
Windows Workflow Foundation: Recommendations how to design architecture

We are running several the same ASP.NET applications (one per customer) based on our custom framework (libraries). Each application use its own database (Initial Catalog in the term of connection string). Now we would like to add workflow capability (of course 4.0 ;) to the applications. So the particular workflows will be the same for a...

Localisable Resources: how can (should one?!) wrap a UI layer source as a BL layer service?

A service that returns localised strings could be wrapped in a service, so that it could be used both locally (eg in an MVC app) and remotely (eg possibly Silverlight). But...if sticking with the standard practice of creating resources in the UI assembly, that would in effect make a lower layer (BL/Services) have to have a ref on a high...

How to organize architecture WPF project?

Hello! In my WPF project i want to have only one Window - MainWindow and UserControls as working part. I have some little different applications in one, and want to make navigation on top of my MainWindow as buttons. And little applications as UserControl. In MainWindow - grid with Big Empty Zone - which use to keep and run work. But, i ...

best practice in architecture in centralizing location of different modules (cms, webapplications, ...) -

Let's just say that i want to create a CMS and other online applications. I want to integrate them all in a central location, but they also have to be available seperately (not everyone wants more than the CMS solution). Should I create a huge central application that contains all the database, which communicates through a webserice wi...

What is the business case for a dependency injection (DI) framework?

At my company we want to start using a dependency injection (DI) framework for managing our dependencies. I have some difficulty with explaining the business value of such a framework. Currently I have come up with these reasons. Less source code, delete all the builder patterns in the code. Increase in flexibility. Easier to switch de...

what mysql table structure is better

I have very complicated search algorithm on my site, so i decided to make a table with cache or maybe all possible results. I wanna ask what structure would be better, or maybe not the one of them? (mySQL) 1) word VARCHAR, results TEXT or BLOB where i'll store ids of found objects (for example 6 chars for each id) 2) word VARCHAR, resu...

GUI system architecture?

I'm designing GUI (graphical user interface) system for a game engine (C++). Idea is to create a heirarchy of GUI controllers like Focusable, Hoverable, Dragable etc. Every GUI component can attach multiple controllers, they modify component's behaviour. I think it gives flexible system and protects from code duplication. Different ins...

Asp.Net MVC and Entity Framework Architecture

Hi, I'm working on a fairly large project at the moment and am currently in the planning stages. I've done a lot of reading into the various patterns suggested for development, somthing that has split the team at the moment is when using Entity Framework should the classes be passed through the applciation layers so that a view accepts ...

iPhone. View architecture

Can anyone summarize the relationship between the following items? Content View View Controller Nib the view, subclass of UIView Application delegate I got very confused about these. Coz some people say the "content view" contains the "nib" while other people say "content view" and "nib" are not containing each other. Many thanks! ...

What is the best businessmodel when using NHibernate to access the database?

Hi, I'm starting to use NHiberante as a dataaccess tier. I'm used to work with the repository model as a business model. This means, my domain model (not really a tier), my application tier, my repository tier which finally uses my dataaccess tier. But with what I've learned by now (on NHibernate) I know that many logic is don...

Good code architecture for this problem?

I am developing a space shooter game with customizable ships. You can increase the strength of any number of properties of the ship via a pair of radar charts*. Internally, i represent each ship as a subclassed SpaceObject class, which holds a ShipInfo that describes various properties of that ship. I want to develop a relatively simple...

In web project can we write core services layer without knowledge of UI ?

I am working on web project. We are using flex as UI layer. My question is often we are writing core service layer separately from web/UI layer so we can reuse same services for different UI layer/technology. So practically is it possible to reuse same core layer services without any changes/addition in API with different kind of UI tech...

Conversion between classes

Hi, Let's say we have a class called A and another one called B. and we want to have a conversion method that converts A to B. In the software architecture point of view, which one is preferred? write A.export() write B.import() write a converter class, i.e. convert(A, B) or Convert(A) or ... if the language matters, I'm using C++ ...

ASP.NET MVC ViewModelBuilder Suggestions

For anything but trival view models, I use a view model builder that handles the responsibility of generating the view model object. Right now, I use constructor injection of the builders into my controllers but this smells a little since the builder is really dependent upon which action method is being executed. I have two ideas in mind...

How, in general, can web framework support REST style?

I would like to know, what are the ways a web framework may be suitable for designing a RESTful app, in general. One goal is for example to provide http request routing, so they are automatically sent to appropriate controllers. From architectural point of view, web framework based on MVC pattern are more suitable for REST. What other ...

Real life Java Swing Project

Hi everybody! I've been working with swing for the last 2 years, but i'm still not satisfy with my own work. The apps are "fast" enough, but the development isn't enough "clean". Can you recommend me any real world project, book, or something similar that shows me how a real world swing app work. May be a framework, something structure...

How-To handle AutoExpiring Shopping Carts

Hi, I'm currently developping a online shopping store and the question of expiring carts comes. Should i use event based self timed cart entity, or should i make kind of polling task to cleanup old empty carts ? Thanks ...

When is it good to use FTP?

In my experience I see a lot of architecture diagrams which make extensive use of FTP as a medium for linking architectural components. As someone who doesn't make architectural decisions but tends to look at architecture diagrams could anyone explain what the value is of using FTP, where it's appropriate and when transferring data as f...

Separate functionality depending on Role in ASP.NET MVC

I'm looking for an elegant pattern to solve this problem: I have several user roles in my system, and for many of my controller actions, I need to deal with slightly different data. For example, take /Users/Edit/1 This allows a Moderator to edit a users email address, but Administrators to edit a user's email address and password. ...

Am I just not understanding TDD unit testing (Asp.Net MVC project)?

I am trying to figure out how to correctly and efficiently unit test my MVC project. When I started on this project I bought the Pro ASP.Net MVC, and with that book I learned about TDD and unit testing. After seeing the examples, and the fact that I work as a software engineer in QA in my current company, I was amazed at how aw...