
How to optimize a table for fast inserts only?

I have a log table that will receive inserts from several web apps. I wont be doing any searching/sorting/querying of this data. I will be pulling the data out to another database to run reports. The initial table is strictly for RECEIVING the log messages. Is there a way to ensure that the web applications don't have to wait on thes...

Getting data from remote service if not cached in database - suggestion needed

In one of my current applications, I need to get customer data from a remote service (CRM) via Webservice / SOAP. But I also want to cache the data in the mysql database, so that I dont need to connect to the webservice for the next time (data does not change often, remote service is slow and has bandwidth limit - so caching is OK / a mu...

Conceptual differences between PHP and ASP

I'm working on an open source PHP project for websites, and once I release version 1.0, I want to provide the same product for websites using the IIS/ASP.NET platform. When the time comes I'll go ahead and learn ASP.NET to do the translation, but it would be helpful for me to know already if there are any fundamental conceptual or archi...

Business Logic in Database versus Code?

As a software engineer, I have a strong bias towards writing business logic in the application layer, while typically relying on the database for little more than CRUD (Create Retrieve Update and Delete) operations. On the other hand, I have run across applications (typically older ones) where a large amount of the business logic was wri...

Totally JavaScript Web Stack - Middleware, Webserver, DB suggestions?

Hi Everyone I'm currently looking for a new web stack to build a hobby project on and would like it to be powered by JavaScript. I've had a quick look at Nitro, NarwhalJS etc. but was wondering if anyone had any solid recommendations or experience of an entire end-to-end javascript/json architecture ( jquery, middleware, standard libra...

How to choose design\platform for a product?

I have an idea for a product, to be used by am individual.I would like to have a web application with offline mode capability.But,I also want the application to be available on mobiles.How can I achieve offline capability which works both on the desktop n mobile. thanks ...

What are some things to keep in mind when building e-commerce sites?

hello all, In the coming months, I will be tasked with creating an e-commerce site for the first time. I've worked with e-commerce sites before, making edits and themes but never made one from the bottom up. I know this isn't a small undertaking which is why i'm doing research now! What are somethings that i would only learn from exp...

What is a simple and secure way to transmit a login key from one website to another while redirecting a user?

I want to create a portal website for log-in, news and user management. And another web site for a web app that the portal redirects to after login. One of my goals is to be able to host the portal and web-app on different servers. The portal would transmit the user's id to the web-app, once the user had successfully logged in and bee...

How many apps should an internal development group be building/maintaining?

I've always been of the opinion an internal development group should really only be building/maintaining three applications. An internal composite/pluggable/extendable application. The company website. (Optional) A mobile version of #1 for field employees. I'm a consultant, and everywhere I go, my clients have dozens of one-off appli...

Alternatives to NServiceBus that doesn't use MSMQ

I think the title sums it all .... We have a .NET 2.0 system trying to implement a distributed pub/ sub model. I came across NServiceBus, RhinoBus and MassTransit. Unfortunately, these are MSMQ based. I am tasked to figure out pub/ sub alternatives that uses a different messaging alternatives ... the only reason for seeking MSMQ altern...

Other than testing, how is Dependency Injection any better than static classes/methods?

Other than testability, what's the big advantage of utilizing D.I. (and I'm not talking about a D.I. framework or IoC) over static classes? Particularly for an application where you know a service won't be swapped out. In one of our c# application, our team is utilizing Dependency Injection in the web web GUI, the service layer, and th...

Categorizing architectures based on calling features

There are different ways of calling functions: call stacks, continuation passing, messaging and event handling. What do you call the category of these features? Invocation? What do you call architectures categorized by these features? Invocation architecture? Sub question: Other than the four given, what are some examples of this type o...

As3 OOP game structure (class architecture)

Game description: A quiz with different levels and different types of visual questions for each level. OOP so far: GameBoard (where one answers questions), Dialog, HighScore, Controller/LevelController? I have a document class called Controller which initializes the game: public function Controller() { initGame(); } function ...

How does a java web project architecture look like without EJB3 ?

A friend and I are building a fairly complex website based on java. (PHP would have been more obvious but we chose for java because the educational aspect of this project is important to us) We have already decided to use JSF (with richfaces) for the front end and JPA for the backend and so far we have decided not to use EJB3 for the bu...

What are the major topics a good high-level architecture document should include?

What are the major topics a good high-level architecture document should include? ...

RMI: Does the client have to have all implementations or just interfaces?

Does client have to have all implementations or just interfaces? In details: let we have remote interface Foo: public interface Foo extends Remote { FooMessage getFooMessage () throws RemoteException; void setFooMessage (FooMessage fm) throws RemoteException; } Communication between client and server is happening by means of ...

"inheriting" ASP.NET MVC sites from a common template app? (multi-tenancy)

We're building about 10 ASP.NET MVC sites which have a common set of features (and corresponding URLs, Routes, Controllers, Actions, and Views). The sites will also all share a base set of domain objects (e.g. users, companies) and base attributes on those objects (e.g. name, address, etc.). But each site will also be highly customize...

Design Pattern: managing a limited number of a resource

I am in the process of designing a feature for a system where I strongly feel that there must be a pattern for this out there, that I should know about before diving into the code. The scenario is this: I have a pool of resources of which I have a limited number. I have a variable number of consumers that use those resources; each c...

C#/WinForms: Do I need the IWin32Windows?

When writing WinForms application with proper separation between View- and Controller/Presenter-functionality, I often find myself writing code like this: public void class SomeView:Form{ private void loadFileButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _loadFileAction.Execute(this); } } public void class LoadFileAction:Action{...

Integrating Interwoven Teamsite into SharePoint for Content Management

I'm working on a roadmap to re-architect our corporate intranet, and I'm stuck on a hard decision around content management. We own licences for Interwoven TeamSite, and we use it to manage our content for our externally-facing internet site, our main intranet, and a couple of big internal knowledge exchanges. It's looking likely that ...