
How to split this array into three's and place it in <td> using php?

Hi I have an php array of ten numbers $arr = array("first" => "1", "second" =>"2", "Third" =>"3", "Fourth" =>"4", "fifth" =>"5",, "sixth" =>"6", "seventh" =>"7", "eighth" =>"8", "ninth" =>"9","tenth"="10"); I have to place these values in a <td> by spliting the array in numbers of three such that my td contains first td contains ...

Sorting Table Cells based on data from NSArray

Hi, I have an NSArray which contains information from an RSS feed on dogs, such as [dog types], [dog age] and [dog size]. At the moment my UITableView simply displays each cell on each dog and within the cell lists [dog types], [dog age] and [dog size]. I want to be able to allow users of my app to "sort" this data based on the dog nam...

Change index order in array (php)

Hi Been kind of stuck on this one for a while now, so any help would be appreciated. I have one array (left) that contains a list of elements, the goal is to sort another arrays (right) keys with the values from the left array. The left array Array ( [0] => ID [1] => FirstName [2] => LastName [3] => Address ) The rig...

How can we calculate where the aaray ends?

Hi I have an array result like this, example 1: Array ( [0] =>15 [1] => 16 [2] => 17 [3] => 18 ) example 2: Array ( [0] =>15 [1] => 16 [2] => 17 [3] => 18 [4] => 18 ) The first array ends at array[3] The second array ends at array[4] How to calculate where the array ends Is there any function to calculate this ...

php push 2d array into mysql

Hay All, I cant seem to get my head around this dispite the number to examples i read. Basically I have a 2d array and want to insert it into MySQL. The array contains a few strings. I cant get the following to work... $value = addslashes(serialize($temp3));//temp3 is my 2d array, do i need to use keys? (i am not at the moment) $query...

Problem storing text to a String[] and then storing the array to a Vector.

OK so for background I've only been using Java for a little more than a week and I am making a basic GUI "Recipe Book" application just to test out some of the techniques I've learned. Currently I'm working on the "Add New Recipe" page that allows the user to make a new recipe by adding ingredients one at a time. The ingredients have 3...

Address of array vs. address of array[0] - C language

My question is why does the address of an array differ from the address of its first position? I'm trying to write my own malloc, but to start out I'm just allocating a chunk of memory and playing around with the addresses. My code looks roughly like this: #define BUFF_SIZE 1024 static char *mallocbuff; int main(){ mallocbuff = ...

new >> how would i read a file that has 3 columns and each column contains 100 numbers into an array?

int exam1[100];// array that can hold 100 numbers for 1st column int exam2[100];// array that can hold 100 numbers for 2nd column int exam3[100];// array that can hold 100 numbers for 3rd column int main() { ifstream infile; int num;"example.txt");// file containing numbers in 3 columns if(

how to pass an array into an function and in the function count how many numbers are in a range?

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int calculate_total(int exam1[], int exam2[], int exam3[]); // function that calcualates grades to see how many 90,80,70,60 int exam1[100];// array that can hold 100 numbers for 1st column int exam2[100];// array that can hold 100 numbers for 2nd column ...

Creating a list of integers in XML for android.

I would like to create a list of Integers in the /res folder of an android project. However, I want those integers to point resources in /res/raw. So for example, I would like something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <integer-array name="built_in_sounds"> <item>@raw/sound</item> ...

Arraylist uses Array?

Does an ArrayList internally use an Array? Is this an empty array if we use the default constructor (new ArrayList())? Thanks. ...

Using arrays with other arrays in Python.

Trying to find an efficient way to extract all instances of items in an array out of another. For example array1 = ["abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl"] array2 = ["abc", "ghi", "456", "789"] Array 1 is an array of items that need to be extracted out of array 2. Thus, array 2 should be modified to ["456", "789"] I know how to do this, but n...

Creating a 2d matrix from an array (java)

I'm supposed to write a method that creates a 2d matrix from an array, for instance: ({1, 2, 3, 4}, 3) should return the matrix {{1, 2, 3}, {4}} public class Matrix { public static int[][]toM(int[] array, int a) { int[][]matrix = new int [(array.length + a- 1)/ a][a]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ int value = a...

How can I define an empty array in a Perl construtor?

I am just beginner with Perl, so if it sounds stupid - sorry for that :) My problem is - I am trying to write a class, which has an empty array, defined in constructor of a class. So I am doing this like this: package MyClass; use strict; sub new { my ($C) = @_; my $self = { items => () }; bless $self, ref $C ...

function.array-diff problems!

Hi, im currently getting these error on my site: Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array on line 43 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 44 Warning: array_diff() [function.array-diff]: Argument #1 is not an array on line 47 Warning: array_diff() [function.array-diff]: Arg...

Why doesen't the number 2 work in this for-loop?

Hello. I have a function that runs trough each element in an array. It's hard to explain, so I'll just paste in the code here: NSLog(@"%@", arraySub); for (NSNumber *favoriteThing in arrayFav){ int favoriteLoop = [favoriteThing intValue] + favCount; NSLog(@"%d", favoriteLoop); id arrayFavObject = [array objectAtIndex:f...

How to use php variables (arrays) in mysql select statements?

Hi everybody, How do you use a php variable (array) inside a mysql select statement? I am designing an auction site and currently working on a page that lets people view a list of all the current bids for an item. I want to display 3 columns: amountbid - the amount each bidder has bid for the item (held in tblbid) b...

Parsing array data

I am trying to parse this array data that way generated from JQuery and JSON. Array ( [d] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [order] => 1 ) [1] => Array ( [order] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [order] => 3 ...

23warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

Im new in programming c with arrays and files. Im just trying to run the following code but i get warnings like that: 23 44 warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast 53 error: expected expression before ‘char’ Any help? It might be silly... but I cant find what's wrong. #include <stdio.h> FILE ...

Create an grid array...

Okay so I am looking to create a grided array in OGRE3D game engine but the array is generic my array skills are pretty basic and need work so I am posting this just to be sure I am doing this correctly. #define GRIDWIDTH 10 #define GRIDHEIGHT 10 int myGrid [HEIGHT][WIDTH]; int n,m; int main () { for (n=0;n<HEIGHT;n++) for (m=0;...