jquery get method returns html data with jquery get method

<script type="text/javascript"> $.get("url",function(data){ $('#div').html(data); }); </script> after using this function data returns below: <div id="info"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> $.get("urlanother",function(data){ $('#info').html(data); }); </script> My problem is second get operation not work. How to do it...

ModalPopupExtender with DOCTYPE HTML 4.1

The ModalPopupExtender works fine when I have DOCTYPE of XHTML 1.0 But when i use DOCTYPE of HTML 4.1, The popup is displayed on top left and is disabled. I found a solution to this problem at but unfortunately this works with a very old version ...

ASYNC postbacks happening when SupportsPartialRendering is set to false.

We're getting a confusing error on two of our pages in our ASP.NET application. Both pages originaly had tags to reload the page every so often if a user sat on it for a while, but opted to remove those in favor of some AJAX flavoring. Specifically, we created timer controls on the page and wired the timer's tick event as a trigger for ...

single ajax Calendar extender for mutiple textbox and image controls?

I looking single ajax calendar extender for multiple text boxes and (calendar) image controls? how can we do that? I found below good article on textboxes (not calendar images) controls. Please help me to get this with image controls also link text ...

Passing objects to ASP :NET Webservice through JSON

Im trying to send a custom HTML object from my ASP 2.0 website to my webservice through jQuery ajax. But I cant get it to work. Everything is parsed correct in my webservice when I drop the ObjectHTML part. But I get an error when I add the ObjectHTML part. Is it possible to send custom javascript objects? function SavePage() { v...

calling the popup from a popupcontrolextender programmatically

I would like to call a popup of the popupcontrolextender programmatically. Is this possible? ...

Is it possible to trigger AJAX CollapsiblePanelExtender animation from code behind?

I am using an AJAX CollapsiblePanelExtender for several sections of a form. I can collapse a panel programatically using the following 2 lines: ajaxCollapsiblePanelExtender1.Collapsed = true; ajaxCollapsiblePanelExtender1.ClientState = "true"; However, the expand/collapse animation does not play as when the Expand/Coll... ajax container takes eons to load

Hi, I'm using 2 ajax tab container for a mostly intranet used application in a single screen. Thing is, eventually it might have to be accesed through internet and it's taking 15-17 seconds to load and 35-40 seconds after a Response.Redirect() when it's accesed through internet. In intranet it works alright. I'm using...

AJAX vs JQuery Tooltip - UpdatePanel

I'm trying to implement's JQuery tooltip into my webapplication (C#.NET). I have the following script at Master.Page: function createTooltip() { // select all desired input fields and attach tooltips to them $("#aspnetForm :input")...

Injecting javascript and HTML using AJAX

Heya all, First of all I would like to say that while this is the first time i post here these boards have helped me much. With that said, I have got a strange issue regarding AJAX and scripts. You see, in my web application i used custome JS context menus. Now each of them menus is implemented with specific features depending on the ob...

PopUp Extender outside a repeater

Hey, I have an ajax PopUpExtender outide a Repeter, it must be there becuase i use it Dynamicly on other contorls i want the popup extender will be activated by Command of linkButton in the Repeater, I cant figure out how to add the TargetID to the popupID currectly here is my last shot: protected void lb_viewFileClick(object sende...

ASP.NET Ajax 404 error on postback

My site has a page that loads content from a web form in a subdirectory into a JQuery UI modal dialog using JQuery for the asynchronous requests. For example, "Default.aspx" loads "SubDir/UsersList.aspx" into the dialog. UsersList.aspx contains a GridView that allows the deletion of users and because the content is dynamically loaded i...

ASP.Net show/hide parent and child controls by passing variables

I'm trying to update the visibility of a parent control based on an event in this same parent's child control. It is a large pre-existing project and I'm trying to add some basic logic to simplify a checkout process. The problem I'm having is that it has so many control (which is a good thing) that due to it's structure I'm not sure ho...

Make new MVC AJAX InsertionMode

Hello, I'd like to extend my MVC2 project with a new kind of insertion mode, because the current InsertionMode.Replace doesn't fit my needs, as it just replaces/inserts the content into the parent node, but I would need the parent node to be replaced as well (messing around with table rows). Currently I have the original replace method...

ASP.NET Ajax & ModalPopupExtender doesn't show up

Hello I'm not able to get my panel popup using ModalPopupExtender. Here's the code .modalBackground { background-color:#CCCCFF; filter:alpha(opacity=40); display:none; opacity:0.5; } .ModalWindow { border: solid1px#c0c0c0; background:#f0f0f0; padding: 0px 10px 10px 10px; position:absolute; top:-1000px; left:-1000; }...

ASP.Net Web Form + Ajax Data lost on post back. Possible cause ? Ajax or changing visible property

I have two Repeater controls, each hosted in a user control. Both user controls are contained in the same aspx page. Only one User Control is visible at any one time. The repeaters are comprised of checkboxes, and text boxes for user input. The aspx page is configured with an Ajax ScriptManager; and contains several Ajax UpdatePanels...

update panel CSV generation cache issue

On a page with update panel on a button click I have put some code to generate CSV . When I click on Open in File dialog CSV file shown comes from browser cache.Every time it shows old csv.I have checked on server the csv file is created new but browser show old files. ...

Problem with ASP.NET AJAX Tabs

I get the following error intermitantly from the live website I develop (say twice a month). From the stack trace, it seems to be internal to the AJAX control toolkit. Error Message: Invalid object passed in, member name expected. (1): {&quot;ActiveTabIndex&quot;:0,&quot;TabState&quot;:[true,true,true,true]} I have found once other per...

Hitting backspace in ASP.NET AJAX ComboBox causes JavaScript error

I am using a ComboBox from the ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit (version for .NET 3.5) with values populated into its DataSource property. If I use my mouse to drop the combobox down and select a value, then highlight the value and click backspace, I get an error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: '_optionListItems[...].text' is null or not an obj...

Loading dropdownlist on click of the dropdown's arrow/lazy loading of dropdown

Hi all, I have a situation where on a page there are 7-8 dropdowns, which have large amount of data to be binded. I have a radiobutton list having 2 choices and on selecting any of them, the i get the data from cache and bind all the dropdowns which takes about 6-7 seconds.But, i dont use all the dropdown everytime as basic functionality...