
Draw curve arrow , place arrow head in right location

hello all , i am painting a curve arrow using java , but i cant place to arrow head in the right location can u help me please this is what i done so far , icon should be dynamic size , so all should be painted according to the m_size variable thank you public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y){ Graphics2D...

How to add arrow to each WPF listview column to indicate sort direction

Hi, I have a gridview ...with multiple columns. If I click on one column, it sorts the gridview based on that column values. I like to add an arrow in that "clicked" column header(when user clicks) to show that "this particular column is clicked and this is the sort direction" How can I do this? I saw a sample link http://stackoverflo...

Adding an arrow below the x axis in R plots

I am trying to add arrows marking specific x coordinates below the x axis in an R plot. My x axis is at y=0 and when I try to use negative y-coordinates in arrows, so the arrows will be perpendicular to x axis, I get only the very edges of the arrow plotted (although is some space, e,g where the x-axis label and tickmarks are plotted). ...

Working with Arrow Keys in a WPF Textbox (C#)

Is there any way to catch the Up/Down arrow keys in a WPF TextBox (System.Windows.Controls.Textbox) and allow them to alter the text? I've read about overiding the ProcessCmdKey method for a Windows Forms TextBox (System.Windows.Forms.TextBox), and it worked fine, but that TextBox is not nearly as flexible as the WPF one. Is there a simi...

TargetType="{x:Type GroupItem}" arrow style in wpf

How to change arrow style for ...

Drawing arrows on bing maps in Silverlight

I need to draw lines to demonstrate transportation of goods on bing maps. To clarify start- and end-point, I draw a little arrowhead on the destination side. Problem is, when I view the global map, certain lines are drawn along the shortest path 'around the back'. For example going from New York City to Tokio, it would be drawn across th...

jQuery qtip doesn't draw little arrow tip in IE8 (or IE7)

I'm using jquery's qtip plugin to draw a tooltip, and it works fine on FF but not on my versions of IE. It looks like for IE, the plugin uses vml tags instead of canvas tags. Is there something extra I need to include in my page to get the little arrow tip to show? Here's my simple html page; note that when you mouse over "tooltip tar...

Detect arrow key input in qt

How would I detect the pressing of one of the arrow keys in qt? Also, would the application still detect them if it is minimized? ...