
Jumping into N-Tier architecture with WCF?

I work for a large state government agency that is a tad behind the times. Our skill sets are outdated and budgetary freezes prevent any training or hiring of new employees/consultants (firing people is also impossible). Designing business objects, implementing design patterns, establishing code libraries and services, unit testing, so...

Selective Cache clearing across load balanced servers (ASP.Net)

We have a website that runs on two load balanced servers. We use the ASP.Net caching to help improve performance by caching high usage data. BUT, occasionally that data changes. When it does, we need to clear the relevant cache items on BOTH the load balanced servers. Does anyone have some easy to implement suggestions for how this c...

Completely Arbitary C# Question

Say you have an object which, for the sake of example, we will call the ScoreHotChicksEngine. And say that the ScoreHotChicksEngine's constructor is expecting to be passed an IDataReader containing property values pertaining to, apparantly, Scoring Hot Chicks for Lonely Geeks. ScoreChicksEngine(IDataReader reader); Ok, here's what I...

Cyclic dependency of two eclipse projects

Hello! I am trying to implement some sort of MVC in Java. Actually it's more of a MVP but this doesn't really matter to my problem. Following situation: I've got a GUI, made with Netbeans (because of the better GUIeditor) which is updated and changed frequently. As my main project is easier to maintain in Eclipse I chose to import the...

Business/Domain Object in ASP.NET

Just trying to gather thoughts on what works/doesn't work for manipulating Business/Domain objects through an ASP.NET (2.0+) UI/Presentation layer. Specifically in classic ASP.NET LOB application situations where the ASP.NET code talks directly to the business layer. I come across this type of design quite often and wondering what is t...

Two tier application later modifiable to three tier application

We are considering a two tier application. However later we may want to convert that to three tier application. Is there any design pattern/framework/technology helpful in that? The main reasons for considering two tier are: 1) Single low end desktop machine is available for running the application. 2) Only single user currently. 3) A...

Relational database management system vs object database

Hi, I'm a research assistant for a university. We're retooling our Software Architecture subject, hoping to "modernize", and address some of the teaching and collaborative learning issues we've discovered in past semesters. Students are asked to rapidly build a prototype of their architectured system using Eclipse. For persistence, we...

What practical experiences you have from using Software Design Patterns ?

Wikipedia has a good summary about the various design patterns. Which ones have you used at most in practice and what are your experiences? When should one go for a pattern and when not ? Edit: A cool C# based link with practical DP examples ( tnx to Mladen Mihajlovic) ...

ASP.Net Webforms Application Structure

I've been wondering if there are any best practices on structuring your Webforms web application ASP.Net architecture? I'm providing a mock structure of a web application I've been working on to allow the community to give me some feedback. c:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Core\ (Contains data and business layer dlls) C:\DEV\Code\TheCompany\Cor...

What's an example of a well designed network server?

I'm interested in looking at architectures for extensible network serving applications. I'm not too interested in the protocol, or the language used, more in the elegance and extensibility of the design. Of course Apache comes to mind, but I was wondering if anyone had any other examples that they find a pleasure to work with. EDIT: j...

Technologies required to build an end to end web application?

I want to develop a web application, like an online scheduler. (Yes I know it's been done a million times.) Most of my experience is in Java, so I want to leverage that when considering technologies. I've primarily been a systems developer with little exposure to UI programming, so I think this is where I will need to do most of my lear...

Architectural question for tier .Net Development

Hi everyone i'm pretty new to the tiered development process. I'm currently developing an app and i have some basic questions regarding the best practices / architectural questions with todays technology. I'm going to be using WCF as the service layer. Note i'm trying to decouple things as much as possible. I don't want anything in the u...

Static libraries, dynamic libraries, DLLs, entry points, headers ... how to get out of this alive?

Hello, I recently had to program C++ under Windows for an University project, and I'm pretty confused about static and dynamic libraries system, what the compiler needs, what the linker needs, how to build a library ... is there any good document about this out there? I'm pretty confused about the *nix library system as well (so, dylibs,...

Persuade boss dump terrible architecture

I'm close to having a nervous breakdown, so please-please help me out. A bit of background: I'm in Russia, working for a financial company and we're developing an in-house application for our back-office, executives, you name it. The application contains several major areas, and I personally worked on reporting: the whole infrastructur...

Handling multiple forms in C# app

I'm trying to modify a C# WinForms application that uses multiple forms. At startup, a login window will be shown. If the user logs in with a correct user name and password combo a form with three different tabs will be shown as a sort of administrators view. If no password or user name is supplied, a much simplified GUI will be shown. I...

Inter-service Communication Architecture Using WCF, Dependency Injection, and Unit Testing

I'm new to WCF and in a large part, also distributed programming. I am working on a project that requires 4 discrete services. I am trying to correctly define the responsibilities for each component of each service. Suppose I have service B which needs to communicate with service A. For each service, I have defined the service implem...

Many-to-many relationship: use associative table or delimited values in a column?

Update 2009.04.24 The main point of my question is not developer confusion and what to do about it. The point is to understand when delimited values are the right solution. I've seen delimited data used in commercial product databases (Ektron lol). SQL Server even has an XML datatype, so that could be used for the same purpose as del...

WCF right for all cases?

I'm building an application that will distribute its processing over a farm. In my basic design I have two services: A "controller" which watches for new work, queues it up, and manages the results. A "worker" which binds to a particular controller. The worker will check out work from its controller, and push the results back. In the...

What attributes should belong to a page and what should belong to a model?

Say you have an Events model that contains information about the event. But what about things like slugs, titles and meta description that would go into the html? It would seem like such things properly belong as attributes to a Page model rather than to an Events model. Is there a correct way to do this? What are the pros and cons of... mvc as a restful service and an application?

Hi all, Currently I am working on small application in mvc. It is a some kind of localization tool. Our clients login on our application and they can translate terms that shows up in our applications that they use. It is happens like this: login to localization site find and translate certain terms for example title for button...