Problem with RegisterClientScriptInclude and RegisterClientScriptBlock

Hi All: I Have usercontrol and i registered the following javascript method in code behind : changeSelectedMenu(controlID); the previous method is declared in JScript.js file so i registered it also . but the following exception has been thrown : Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected The result page is : <script src=...

What is the difference between AJAH and AJAX?

While reading about ASP.NET Ajax toolkit I stumbled upon the term AJAH. What is it and how is it different from Ajax? ...

ASP.Net MVC: Entity Selection in View without using dropdownlist

I have an EditTask View for editing the following properties for a Task that I am modeling. [Task Name] [Project Name] [Assigned Employee] Task Name and Project Name are just simple text boxes. I want Assigned Employee to be a selection from all the available Employee's currently in the database. Dropdownlist is not ...

move time consuming operations out of page load

Hi All I have a aspx page in which i create reports and charts on the fly. Creation of these charts and reports takes a lot of time because of which a blank screen is shown to the user until the creation completes. Can you guys sugest ways by which i can unlink actual report and chart creation code from page load so that i can show a p...

ASP.NET: Custom control that outputs multiple hyperlinks. How do I register the ClientIDs for AJAX (UpdatePanel)?

I have a custom control which is rendered as a hyperlink: Public Class TestControl Inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl Implements IPostBackEventHandler Public Sub RaisePostBackEvent(ByVal eventArgument As String) Implements System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent Trace.WriteLine("Hyperlink 1...

USA map drill-down in ASP.NET

I'm looking for some component (preferably freeware) what will provide me the ability to take an image of the USA and have a user click a state. The image of the state will then display, giving the ability to click either a region, or a county, and drill down further. A user would then be able to select one or more counties. I'm also t...

ASP.Net Ajax TextBox Enter Key Click Go to server

I have a textbox i need to go to the server when Enter Key is clicked with ajax to update a label on the page ...

How can i call javascript function from backend within updatepanel

How can I call javascript function from backend within updatepanel in ...

Sys.Application.add_load() vs. $(document).ready() vs. pageLoad()

I have page that has some javascript that needs to run at page load. Said javascript needs to locate the client-side component of a ServerControl, which it does with $find(). Of course, if I emit my code directly onto the page, it executes as the page is being read, and fails because nothing it depends on is yet initialized. If I put ...

Trigger update panel to refresh gridview

I have two update panels on my page. The first has a form that contains required field validators and a button that triggers the update panel and sends the info to a database. It also has a trigger for the button. The second update panel holds a gridview that shows a few columns from the collected data. As of right now I have the gridvi...

move time consuming operations out of page load

Hi All, I have a aspx page in which i create reports and charts on the fly. Creation of these charts and reports takes a lot of time because of which a blank screen is shown to the user until the creation completes. To solve this problem I am trying to trigger report generation in a separate thread on page load and when the reportgener...

Sys.Application.add_init Not Invoked on UpdatePanel Update

I have a custom UI control which has a JavaScript class written around the AJAX.NET framework. It inherits from the Sys.UI.Control. The control itself is a UserControl. In the render method I wrap the control in a span and give the span's id the ClientID of the user control. This way I can do this later on: var control = $find('<%= ...

ASP.NET MVC AJAX call returning value to view from controller

During AJAX call is it possible to return ViewData, TempData or a session back to the view? does these variables are included in the cycle? please comment function submitForm(frm) { var tdata = $(frm).serialize(); $.ajax({ url: "/Organization/EditOrganizationMeta", data: tdata, succe...

Membership IsUserOnline Problem

I have a chat application.The problem is i'm using membership for checking whether the user is Online or not.I haven't set any time window.Now when the user logs out using LoginStatus,the user is still shown online.What should i do to resolve this ...

Updatepanel gives web request manager error

I have an updatepanel that inside it I have a dropdownlist control with postback enable when the user click on that dropdownlist AjaxEditor's value must change but error happend it says "Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Input string was not in a correct format" <asp:DropDownList ID=...

error :Object doesn't support this property or method

I have an AJAX AsycFileupload in my asp page. When I uploaded a file to a folder "upload", an error message was displayed in the page "Object doesn't support this property or method". //in the script tag function uploadError(sender, args) { document.getElementById('lbl_status').innerText = args.get_fileName() + " "+ args....

How do I code my ASP.NET page to parallelize downloads across hostnames?

Google Page Speed test tells me I need to distribute my queries across DNS Domain names to speed up rendering. Since I do development offline, I'd like to find a solution that will distribute my static content (img, CSS, js) across different hostnames, and will still work when I'm offline in an airplane. Q: How can I code my page to u...

Reusing ajax result mvc

Hello Everyone, i want to implement ajax functionality like google has done here. this is a transliteration application where user types word in roman and after he/she presses space it sends an ajax call to server bringing back list of probable output words in native script of the language (Urdu in my case). when writing text when i wri...

caching ajax result on client side mvc2

Hello everyone, i want to do something like this is screenshot of google transliterator that can be found here. in this application user writes in roman script and when he/she presses space an ajax request goes to server bringing back list of words. roman word is then replaced by word top in the result list (Urdu result list in my ca...

ms ajax hover extender error "An extender can't be in a different UpdatePanel than the control it extends"

It is obvious that the control and the extender are in the same update panel. Yet, a "An extender can't be in a different UpdatePanel than the control it extends" error occurs. NOTE: The user control is declared within an UpdatePanel on the page using it. That makes the UpdatePanel in the user control "nested". The following code is in...