
Import Android APK archive?

Can an Android APK archive be imported into another Android project and accessed the same way as a JAR archive can? ...

controlling the number of posts on a wordpress archive page

Hi, I have set my wordpress blog's frontpage to show only three posts. On the archive.php template, when the posts of a tag are viewed, I want to show 10 results. How do I do this? I tried this php code. But instead of only showing the posts with a certain tag, it queries all recent posts. //in archive.php (before the loop) query_pos...

Archive SQL dumps better?

I am dumping my SQL db with the script below. My site isnt used often so the DB is unchanged for days. The only difference is the last line which is the dump date. Each dump is about 400k uncompressed and 107kb as a .sql.gz file. I decide to compress them as a solid archive with 7z and rar. In both cases i get 950kb with 32files. I feel ...

WordPress posts sorted by category and year

I've been on a long google search trying to find the solution to this... I am creating a cv manager theme using a WordPress install to control content. I have managed to organise all WP posts in categories but would also like to list those posts in year groupings. Currently I have this: <?php // Categories $cvm_cat_args = array...

Java: Possibilities to protect files against manipulation

Good morning, my Java program builds some files (.html and .txt-files) in one directory. To finish a project I'd like to "pack" these files for example to send it to another person. But the other person should not be able to simple "unpack" the file and manipulate the html/txt-Files. Only open the packed file with my Java program. My ...

Tarring only the files of a directory

If I have a folder with a bunch of images, how can I tar ONLY the images and not the folder structure leading to the images without having to CD into the directory of images? tar czf images.tgz /path/to/images/* Now when images.tgz is extracted, the contents that are extracted are /path/to/images/... How I can only have the images inc...

Xcode Crash while "build and archive"

Hello i have snow leopard 10.6.3 installed via iAtkos..everything runs good even XCode as well.I can successfully build iPhone apps run them on the simulator and the device but when i use the "build and archive" option( for adhoc distribution or itunes connect ) XCode simply crashes..does anybody have a solution for this? thanks in advan...

including the .git folder when running git archive

I want to use git archive to make backups of my repository, but the backups created do not contain the .git folder. Is there an option to pass in to force it to include the .git folder? I mean it includes gitignore, etc anyway...Thanks. ...

Location for archiving on iPhone

I'm looking to archive some nested NSDictionary objects to be able to use the data in them at next start. To do so I was going to use [NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject: toFile: ] but was not sure where to put the file. In the archiving docs, the examples put the file in NSTemporaryDirectory() but for persistent data, a temporary directo...

Include static lib in dynamic lib

Hello all, I have the following problem : several object files a1.o, a2.o, a3.o, ... an archive libxxxx.a. The archive libxxxx.a only contains object files : b1.o, b2.o etc... I would like to create a shared library (.so) from all the object files. Problem : If I use : g++ -shared libxxxx.a a1.o a2.o ... -o g++ does un...

MySql post archives. What's the best way to handle massive archived posts that need to be kept?

If my wordpress site generates thousands(perhaps millions) of posts a day, what is the best way to keep the site from taking a performance hit with posts that only need to be seen if someone searches old posts or for legal purposes? My first thought was to run a cron job during a lull and move the out-of-date posts to an archive databas...

Archived Digg RSS data (or front page stories)

I am looking for an archive of Digg and other social media sites RSS feeds. I want to be able to access feeds from specific dates in the past. After a bunch of googling I've come up blank. Any ideas? ...

FILESYSTEM vs SQLITE, while storing up-to 10M files

I would like to store up-to 10M files, 2TB storage unit. The only properties which I need restricted to filenames, and their contents (data). The files max-length is 100MB, most of them are less than 1MB. The ability of removing files is required, and both writing and reading speeds should be a priority - while low storage efficiency, r...

How do I set the permissions of the files I extract with ezcArchive - ezComponents

Hi, I am using the ezcomponents archive component to extract uploaded files that is being uploaded to my website. The extracting part is very easy but how do I specifically assign the right permissions to those files being extracted? $extract_dir = 'some existing directory'; $archi...

Should I use InnoDB or MyISAM for a "write-only" table?

I have a table where I'm esentially only writing. Think of it as a "transactions" list, where I keep all the details, and I also have a "total" stored in another table. That total is redundant, for performance, but it can be re-calculated if needed from this transactions table. What is better from a performance point of view, keeping ...

Creating own implementation of Boost::Archive

I'm currently creating a concept which uses Boost::Serialization and which needs to implement its own Boost::Archive cause the data has to be serialized in a certain way. There is documentation about implementing custom archives in the documentation: But I'm curious...

bash command: search for class in file system of jars

I'm wanting to recursively search my maven repository (an n folder deep heirachy of jars) for a specific class inside an unknown jar. jar -tvf myJar.jar | grep ClassIWant.class works great for a known jar but I'm having problems piping/chaining bash commands to achieve a recursive search. Any hints much appreciated. Related: http://st...

make not working as expected

Hey guys I wrote a makefile which work perfectly fine on my 27" iMac at home running Snow Leopard, however when I uploaded it to my uni's computer, a 24" running Snow Leopard as well, it gets the following: gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -Werror -c print.c gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -Werror -c process.c gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -Wer...

What is tree-ish in git

I'm very confused about how to use git archive. I have a git repository with folder Foo, Bar and Baz at the top level. I need to export folder Foo in a SVN-ish sort of way for quick test deployment. I learned that I could use git-archive in an SVN-ish export sort of way. But here's the thing, The following works fine: git archive m...

git-archive vs. cp

What is the advantage of using git archive master/foo | tar -x -C ~/destination to deploy a copy of /foo vs. just copying from the the working copy with cp foo ~/destination/foo So, unless for some reason you don't want to copy everything over from that sub directory foo in master (or whatever branch you happening to be working o...