
Register Game Object Components in Game Subsystems? (Component-based Game Object design)

I'm creating a component-based game object system. Some tips: GameObject is simply a list of Components. There are GameSubsystems. For example, rendering, physics etc. Each GameSubsystem contains pointers to some of Components. GameSubsystem is a very powerful and flexible abstraction: it represents any slice (or aspect) of the game wo...

Maintaining One Session Per Form When Using an Intermediate Service Layer

Hello, In Building a Desktop To-Do Application with NHibernate, Oren Eini (a.k.a. Ayende Rahien) shares that the general recommended NHibernate practice is to use one session per form in a desktop application. In the example given, this is easily implemented because the form presenters have knowledge of the persistence layer and so can...

Need help with a large ASP.NET application

Hi, We have an ASP classic ERP (very large application) that we want to rewrite using ASP.NET. I am looking for a way to organize the application so we are going to be able to separate every program / webpage (over 400) from each other. Every program needs to be independent because many developers will work on the project at the same ...

How to make right architecture in Web application using Vaadin framework? Please Help!

HI, I am starting to developing web application and decide to use Vaadin + Java EE for reusable business logic. I know that Vaadin has MVP design pattern, but how to make good hierarchy of classes, write all in one or make own Button classes or make Listeners in one side and UI components in other, and how to combine i...

Designing a system with a presentation layer and a web service-based API

Hello, We are designing a system that has functionality that is essentially the same at the presentation layer and the exposed API layer. My question is what technique / strategy to use so we can get the most reuse out of our code with performance in mind? Here's a simplified example: A user can add a Customer via a web form. This wil...

Layered Architecture in Entity Framework 4.0

Hi I am trying architect a small project. I planning to have Data acess, Business Service, WcfService, UI Layer. I am trying to use EF 4.0 and MVC 2.0. My question is where to generate the entities and ObjectContext through EF. I initially planned it in DataAccess. but to make entities available across all layer I have to reference ...

WPF Design Considerations Using WebBrowser Control

I have to build a program that will allow me to track from a system different trigger points being hit. When a trigger has been hit within another system a web service is called, this web service will log to a database the following: Affiliate Id Trigger Id Reference Code My program is to read this data and invoke a call to affiliat...

How to decide among Quality attributes when designing a software architecture

I am starting to develop the architecture for software product in a university project. I have gone through the various quality attribute types and am wondering how one selects between them as they are all necessary for good software. I already know which design pattern to use but still need to work these quality attributes into the de...

A type with "Manager" in the name - candidate for refactoring?

I found a thesis on forums: If you have a type with "Manager" in the name, it's a candidate for refactoring. One answer: I know it's considered a code "smell" So... Why? Is this thesis correct? There are many managers out there. For example, Ogre3d uses them a lot, and this engine really has a clean architecture. ...

POCO's - Are they associated with a specific Design Pattern (or patterns)?

Just wondering if the use of POCO's is associated with a particular design pattern. ...

SOA/WCF dissecting the system & service boundaries

I'm building a system which will have a few channels feeding different clients (MonoDroid, MonoTouch, Asp.Net Mvc, REST API) I'm trying to adopt an SOA archetecture and also trying to adopt the persistence by reachability pattern ( My question relates to the design of the...

How to handle service-layer validation in MVC3

I am working on a project which requires different validation sets for the same model, and we're trying to find the best solution to handle it. A simplified example could be using our Customer DTO: public class Customer { [Required] public string FirstName { get; set; } [Required] public string LastName { get; set; } ...

Model and controller design approach for polymorphic assocation

Below I have outlined the structure of a polymorphic association. In VacationsController I put some comments inline describing my current issue. However, I wanted to post this to see if my whole approach here is a little off. You can see in business_vacations_controller and staff_vacations_controller that I've had to make 'getters' for ...

Java Design/Architecture : How to access and popup other application interface from our Application ?

This question is more towards Design and Architecture and I want to know SO Readers think on my scenario. I have a requirement where in my Application should provide other application interface when the user logs in to my application. For example, lets say my application is and other application is

Top Level Requirements for scalable web solutions for Windows/.NET

I have been building applications / web apps for some time, and I guess most of what I have built has been based upon simple principles, i.e. try to keep things loosely coupled, use industry standard techniques and so on. I try to follow as many tech blogs I can about architectures, and how sites can scale (Facebook and the like). Righ...

Where should conversion of presentation values be made in multi-tier architecture?

I'm building an application that is multi-lingual, multi-timezoned and n-tier. All dates are stored in the database in UTC and all model objects are populated with UTC times. However UTC times are never displayed (unless the user happens to have their timezone set at UTC). This then means that I need to convert time properties to the co...

Architecture sketch for iphone stock app

I am currently trying to build a (simplified) stock app (like the one built-in on the iphone). I setup a simple server with a REST-interface which my app can communicate with. However I am struggling to find the right/best way to build this kind of (streaming data consumer) client on the iphone. My best bet at the moment is to use a ti...

Architecture: Where to sanitise uploaded file names?

I'm trying to change the way we handle uploaded files before storing them to disk. We have had some problems when users from non-windows operative systems upload files with characters that are illegal in windows file names. The idealist in me tells me that file names should be made legal as close to the web layer as possible. Thus we u...

Architecting a system for bulk processing data with metrics

I'm looking for ideas on how you'd architect a system like so: Records come in in bulk (say 100,000 at a time) from a variety of sources but primarily a flat text file. This data needs to be shoved as-is into a SQL Server database table. However, various metrics need to be computed. For example, one field is a certain 4-digit code. Onl...

Branching and merging in TFS 2010

What is the best branching and merging strategy for a small development team making a lot of concurrent development on the same project? We need to be able to easily apply a hotfix to a production release while other developers are working. I was looking at the TFS Branching Guidance guide from codeplex and can't seem to figure out wh...