deploy a cloud setup what are the architectural/implementation issues you have faced and how did you resolve them? a few of them - (architectural) design patterns when you plan to move your existing application in to cloud what non-functional requirements should be give priority? how do you overcome the cloud over...

Performance impact of having a data access layer/service layer?

I need to design a system which has these basic components: A Webserver which will be getting ~100 requests/sec. The webserver only needs to dump data into raw data repository. Raw data repository which has a single table which gets 100 rows/s from the webserver. A raw data processing unit (Simple processing, not much. Removing invalid...

PHPUnit: Multiple Bootstraps or XML files?

I have a PHP MVC framework with multiple 'applications' under this system the organization goes \project\apps\app1\ \project\apps\app2\ \project\apps\shared\ Each application can have it's own set of controllers \project\apps\app1\controllers\FooContoller.php \project\apps\app2\controllers\FooContoller.php \project\apps\shared\contr...

Preparing data in json on backend and populating data via ajax on frontend, what're the problems?

Preparing data in json format on backend and populating data to templates via ajax on frontend, what're the problems with this architect design? Assume all visitors use javascript-capable browsers, and we don't care about the number of HTTP connections that a webpage has to make. ...

Which Delphi technology to use?

I have a Client/Server application written Delphi. Essentially all the application is doing is transferring xml data streams between a server application and connected clients. I am currently using the Indy TIdTCPServer component. But the server side application keeps crashing on some of my installments. And it has been extremely dif...