How would I prevent the session from expiring while using AJAX?

Hello, I have a .Net 3.5 website which uses windows authentication and expires the session using a meta tag on the prerender of my base masterpage class. protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); if (Response.ContentType == "text/html") this.Page.Header.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl( ...

IIS 6: How can I check if server trace is enabled?

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled. Details: Error parsing near ' <!DOCTYPE html PUB'. There are tons of re...

Complex filtering in web application

I need to estimate (and probably build later on) complex filter in ASP.NET WebForms application. The filter has to be mostly based on ASP.NET AJAX or jQuery for high interactivity. The filter has to allow filtering data with complex logical conditions (and, or, braces) and several operators. A user has to be able to save the filter's que...

Nested Update Panel Problem

I have two nested UpdatePanle and a button and an editor in parent panel and a GridView in child panel. <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional"> <ContentTemplate> <asp:Button ID="btn_UsersList" runat="server" onclick="btn_UsersList_Click" Text="users" /> <asp:UpdatePa...

Getting list of controls inside a specific div in .NET

How to Get list of controls inside a specific div in ASP.NET ...

Use AJAX from javascript

This is probably a simple question. I use ASP.NET ajax toolkit and Jquery. I want to call a server-side function/method from Javascript and have it update a control. Can i do this? Client-side send_request(foobar,args); Server-side private void foorbar(){ Label1.Text = "updated"; } ...

Reading json return value

Hi there, I have a static web method which returns an object and this object has some values. I am calling this function from an ajax call. $.ajax({ url: "EuclidAktarim.aspx/f_EuclideGonder_", type: "POST", data: "{_sTCKimlikNo:'" + tc + "', _iKlinik_id:" + iKlinikId + ", _iYil:" + iYil + ", _byAy:" ...

What is "info_dialog" Method in Visual Studio 2010 Javascript AutoComplete?

When editing javascript in VS2010, the dropdown autocomplete list shows a method called info_dialog - i dont have this method in any of my javascript and cant seem to find out where it comes from or what it does? Does anyone know? Thanks a lot! ...

Submit form via AJAX with loading progress ?

Hello guys, just need tips on how to make forms where request are submitted via AJAX with a loading progress image. I am using update panels with AJAX framework. I would like to know about the recommended approach. Through JQuery or AJAX toolkit ? Please advice, examples would be an added bonus for me. ...

Ajax tab container - on page loads changes the tab.

Hi, I'm using ajax tabcontainer with two tabs and gridview in it .the first grid in first tab has no paging in it , but the second grid in the second tab has paging and when i'm clicking on paging on the second tab gridview page loads and it shows me the first tab with first grid, i have to again click on the second tab to view the seco...

How to change this code in to $.ajax so that I can display message after saving to the database?

Hello Friends, I am using this ccode right now.. <%using (Html.BeginForm("SaveNewServiceTypeCategory","ServiceTypeCategory")){ %> <table> <tr> <td>Service type category:</td> <td style="padding-left:5px;"> <input type="text" id="txtNewServiceTypeCategory" name="txtNewServiceTypeCategory" ...

Get "Invalid web service call, missing value for parameter" error when calling a web service method using jQuery

This is my aspx file code: var DTO = { "'productCategoryId'": "'10'" }; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/WebService/DsmWebServices.asmx/GetProductSubCategory", data: DTO, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { window.alert("success"); }, error: function (msg) { } }); This is...

Find DOM in content panel

Please Help! How i can find DOM element : <asp:Content .....> .... <asp:TextBox ID="txt1" runat ="server" Text="Test"></asp:TextBox> .... </asp:Content> From PopUp window i will change atribute Text, But in JScode like ... DOM = document.getelementByID("txt1") is null. ...

ModalPopupExtender problem

I had :ModalPopupExtender which display when user didnot register .And when user login it didnot display but some browsers as firefox or safarie :ModalPopupExtender apear and hiden .I tried to add :ModalPopupExtender in updatepanel but i didnot so please how can I do to solve this issue. protected void Page_Load(object sender, Event...

Checkboxes inside my AJAX Modal popup refuse to check/uncheck

I have a modal popup I am using to get some data from the user and save back to a table. I have them pick a customer and then create checkboxes for each shipto associated with that customer. I want the user to be able the select from the shiptos and then I want to save the choices to the database. I get the list of customers and creat...

Ajax Enabled WCF service not responding with data

Hi All, I have a very simple Ajax enabled WCF service that should return a single Entity of type EntityObject serialized to JSON. Here is my .svc file: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "FASServices")] [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] public class FASService { [Operati...

Where can I get MicrosoftAjax.js

My website has to run behind a reverse proxy in production. This causes a problem with the path to the axd files, as others have seen. The solution is to include the source js files directly in your application instead of getting them generated from the AjaxControlToolkit.dll. This works well for most of the files. But I can't find Micro...

jQuery UI + ASP.NET: Make Modal Popup Load After AJAX is Ready

Hello StackOverflow! I was hoping for a little help. I am currently using some of the jQueryUI widgets in an ASP.Net Web App. I have successfully got everything working. Basically, I have a GridView on a page which contains some hidden fields in each row containing data. I also have a dialog div containing an update panel and a few Label...

unknown runtime error

Dear All,I had published my company web site and when i tested it I had this error in status pare (unknown runtime error ,scriptresource.axd,code=0 ....) I had this error when I selected ddl.You can see this through this link on my website . I hope any one help me use this user to access pa...

ModalPopupExtender have problem with browsers

I had ModalPopupExtender where display when user unregisterd so it worked well with IE browser but with safari and firefox it displayed well but when I click on button it didnot give ne any event you can access this through this link ( with user:saad password:111 .please any one help me. ....