
Asmx web service JSon response doesn't take into account DataMember(Name =

Hi, I can't manage to get a proper json response in an asmx web service. Data structure are defined with DataContract and DataMember attribute but specifying DataMember Name doesn't change response data. Do you have any idea? Here the code (it's for jqgrid): /// <summary> /// a row of the jquery table /// </summary>...

Silverlight, SOAP, and GZip - troubleshooting

How do I turn off gzip compression on my SOAP requests from Silverlight 3 or 4? I'm getting a 500 error from my server page (asmx) and for some reason the debugger doesn't catch it. Because the 500 error response is encoded I can't tell what the problem is from Fiddler. Or if I could turn it off from the asmx side that would be fine too...

Calling ASP.NET ASMX Web Service from jQuery

I am trying to call an ASMX from jQuery using JSON and get a SOAP error response. What am I doing wrong?! This is my jQuery call: $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/Services/TeamPerson.asmx', contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", data: {'active':false, 'team_id':team_id, 'player_id...

Error adding service reference The server committed a protocol violation.

After moving application to shared hosting I cannot add service reference to .asmx and WCF services that used to work on dedicated server. The error in adding WCF service reference is: There was an error downloading 'address ... Service.svc'. The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseHeader Detail=CR must be followed b...

Problem with Fedex Address Verification Web Reference

I'm trying to get the sample FedEx Address Verification application to work in C#. After contacting my FedEx technical contact and having him activate Address Verification on my test account (apparently it is considered an advanced service that requires additional permissions) I was able to compile and run the example application. Howev...

WebService to use ODP.NET from a File Share

I have a C# ASMX web service that uses Oracle.DataAccess.Client to connect to an Oracle database. When I try to call a web method I get this error message: unable to load dll 'OraOps10.dll' It's the same problem as asked before, with the significant difference that I do have ODAP (at least I have OraOps10.dll in an Oracle client in...

Posting to ASMX Service and returning Object for jQuery

I am using fluent NHibernate with WebForms and I am trying to build a page where I allow a user to post a status update on their profile page and I a using a .asmx WebService to post the data to the database and then returnig a StatusUpdate instance to the page to be used by jQuery. I have a couple problems. 1) First off when I return a...

JQuery: Calling a webservice

I am developing a SilverLight application wherein on browser close event, i need to do a web service call. I have a web service method which accepts one parameter. When the user clicks on browser close event. I'll be calling the doRelease() function. the releaseuser method requires a parameter usertoken. I got an error when I'm calling ...

Error while calling webservice (Server was unable to process request. ---> PARAMETER_NAME)

I get this error while calling the web service hosted on the server. The service has one web method with as string input and returns string (will be in XML format). The service is working fine but once in a while I get this error and can't predict. Can someone help me to get through this error. Attached the screen shot of the error. ...

Using a .Net 2.0 Web Reference in Visual Studio 2010

I have a .Net 3.5 class library project that I've migrated to use Visual Studio 2010. It still targets .Net 3.5. This project contains two ASP.Net 2.0 style Web References (with the auto generated Reference.cs files). During the migration to VS 2010, the Reference.cs files were updated to use .Net 4.0. Specifically, the constructor att...

Class Libraries, Silverlight and Webservices.

I have a Silverlight Class Library that I want to use in both my Silverlight and my WebService project. I am able to create and reference the Library in both projects without any problems, but when I try to use any of the classes in the Library on the Silerlight project, I get an ambiguous reference error between my Library and the Asm...

getting Uncaught SoapFault exception when using soap client

Hello, PHP Version: 5.3.3 I'm using the SOAP extension to pull data from a web api. Below you can see my connection details. When it gets to line 3 I get an error: Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' : failed to load ...

Catching Thrown Exception from Web Service in Silverlight App

I'm trying to throw and exception from my asmx web service and have the silverlight front end catch the exception within the completed event for the web service. Is this possible? ...

Limiting number of calls to an ASMX Web Service

We have an asmx web service hosted in IIS6. Is there a good way to limit the number of calls to the service in a period of time for a single IP? We don't want to put a hard limit (X number of times an hour), but we want to be able to prevent a spike from a single user. We're currently investigating to see if our firewall is capable o...

Get xhr object in while ajax calling fails.

Hi Dude, I have a big problem in jQuery.ajax call. I am calling the web service whenever click the update button. I have a separate web service class, in which consist of few methods. When I calling the web service method, I have made the error handling and log the error information in db after that I have to override the “ex” that mean...

Web service bug in .NET

Hi all, I have the following web service method (.ASMX file): [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public GetTruckBasicReturnedObject GetPollBasic(ulong truckId) { return new GetTruckBasicReturnedObject(); } Any time I uncomment this method, when I try to get to the service test pa...

Base class for an ASMX webservice - calling the derived method from the base class it self

Hi folks, I have a bunch of asmx web services, and in all the methods inside the webservices follow a common pattern public virtual TestObject Test() { LogRequest; try { DoSomething; } catch { LogException; } LogResponse; return response; } and all the methods follow this pattern, there is a lot o...

How do I change the auto generated wsdl that a soap service generates in .net

I am trying to mock up a java web service that isn't complete but has been designed, i.e. I have the wsdl. I've implemented a .net web service with the classes and methods required with the same names, etc. However when I request the wsdl from the .net web service, the proxy classes generated contain the suffix "Soap", .e.g instead of ...

Passing Null Values to Web Services Via SOAP Using Excel VBA

I have a Web Service which has one WebMethod with nullable parameters: [WebMethod] public void SaveValue(double? Real, double? Meta){ //Do the magic... } In my Excel I'm calling the WebMethod as below: Dim WebSvc As MSSOAPLib.SoapClient Set WebSvc = New SoapClient Call WebSvc.mssoapinit("http://localhost:10618/WebService.asmx?wsdl"...

Making a class a full fledged webservice.

I am not using Visual Studio 2010. I have a class file that I marked as a webmethod. I am able to compile it using C# compiler targetting the .NET 3.5 framework. How can I make this a webservice? Any ideas? ...