
How to deal with Maven projects containing several internal artifacts?

Hey. I'm about to start working on a web-application and I'll be using Maven. I want the web-application to be an individual artifact. The web-application will end up depending on a couple of self written libraries (for example text-formatting), and each of these libraries should be an individual artifact. What's the recommended way of...

Artifacts when receiving image from camera in Java

Hey all, weird question. My company has an application from another company that records an image taken by a camera connected via Ethernet. Their app is written in C++ and I've been trying to convert/hack it using Java. I'm able to receive images, but the quality is not the same. The photo on top is from their app and the photo on botto...

LAN->LAN IP translation for Buffalo router?

Here's my scenario: I've got a VisualSVN server on my main dev box @ home. I'm also using a Visual Studio 2010, TortoiseSVN, VisualSVN client (for source control), and Versioned 'Artifacts' (for bug tracking). I've got my Buffalo AirStation WHR-HP-G300N router properly configured so my business partner can connect to the SVN server. I ...

Errors in Gnuplot PDF output

I'm trying to plot data with Gnuplot where all data values are positive. However, when plotting to PDF some of the output values appear negative under the x-axis: This does not happen when plotting to PNG. Reducing the line width helps to mitigate this issue, but this is not really a solution. How can i ...

help for use maven artifacts

I'm learning Maven and I'd need a little help to get started. I use the m2eclipse plugin (Maven) and I would like to generate a project like Struts 2, Hibernate 3, MySQL. For now I just create a simple project with the archetype: maven-archetype-webapp What are the dependencies I need to add? ...

Internet Explorer unwanted artifact on images when using javascript slideshow

Hi there, We're having the following weird (well...) behavior in all versions of Internet Explorer browsers when using javascript slideshows. You can see what I mean here In the last 3 images there are white lines and artifacts created by the browser. This is true as I ...

Exclude file types in teamcity artifacts

Hi, I'm just about to setup teamcity for the first time on my own. Very nice and simple in most ways I have to say. However, I have one issue that I haven't manage to solve and find any information about. When I wanna publish my artifacts I want to exclude some file types. example:\trunk\Source\Projects\Webp...

How to make TeamCity build fail if artifacts are not found?

Is it posible to fail TeamCity builds if artifacts are not found? I mean without writing any special script, i.e. does TeamCity has such built-in functionality? ...