
Lattix architecture analysis tool

I came across Lattix for analysing the architecture by investigating the code. It supports C/C++, Java, .Net, etc. One can define certain rules to maintain the defined architecture. The tool can flag any violations at build time. Has anybody used this or any other similar tool? I see some benefit of this tool in development but not sure...

Signal-slot architecture best practice

I am using libsigc++ to wire up an application, and is uncertain as to the easier way of going about it. There is a preexisting object hierarchy that manages the data layer, and the top level object exposes all functions. All good so far. To this I am adding a GUI object hierarchy, and in the application object I am hooking them toge...

Recognizing a "forms over data" app vs, say, DDD app

I often see statements like "App x doesn't have a complicated enough domain to justify the overhead of a multi-tiered architecture. It is better suited to a forms over data approach." I'm wondering what the characteristics are of a domain which would compel one to go with a particular approach. That is, how can you tell when to do someth...

Notifying container object: best practices

I have two classes: Account and Operator. Account contains a list of Operators. Now, whenever an operator (in the list) receives a message I want to notify Account object to perform some business logic as well. I think of three alternatives on how to achieve this: 1) Hold a reference within Operator to the container [Account] object an...

What is opinionated software?

I often see people say that certain software is "very opinionated" or that Microsoft tends to write "un-opinionated" frameworks. What does this actually mean? ...

Best Java web architecture book / website?

What is a good book or website that describes the different elements of a Java based web applications architecture? I would like to see a polished treatment of what frameworks are good for the front end, business logic, data storage, and other components. In what contexts they do well in and how well they interact together. ...

ASP.NET Service Oriented Architecture

I've been asked to investigate a design for an ASP.NET (not MVC) application using a service oriented architecture. This seems a bit wolly and could mean a lot of things. I'm looking for some guidance/articles on this topic to get me started. ...

Place for validation

In my application i use this structure: Controller -> Services -> Repositories I create repositories + filters as dal layer. But i place validation methods (for required fields for example) in service layer. Is this correct? Or better will be if i replace validation in repository layer? And second question. In this architecture servi...

Avoid exposing primary keys in the source of a web app?

I often come across web applications that expose internal database primary keys through forms like select boxes. And occasionally I see javascript matching against an int or guid magic value that switches the logic. Is is a best practice to avoid leaking all internal identifiers of rows in your web application to prevent outsiders from...

Interface Architecture for Silverlight App

I'm getting ready to develop my first Silverlight app. It is going to be primarily used by my church for data input but also will need to generate at least one report, ideally in Excel but XML/XSLT is not outside the realm... It will be Internet facing and will talk to a SQL Server 2008 db for which I will be creating a web service hos...

Excel as the Backend to a Website!?

Dear Ammo, A third party developer my boss has brought in, designed a "Better" System than our ASP.NET + MSSQL Server 2005 website we're using now. Here are the relevant specs: Excel + ODBC as the data store Built using old school ASP, not ASP.NET Is there any glaring problem with his solution short of the ancient tech? Thread saf...

How to implement ASP.NET membership provider in my domain model

In a website, I need to integrate membership and authentication. So I want to use the functionality of ASP.NET Membership, but I have other custom stuff, that a "user" has to do. So I am sitting here with my pencil and paper, drawing lines for my domain model... And how can I best utilize the ASP.Net membership, but extend it to fill m...

Method-level documentation in n-Tier applications

My Situation: The data request chain of my application looks like this: (Client) -> (WebService) -> (SQL or OLAP Cube) The client is a Silverlight Application that uses a generated proxy to communicate with a WCF webservice. Which in turn does authorization and accesses SQL DB's and OLAP Cubes using a DAL component, basically it just...

How to answer the interview question: What is a singleton and how would you use one?

I've read the questions on S.O. regarding Singleton and just watched an hour long google tech talk. As far as I can tell, the consensus in the OO world seems to be that singletons are more of an anti-pattern rather than a useful design pattern. That said, I am interviewing these days and the question comes up a lot--what is a singleton...

Implementing ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) in a functional language

I am hoping that an architecture question is reasonable on Stackoverflow, so I am asking this here. I have been trying to see where a functional language would be useful outside of math-oriented problems, and it dawned on me that an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) would be perfect for a FP language, as there isn't anything shared between r...

What is a real-life use for the builder design pattern?

I've read about it, I understand it's basic function--I'd like to know an example of a common, real-life use for this pattern. For reference, I work mostly with business applications, web and windows, using the Microsoft stack. ...

Good Architecture Interview Questions

What are some good questions to ask in an interview to see how much the applicant knows about architecture? ...

Base business class: is it bad?

Hello, I would like to create my base business class, something like EntityBase, to have some common behavior, such as implementing interface to track changes in the object (IsNew, IsDirty) and INotifyPropertyChanges interface. But many people say it's a bad idea to have a base business class and derive all your business objects from i...

wcf architecture design. re: return values.

Hello and thanks for your opinion. I am creating a webservice. This webservice will accept a customer and the customers accounts along with a couple other related objects and attributes and such. When the webservice recieves a request, I attempt to process it. If there is no error I simply just return. If there is an error, I throw ...

Architectural considerations in designing console applications?

I have recently programmed a console application and I've experienced a lot of pain in designing it in many aspects, particularly in C#, given its pure OO paradigm. Questions I have faced include anything from how to pass the options to how to return problems to the entry point class, among many, many others. My question is: would any o...