
Problems with xmlhttp

I have the following code to grab details from a webserver <%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript%> <% vCustomerUserName = "name" vCustomerPassword = "password" vEventID = 123456 vEmail = "[email protected]" vPassword = "1122334455" Response.Buffer=False Dim MyConnection Dim TheURL ''# Specifying the URL dataURL = "

Debugger on wrong line when debugging Classic Asp

I'm having trouble debugging any ASP Classic website on my workstation using any of the MS debugging environments available to me. I'm on Win XP SP3, using the builtin IIS 5.1. It started a few weeks ago, and happens across multiple projects. Something clearly changed in my environment, because it was working fine in the past, even in r...

Why am I getting this VBScript "Overflow" error?

Intermittently I am getting "VBScript runtime error '800a0006': Overflow" on this line: Response.Cookies("AffiliateID").Expires = Date() + 30 '30 day cookie The error message is referencing this line but maybe it is happening in the code around it, which follows: elseif Session("LoggedIn")<>1 and not isEmpty(request.querystring("aff"...

How should I use ByVal in VBScript functions?

I am running into a bit of a problem with ByVal in VBScript. Here's a quick sample script that I wrote to illustrate the issue: <% Option Explicit dim PublicDict Set PublicDict = createobject("Scripting.Dictionary") PublicDict.Add "MyKey", "What's up doc?" response.write OutputStringFromDictionary( PublicDict ) & "<br />" response.wr...

How to Bind Data in DropDown and Grid In classic Asp?

Hello I m new with asp scripts i have not mores ideas as well in asp. i have worked in Now I facing a problem to bind data with DropDown and Grid. Please suggest me any ideas to bind data with drop down. And second thing how can i want to bind data with Grid with sorting feature. Please Suggest me Idea to do this. ...

how would you connect a classic asp web application with a java component?

We have several classic asp web application that instantiates a visual basic 6 component, passes a (possibly huge) xml string, and gets back a (also possibly huge) xml string. This component is the only way we have to interact with the database. We are planning to rewrite this component using java. The idea is to left the rest of the ...