SqlMembershipProvider question

When you create the Register Control for the SqlMembersipProvider nothing happens if they register and the username or email is in use. Is there a tutorial or override function that fixes this in 2.0 ...

In javascript how to find the height and width.

Hi, i am having a .aspx and masterpage page. in masterpage i am loading aspx page . in aspx page design i am using generating table structure using code-behind server in javascript how to find the height and width . Regards, kumar ...

Are there any ASP.NET template technologies which can be used both client and server-side?

Currently I'm working with ASP.NET 2.0, which may explain why I'm not as up on this as I might be. However, I don't see a full solution in my Googling of ASP.NET MVC, etc. Here's my background thinking. Firstly, data-bound templates are really useful. I'm currently dealing with lots of legacy code whereby people are building up control...

Can I Include different javascript/css files per Content Page using ASP.NET WebForms Master Pages?

I have several Content Pages using the same Master Page, that don't all need the same javascript and css files included in the <head> tag. Is it possible to change the contents of the <head> tag from the Content Pages? ...

Referencing Namespace from Web.Config

Can I declare namespaces in the web.config so that I don't have to write using statements for each namespace in each of my codebehind files? ...

Can I find a file by filename only (i.e. extension unknown)

We have a network folder that is the landing place for csv files processed by different servers. We alter the extension of the csv files to match the server that processed the file; for instance a file with the name FooBar that was process by Server1 would land in the network share with the name FooBar.Server_1. The information I hav...

How to use +number in server error page?

If my app throws an exception I see the server error page. The stack track shows the method where the error occurred (null reference exception for example), and a plus number, like +730. How can I backtrack that number to the line of c# code? Edit: I don't know what "+730" represents and I don't have a reference manual for it. One thing...

requireSSL="true" for subfolder

Is it possible to set requireSSL="true" for admin part of the site alone? ...

GridView: Can I implement client-side paging?

Regarding ASP.NET's GridView server control: Can I bind to a datasource in the code-behind, load the entire resultset, and then implement client-side paging without postbacks? If this isn't possible with GridView, I'm willing to implement a custom solution. EDIT: My GridView instance sits inside of a nyroModal (jQuery) pop-up div,...

The file '/index.aspx' has not been pre-compiled, and cannot be requested.

When I publish my website using Visual Studio 2010 I get the following error: I'm also using the following compilation settings: What possible reasons are there for this not working? Thanks, Curt ...

How to generate an ASP.NET 2.0 (retro) web.config within Visual Studio 2010

Hi all, I'm using VS 2010 Express Edition (VWD) to develop a website project that will be deployed to a Windows 2000 Server (targeting .NET 2.0). BACKGROUND: The website was new, so I chose the 'c# blank website' project template in VS 2010. This (as you may know) gave me an extremely more lean web.config file than VS 2008. I like tha...

Mail header "From" sometimes not encoded with System.Net.Mail and .NET Framework 2.0

Greetings. I've checked out some other question entries here, such as this one, but do not find the same issue as I'm having. Perhaps a guru here has experienced something similar in the past. Basically, I'm creating an ASP.NET 2.0 web application, which sometimes needs to send out e-mails (using System.Net.Mail), and I'm encountering ...

Dynamic Calendar control

Hi, How to generate dynamic calendar controls based on default calendar control's selectionchanged event? ...

In ASP.NET, is there a reason to use the "sender" object of an EventHandler?

In doing a lot of ASP.NET pages (.NET 2.0), my codebehind is typically packed with event handlers on page objects. GridView_RowCommand, Button_Click, etc. All the usual suspects. One thing all EventHandler derived things have in common is that their first argument is an object, typically labeled "sender". In ASP.NET codebehind, I real...

dropdown lists on master page, dropdown lilsts manipulation(logic, events) on content page

I have a Content Page with drop down lists within an update panel: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upVehicleFilter" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="false" UpdateMode="Conditional"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:DropDownList id="ddlYear" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlYea...

Log file is coming blank after error in Log4Net

Hi Experts, I want to use Log4Net in my application & I have done the following things: In Web.Config File <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/> </configSections> <log4net> <logger name="File"> <level value="All" /> <appender name="LogFileAppe...

Log4Net is not working with Sql Server 2005

Hi All, I want to make Log4Net to enter logs in MS Sql Server 2005. I am using .NET 2.0. Here is the code till now I have written: Web.Config File <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net"/> </configSections> <connectionStrings/> <log4net> <appender name="AdoNetAppe...

Is there any drawback of setting executionTimeout to longer period?

Is there any drawback of setting executionTimeout to longer period? ...

URL rewritting in 2.0

Hi All, I am using 2.0 with C#. My Querystring is like this\default.aspx?name=steve I want it to be like "\name\steve\default.aspx" or\FakeName\name\steve\default.aspx I have found that I can achieve this by URL rewritting but the explanation I found of net is too complex for me, also on the...

Do external references slow down my ASP.NET application? (VS: Add Reference dialog)

I've noticed as my website gets bigger and bigger, the time my laptop takes to display my page is much longer then say a new projects with minimal references. I think there are two variables at play that affect ASP.NET warm-up time: The quantity of external references The time it takes for a worker process to new() up each instance pe...