
How to assign the array key a value, when the key name is itself a variable

How do I identify an item in a hash array if the key of the array is only known within a variable? For example: var key = "myKey"; var array = {myKey: 1, anotherKey: 2}; alert(array.key); Also, how would I assign a value to that key, having identified it with the variable? This is, of course, assuming that I must use the variable key...

Detect if parameter passed is an array? Javascript.

Hello all, I have a simple question: How do I detect if a parameter passed to my javascript function is an array? I don't believe that I can test: if (typeof paramThatCouldBeArray == 'array') So is it possible? How would I do it? Thanks in advance. ...

C# multi-dimensional array, ArrayList, or hash table?

hello, I'm trying to figure out how to build a multi-dimensional "array" that is: flexible size use 2 keys 1st key is int (flexible) 2nd key is string (kind of limited) The use will be like: console.writelen(array[0]["firstname"]); console.writelen(array[0]["lastname"]); console.writelen(array[0]["phone"]); console.writelen(array[...

Arrays of pointers to arrays?

I'm using a library which for one certain feature involves variables like so: extern const u8 foo[]; extern const u8 bar[]; I am not allowed to rename these variables in any way. However, I like to be able to access these variables through an array (or other similar method) so that I do not need to continually hardcode new instances ...

Algorithm to find added/removed elements in an array

I am looking for the most efficent way of solving the following Problem: given an array Before = { 8, 7, 2, 1} and an array After ={1, 3, 8, 8} find the added and the removed elements the solution is: added = 3, 8 removed = 7, 2 My idea so far is: for i = 0 .. B.Lenghtt-1 { for j= 0 .. A.Lenght-1 { ...

Collect specific fields to an array

Hi everyone, Each div with the class "row" is added upon request from the user, to be able to add multiple items at once. So now is the question how I'll collect all the forms in to an array that PHP can read (like JSON for instance). I'll guess that there's already some easy and effective way of doing this? <div class="container"> ...

Problem creating an array of objects C++

I have a class and I want to create an array of a number instances, specifically a matrix class: class Matrix { public: Matrix(int sizeX, int sizeY); Matrix(); ~Matrix(); ....//omiting the rest here private: int dx, dy; float **p void allocArrays() { assert(dx>0); assert(dy>0); p =...

Objective C: Create arrays from first array based on value

I have an array of strings that are comma separated such as: Steve Jobs,12,CA Fake Name,21,CA Test Name,22,CA Bill Gates,44,WA Bill Nye,21,OR I have those values in an NSScanner object so that I can loop through the values and get each comma seperated value using objectAtIndex. So, what I would like to do, is group the array items in...

How to evaluate other pieces in an array C#

Basically I'm creating a forest fire program that depends on the wind / dryness of the surround pieces. I have an array var Trees [,] that is 20 x 20. The middle square is set on "fire" what needs to be done once you click button1: Evaluate each square around the one that is set on fire to determine the probability for the others to catc...

Deleting dynamic array of char in C++.

I have this class, with the atribute 'word' class Node { char *word; Inside the Node constructor, I do this asignation: word = new char[strlen(someword)]; In the destructor of the Node class, I try to delete the contents pointed by word: delete []word; I obtain the next message after executing the programs: "Heap block ...

Reversing permutation of an array in Java efficiently

Okay, here is my problem: Im implementing an algorithm in Java and part of it will be following: The Question is to how to do what I will explain now in an efficient way. given: array a of length n integer array perm, which is a permutation of [1..n] now I want to permute the array a, using the order determined by array perm, i.e. a...

Convert a String into an Array of Characters

In PHP, how do i convert: $result = abdcef; into an array that's: $result[0] = a; $result[1] = b; $result[2] = c; $result[3] = d; ...

How to make an mutable C array for this data type?

There's this instance variable in my objective-c class: ALuint source; I need to have an mutable array of OpenAL Sources, so in this case probably I need a mutable C-array. But how would I create one? There are many questions regarding that: 1) How to create an mutable C-array? 2) How to add something to that mutable C-array? 3) H...

Import and Export for CSV are both broken in Mathematica

Consider the following 2 by 2 array: x = {{"a b c", "1,2,3"}, {"i \"comma-heart\" you", "i \",heart\" u, too"}} If we Export that to CSV and then Import it again we don't get the same thing back: Import[Export["tmp.csv", d]] Looking at tmp.csv it's clear that the Export didn't work, since the quotes are not escaped properly. Accor...

PHP: Assigning values to a variable inside IF statement

Hi guys, I was wondering if i could assign values to a variable inside an IF statement. My code is as follows: <?php if ((count($newArray) = array("hello", "world")) == 0) { // do something } ?> So basically i want assign the array to the $newArray variable, then count newArray and check to see if it is an empty arra...

printing from multidimentional arrays?

i have a multi array that looks like this. $_SESSION['cartItems']['quantity'] how do i print out its values? print_r wont work. unless i sessions dont work with multi arrays? ...

'Array of arrays' in matlab?

Hey, having a wee bit of trouble. Trying to assign a variable length 1d array to different values of an array, e.g. a(1) = [1, 0.13,0.52,0.3]; a(2) = [1, 0, .268]; However, I get the error: ??? In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same. Error in ==> lab2 at 15 a(1) = [1, 0.13,0.52,0.3]; I pre...

[PHP] converting mysql data into array?

i have an ajax script that check if the user name is available or not, but it keeps taking the newest user name and the rest are out $result = mysql_query("Select username from customer"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $existing_users=array(''.$row['username'].','); } i know i am doing something worng ...

Sprite array list never works! Need help understanding how to create arrays of class instances in JAVA

// Particle Stuct Instance private Sprite[] mParticles = new Sprite[10]; /// Particle emitter Properties private Context mContext; private int mPositionX, mPositionY, mWidth, mHeight, mNumParticles; private Rect srcRect, dstRect; /*** Constructor ! ***/ public ParticleEmitter(Context c, Sprite spriteImage, int num_particles) { ...

How to make an C vector or array from an NSArray?

Is that possible? I've seen no method that would generate a plain old C vector or array. I have just NSNumber objects in my array which I need as C vector or array. ...