
Classic ASP Session Timeout: Can I Perform Any Actions on Timeout?

In a Classic ASP application, if I set Session.Timeout = 10 (or similar), can I execute a piece of code when the Session expires? I would like to clear out values stored in the Application object when the user session ends. Cheers. ...

References in traditional ASP

Hello, I got tossed into some maintenance work on a traditional ASP (note: NOT ASP.NET) page. This page has a line that looks like this at the top: <object RUNAT="server" PROGID="findasp.Search" id="objFind"></object> The body of the asp page then has something that looks like this: <form ACTION="search.asp" METHOD="post" ID="frmSe...


I'm trying to convert a classic ASP page to ASP.NET 3.5. The page has several forms on it for several different things. In ASP.NET, there's a server form control wrapping the entire page, and form controls don't work within a server form control, and you can't have more than one server form control on a page. So in order to keep this f...

using microsoft velocity / memcache from classic asp

hey guys can anyone tell me how to read data from cache saved in microsoft velocity from classic asp? if above is not possible, then what if i use memcache instead. then is it possible and worth it to read memcache from classic asp thanks in advance ...

Why won't my page load.

I have a net 2.0 ASP page with an HTML form that connects to a MS SQL 2008 database. I thought it was the connection string that was the problem when my page would not load,but with some help from this site and others, I beleive the connection is being made but the form just isn't loading. I am not an experienced ASP or HTML coder and ...

CDO message wont send when delivery receipt requested

I'm writing an application in classic ASP (yes, please forgive me) that sends e-mails using Google Mail. I have it working just fine like this: Dim ObjSendMail Set ObjSendMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2 ObjSendMail.Configuration.F...

capturing title and metatags from a textarea

Hi There I am trying to capture html <title></title> and Metadata from with in a form1 but not exactly sure how to do it... My quess is to do it like: document.write(document.form1.title); or document.write.texteara.(document.form1.title); but this is not working for me... <textarea name="textarea" id="textarea" cols="45" rows...

How to find out if value is undefined or not

Hi Everyone I have this javascript in a classic asp page... I need to find out if is undefined or has a value: x=document.getElementsByTagName("meta")[i]; if (String( != "undefined" && String( != ""){ document.write("" +": "+x.content+"<br><br>"); } I am not sure why it is throwing an error: document.wri...

Duplicate SQL Server database on same server cannot be accessed

I am using SQL Server Workgroup Edition on Windows Server 2003 R2 My classic ASP pages access my production database using a system DSN. All working here. Code like this... <% dbName= "ProdDB" userID = "PublicUser" pwd = "PublicUserPW" Set objConn = Server.createObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.connectionString = "DSN=MySyste...

Get metadata using javascript

Hi Everyone - Your help would be greatly appreciated I have the following code: It is suppose to get the metatags from a website: function calculate() { // This gets the title: g_title = ('' + document.title + ''); g_title_count = ('' + document.title.split(' ').length + ''); g_title_length = ('' + document.title.length...

Run Javascript Function before response.redirect in classic asp

I have some asp code where I need to execute some javascript function and then redirect the user to a new page. when i do this ibn my code, I am response writing the javascript to the browser. the issue that i am having is that the redirect occurs on ther server side, before the JS function finishes. Is there a work around for this? Than...

Using MVC 2 view user control for a GET

I'm converting a classic ASP page to ASP.NET MVC 2. I have a simple form on the page that runs a search. Here's the code: <form id="searchbox" action="/search.asp"> <input type="text" name="q" /> <input type="submit" value="go" name="sa" /> </form> The "/search.asp" page will stay, my new MVC page will just use it. So the fo...

Mail Send in ASP Classic

I got one error at mail send in asp Error Type: Persits.MailSender.4 (0x800A0011) Access is denied. /public/Register-Process.asp, line 142 I search google, it is NTFS permission error. How can I solve this problem. ...

Form onChange calculation

Hi there, I have a classic asp form to add products to a site. The form has 3 fields of 'Price', 'Sale' Price and a checkbox for 'On Sale'. What i'm trying to do is, when a user enters a 'Price' and ticks the 'On Sale' checkbox, some javascript would complete the 'Sale Price' with a value that is 'Price' - 10%. Wondering if anyone may...

Remove chars in a string until numeric is found in ASP and VB

I am trying to add to a page that someone else has written. I need to take a string that is formated with either 3 or 4 alpha characters followed by a series of numbers. I need to remove these alpha characters so that only a string of numbers is left. Example: What I'm string with is TrailerNumber = "CIN0012345" and I need the result ...

Mergin two tables from different databases

Hi all, I have two tables from two different databases. For example: Table: Articles1 - Database: db1 Attributes: id date headline text Table: Articles2 - Database: db2 Attributes: id date headline text Now i want to make an article feed with articles from both tables combined and sorted by date. From my knowledge it isnt possible ...

removing special codes using asp and RegExp

Hi im just wondering if anyone knows how to remove special codes and spaces from a string in asp classic ? thanks ...

Classic ASP recordset not allowing field update

I have a strange one here.. I create a recordset using Classic ASP Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.ActiveConnection = g_conn rs.CursorLocation=3 ' adUseClient rs.LockType= 3 ' adLockBatchOptimistic on error resume next rs.Open ...

My web site database is hacked.

My website has been attacked by some malicious script / title script src = http : // . This script is appended to any column(s) of some table automatically. I have removed this script. But after a few hours, it re-appeared in some tables. But this time it is / title script src = http : // google-stats45.inf...

error in converting datatype nvarchar to bigint

this code is giving me error: error in converting datatype nvarchar to bigint this is my table values: @customer_first_name nvarchar(50), @customer_last_name nvarchar(50), @customer_address nvarchar(max), @gender nchar(10), @date_of_birth datetime, @customer_email_id varchar(50), @customer_occuption varchar(50), @customer_phone_...