
Django role based views?

I'm looking for some input on how others would architect this. I'm going to provide class (django group) based views. For example, a user's group will determine what views/templates he or she will have access to. I'm thinking of perhaps storing paths to view functions in a table to determine what a user's link bar will consist of. Filt...

wiki like architecture in PHP?

I am implementing a web-application in which I need functionality where users should be able to edit pages, posts and comments. I am on LAMP stack. I have DB tables like topic and posts users etc. How should I proceed on doing this? ...

Multiple services on same JBoss server?

We're developing a few new services that will run on JBoss and will be accessible by REST API-s. These will be Java apps bundled into EAR files. Is it a good practice to deploy these services to the same JBoss server? This would simplify dev, deployment and testing. Not sure if there are any big drawbacks. Would there be limited...

What architectures / improvements / patterns would you like to see burning in hell?

While developing software, developers always tend to curse about some language specifics, "improvements" that made language less understandable, buggy. What obstacles / improvements have you met, that you'd be pleased no one ever invented / introduced? My 2 cents: I cursed for 3 days at delphi 2009. I had an internal compiler error, w...

How to test for test for application,database and date changes without a triggered function

I'm trying to plan how to build some functionality into my new app, and am unsure if there is a "correct" way to achieve what I am looking for. There are certain things that I want to get done with my site, say when a certain dateTime is matched aginst some other date time, then send email. Or for example, consider the badges on stacko...

How to store links betwean pages in a CMS.

I'm building a frontend for an ecms. The main purpose of the fronted is to render html pages based on a content stored in a database. I have one table per page, each table consist of an xml field with page content and some metadata. (I chose to store xml in the database to leverage features offered by SQL Server 2008 like xquery or xs...

Where should IsChanged functionality be handled?

I'm having an internal debate about where I should handle checking for changes to data and can't decide on the practice that makes the most sense: Handling IsChanged in the GUI - This requires persistence of data between page load and posting of data which is potentially a lot of bandwidth/page delivery overhead. This isn't so bad in ...

Passing a user generated query down an n-tiered application.

In my application I use my Data Access Layer (DAL) to generate Plan Old CLR Objects (POCO’s) which get sent to my Business Layer (BL). The BL then uses Model View ViewModel (MVVM) pattern to create object to bind to my Presentation Layer (PL). I want to give my user the ability to filter data on the column level. For example http://...

Inheritance / Architecture

Hi all, Looking for some guidance on how to structure/architect an app and I'm having some difficulties. Please feel free to NOT limit answers to tech details, as I'm not sure I'm doing things the most efficient way. I'm giving examples in VB.NET, but please feel free to use c#, as that's our official target language. I just know vb be...

How do you start the Framework Architect career?

I am a C# programmer, but like to crete/invent/architect things. Since I am in the technology industry I am sure I would like to architect new programing languages, frameworks or languages. Can you advise me on the correct steps to enter this field? My dream would be to work with teams who architect SQL Server or other databases, or .NET...

Why shouldn't I give outsiders access to my database?

Lots of sites today have APIs that allow users to get data from the site as XML or JSON using a GET HTTP request. Flickr and are example of sites with APIs. These APIs require the server to access the database, and then output the result as either XML or JSON. Why do we need this translation though? Why not just create a us...

Custom ServiceBus and "adapter" for it using WCF

Currently im developing a server for satelite monitoring of objects. In its current state it is very efficient and stable in hi load scenarios. Server must be able to handle 50+mln messages per day, or more if load balancing is used. It consists of gps data gateway(singleton), "databroker"(singleton), which is responsible for persisting ...

Are there any scalability best practices specifically for sites with huge audiences?

While this question has been asked in a variety of contexts before, I can't find any information pertaining specifically to sites targeting very large audiences - for example on the scale of hundreds of thousands or even millions of users. When writing sites that target smaller audiences (such as intranet hosted data driven sites that h...

How do I maintain state across multiple web servers?

Can I have multiple web servers hooked up to a SQL Server cluster and still maintain a user's session? I've thought of various approaches. The one suggested by the Microsoft site is to use response.redirect to the "correct" server. While I can understand the reasoning for this, it seems kind of short sighted. If the load balancer is ...

Online chart editor

I love to use Google Documents as MS Word and MS Excel replacements for online collaboration. However, now I need to discuss architecture layout for my software. Nothing too fancy, perhaps a little (pseudo-)UML, but mostly basic shapes (rectangles, ellipses etc.) with labels, connected by thin lines or arrows. In olden Windows times I'...

Update Command -Architecture Question

scenario: you need to update 2 fields of a customer you don't have a method UpdateCustomer yet anywhere in your project Should you create a method called UpdateCustomer(Customer customer) that can take in a full customer object and just do an all update to all fields or for example (obviously the name is just for posting here) creat...

Retrieve a list of object implementing a given interface

Intro I am building a plugin architecture in my app. The plugins implement a given Interface IBasePlugin, or some other interface which inherited from the base interface: interface IBasePlugin interface IMainFormEvents : IBasePlugin The host is loading the plugin assemblies, and then creates the appropriate object of any class implem...

PHP - Extension vs. Library vs. Class - when and why

I'm trying to accomplish a task and turns out that the code I need is packaged as a PHP extension, which according to what I've been told means I have to have root access to install it (I'm on shared hosting so that's a bit of a problem. I'll solve this problem later, but for now I'm trying to understand the difference between an exten...

Website Safe Data Access Architecture Question

I'd like to get some opinions on what I am planning to do is safe, safe from people hacking into data. We have a database in city A. In city B we have a company that has an internal network, and a server that has two application servers on it that each run an application, App. 1 and App. 2. App. 1 serves on port 80, and is exposed to t...

What's the difference between REST & RESTful...

What's the difference between a REST system and a system that is RESTful? From a few things I've read most so called REST services are actually RESTful services. So what is the difference between the two. ...