
Motivating factors for composing a particular object?

I know there are LOTS of reasons why you would compose a certain object inside another one. Some schools of thought have made explicit the reasons for architecting a program a certain way e.g. 'data-driven design' or 'domain-driven design'. I'm still a beginner to OOP, and it's often hard for me to understand why one object should be con...

WPF solution design of slideshow application

Hi all, Been thinking about this for hours now. Im building a simple slideshow application, where the user creates slides through a web application and publishes them to a wpf "player". The user is allowed to create two types of slides one based on html and one based on xaml (thought this would be easy). When i get the slide to the play...

Should remote UI be implemented using SOA?

Previously we had desktop applications but given the fact that accessing the server (either physically or remotely) was undesirable for the client we turned them into windows services that will run in a (theoretically) 24/7. Now we need to provide a remote user interface to that services in order to keep the old functionality and the ol...

How to design a plugin architecture for ASP.NET with MVC Web application.

Introduction: Now I know this question could be very broad and it would be too hard to answer without me asking something specific. So All I ask is just some direction, or a brief high level explanation of a design, or maybe there is already some framework out there that could help me get started...I'm not sure.. I have never designe...

How to go about serving the same app on different resolutions/screens

Scenario: You need to expose the same app on different screens - let's say a standard 15''-17'' a portable 10'' and a mobile 4'', possibly working on different resolutions. Question: Do you attempt to go for a liquid layout that gets rearranged depending on the real estate available or do you roll N (one for each range) separate UI laye...

Why do we need RESTful Web Services?

I'm going to learn RESTful web services (it's better to say that I'll have to do this because it's a part of CS master degree program). I've read some info in Wikipedia and I've also read an article about REST at Sun Developer Network and I see that it's not easy technology, there are special frameworks for building RESTful apps, and i...

What is the best ASP.NET MVC framework/architecture and why?

There are a number of frameworks out there for building ASP.NET MVC applications (e.g. sharp architecture, etc...)? In defining what a framework is, I'm thinking along the line of Ruby on Rails ... a stack of technologies that enable you to build all tiers of your application quickly, efficiently and with both testability and quality in...

Cocoa application architecture on Mac OS X

I'm getting back in to Cocoa development on the Mac after a long stint doing iPhone work. My previous experience with Cocoa on the Mac has just been dinky little tools. I'm looking to build something serious. Looking at a modern Cocoa application like iPhoto (or Mail or Things or....) many apps use the Single-Window, Source-List based a...

Using service layer in Repository Pattern for "Standard" business logic / Utility methods?

Hi there, I am using a standard repository pattern with a service layer which calls the data layer.. I have some Utility classes i.e. one that deals with Sending email (method name = SendMail) Where is the correct place to put this? Inside the service layer as a method called SendMail hence I have CustomerService which calls Custome...

C# architecture guidelines vs JavaEE

When I first switched from Java to C#, I was really impressed with C#'s features. However, it seems to me that C# has yet to provide solid infrastructures in the way JavaEE does. Everytime I try to integrate C#'s features into scalable or complexe architectures, it always comes down to: How can I twist this so it can be MVC / MVP? Datab...

Client/server architecture for mobile device (Win CE)

I am trying to rearchitecture a program which runs on Win CE 5.0 devices, using Compact Framework. Right now the application communicates directly with the database, pulling down data, making changes, and sending those back to the database. Each client is responsible for retrieving updates via polling the database. I want to develop som...

Why put a DAO layer over a persistence layer (like JDO or Hibernate)

Data Access Objects (DAOs) are a common design pattern, and recommended by Sun. But the earliest examples of Java DAOs interacted directly with relational databases -- they were, in essence, doing object-relational mapping (ORM). Nowadays, I see DAOs on top of mature ORM frameworks like JDO and Hibernate, and I wonder if that is really a...

Itanium assembly programming resources?

Are there any good Itanium assembly language tutorials? ...

Create interface for object or for action / behavior?

When come to create an interface, do u create it based on behavior, follow the -able standard, e.g. interface Comparable interface Enumerable interface Listable interface Talkable interface Thinkable Or based on object, e.g. interface Comparator interface Enumerator interface List interface Human And why? UPDATE This question is ...

WCF; what's the big deal?

I'm just about getting into WCF; but from what I've read so far, like the sample scenarios I found on MSDN and some other sites, I can do all that with web services and applications that call those web services. So why the need for an elaborate layer like WCF? Most of the comparisons I've googled for explain it more from a programming p...

When should new .NET projects be designed for .NET 4 Framework

I am preparing to start on a new short-term contract (1-2 months) that involves replacing an Access application by moving it to ASP.NET and SQL Server. I am only responsible for the ASP part and connecting it to the database. The only requirement is that whatever technologies I use be relatively well-known in the area, so that if they ...

ASP.NET MVC - Passing redundant arguments to actions

This question may seem a little bit stackoverflow-implementation specific, but I have seen a similar pattern on other websites that are using REST-friendly URL rewriting as well. For example, a link to a particular question looks like this: 13...

How to sort this Repository pattern and ASP.Net website architecture ?

I am Creating a new ASP.Net website "not mvc", and willing to make the data access layer has 2 versions, one using the Linq to Sql and another one using entity framework. Note: kigg is doing the same but in MVC website and too complex than i want. I learned that the best pattern to achieve my goal is using repository design patter...

Is there a network diagram standard for illustrating web services?

I'm putting together a Solution Architecture document for an enhancement we're adding to our site and it occurs to me that I've never formally illustrated a web service call before. Is there a convention for how web service calls are illustrated on your garden-variety network diagram? Can anyone point me to examples or share something ...

Can I access a repository from presentation layer?

Hi, I am starting with DDD. I am a bit confused with the interaction between the several layers involved in a DDD application. Can I call my repositories from my presentation layer? If not do I have to replicate the CRUD functionality provided by the repositories in my service layer (which ofcourse will in turn use the repository for ...