
WCF single vs multiple operations ?. design ideas.

We are developing a CRM application. All the business logic and data access go through WCF services. We have 2 options for communication between WCF and client (at the moment: ASP.NET MVC 2) One option is create method for each operations. Example GetCustomers() GetCustomersWithPaging(int take, int skip) GetCustomersWithFil...

When to use WCF duplex vs datagram?

My app is master/slave system where slaves can send messages to the master based on a (local) event and master sends messages to the slave also based on local events. In both cases they may send outgoing messages based on incoming messages. Sometimes these reponses may only be sent after human interaction - not immediately (and connecti...

Strategy for error handling in Web Services

We are working on a web application. All pages of this web application inherits from a base page, and we have a mechanism like this.Error += new EventHandler( Page_Error ); private void Page_Error( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Helper.LogError( this.Context ); } The above works pretty fine in all webpages. Now we...

Design pattern for class interaction

I'm having some trouble deciding how two classes should interact and the problem I'm having seems like it would come up a lot so I was wondering if anyone knows of a design pattern (or any kind of solution) that addresses my issue. Basically I have two classes. Class A deals with displaying information to the user and Class B deals with...

Best architecture practice for multiple clients using one web service

I have a web service and multiple clients that will use it. A MVC 2.0 website, a winforms app, and potentially mobile apps. I understand that in the case of the mobile apps, each application will need to access and manage the web service connection internally. But what do I do about the .net applications? I am using composite types fo...

What is the best way expose key classes/methods my core API to 3rd party developers?

I have an application that I have designed and this app has a pretty decent core dll that contains an API that my main view's exe uses. I would like to allow other developers to access this core dll as well but I don't want them to have as much access as me since it would be a security risk. What is the standard way of exposing my core...

How is extra script layer implemented?

If you have ever worked on alfresco, you must know the web script layer in it, my question is how does alfresco implement this ? What framework does it use? If you don't know alfresco, then my question is : how can I implement a script layer to expose my service layer as a JavaScript style object? With the layer, I can write the follow...

Alternatives to many-to-many relationships with CQRS

How do we model classic many-to-many relationships with CQRS/DDD? I know that both DDD and CQRS implementations and solutions tend to be domain-specific, so it may be difficult to come up with a general answer to this question. However, let's assume we have the familiar relationship between Book and Author. This is a classic many-to-ma...

How do I organize .NET solutions, projects, and system folders for multiple applications?

We are having a lot of trouble organizing our solutions in a good way. We have multiple applications. They are similar applications so a lot of reuse is done. Different apps include different capability depending on what our different customers will pay for. So, how do we go about organizing things? MSDN says to organize in the foll...

Preventing mobile API client identity theft

We're developing a REST API to be consumed by a couple of mobile applications. It's important that we're able to trust the identities of these mobile applications. In our current design, each API call is authenticated with an "API Key" parameter and secured with HTTPS. My concern is that the API Key is embedded within each copy of the ...

Putting DataService calls into Helper classes ?

I have several ViewModels all doing partly the same: del/add/export etc documents. At the moment the code to call these methods lives in the viewmodels. So I have to copy/paste it... When I put that code in a DocumentHelper class I have it only one time, but do you see any reason against calling database methods from a Helper class? ...

Book about low-latency architectures

Hi, do you know any books about low-latency systems architectures (caches, messaging, data storing etc)? I'm working primary with Java and with financial applications, but it is not essential. Thanks. ...

Architecture for robust payment processing

Imagine 3 system components: 1. External ecommerce web service to process credit card transactions 2. Local Database to store processing results 3. Local UI (or win service) to perform payment processing of the customer order document The external web service is obviously not transactional, so how to guarantee: 1. results to be eventual...

functional assembly language

Hey guys, Lets say there was an architecture XYZ which was optimised for functional languages (like haskell). Can any tell me the advantages of such an architecture and also a "functional" assembly language? Thanks in advance ...

How should I architect my iPhone app to talk to my website?

Hey all, I'm planning my first iPhone app and I'd like to get some inputs as to how to build it, right from the start. The iPhone app is being built to be paired with a public facing web application that is already built in PHP. I'd like the web platform to be central (data is housed in a mySQL database), and have the iPhone clients ...

Where to put animation code?

Animations are a strange mix of view and control, and they sometimes need to be synchronized with delays between them, callback to code, etc. So, without being specific to any particular GUI framework, where should I put my animation code in a MVC architecture? ...

Silverlight Client-Server Communication

I have a WPF application, that I want to port to Linux/Mac. The most logic way seems to split the application in two parts: client and server, and use Silverlight for the client UI, and run the server-part (as an invisible console-app) in Mono. But what's the best way to let those two parts communicate? Silverlight 4 supports COM inter...

C# Data Layer and Dto's

I have recently joined a company that using typed datasets as their 'Dto'. I think they are really rubbish and want to change it to something a little more modern and user friendly. So, I am trying to update the code so that the data layer is more generic, i.e. using interfaces etc, the other guy does not know what a Dto is and we are ha...

Domain Driven Design: Aggregate root problem

Hi all, currently I dont know how to identify an aggregate root. I've got the following classes. - Garage - Organisation - RuleSet - Rule - OrganisationRule - GarageRule A Garage can have many Organisations. A RuleSet is an entity where Rules are referenced to. There are Rules that are directly associated with a RuleSet. Then the...

What's the difference between Architectural Patterns and Architectural Styles?

In Software Architecture - Foundations, Theory and Practice, I can find definitions for both. The problem is that I don't get what each one of them means in plain english: Architectural Pattern. An Architectural Pattern is a named collection of architectural design decisions that are applicable to a recurring design problem pa...