MySQL with and Membership

Hello guys i have made it after 2 hours to bind MySQL to .NET and to create a Membershipprovider Database from ASP.Net. Know i have the tables like aspnet_users. I just added a new table with the name friendsTable. This one have a row calles friendsUserId. If i now try to make a relation between frendsUserId and id from aspnet_users wil...

C# MembershipUser.ChangePassword fails for one user only?

I'm using the change password feature of the standard AspNetSqlMembershipProvider in my ASP.NET MVC-2 app: MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(userId); string pwd = user.ResetPassword(); if (user.ChangePassword(pwd, confirmPassword)) { // it worked } And this works for the vast majority of users, but there are a couple of use...

how to set maximum password length in web.config file?

I had set minRequiredPasswordLength,minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters in membership section of web.config file. but i need maximum password length also to set. how to set in web.config file? ...

ASP.NET MVC - PasswordLength in a built-in unit test

Why does the last assert in this built-in unit test in the ASP.NET MVC 2 project pass? //File: AccountControllerTest.cs [TestMethod] public void ChangePassword_Get_ReturnsView() { // Arrange AccountController controller = GetAccountController(); // Act ActionResult result = controller.Change...


I was working with the new version of ASP.NET MVC3 and examining the WebSecurity class. I've added System.Web.Webpages as a reference and am able to the use the WebSecurity properties and methods however i'm trying to understand how to configure it inside an ASP.NET page and not one built by WebMatrix. In the Webconfig file, I did noti...

Is there an easy way to set up ASP.NET Membership tables in a custom Database?

ASP.NET Membership is just great as there are a ton of functionality right there to be used, and we don't need to change nothing at all. We can even create our own Provider based on Membership database, and that give us infinite possibilities, like as I don't like the Question/Answer I just use an email that is sent with a reset link. ...

Cannot open database, Login failed for user

Hi guys, I'm running the nerddinner MVC application on visual studio, and the database is on sql server 2008. I was previously having problems with permissions, etc but I seemed to have these sorted. I created a user - taraw in SQL Server Management Studio, and got this all working. I can log into it fine. When I test the application...

Retrieve Profile information for an membership user account

I want to pass an membership user name to a subroutine and retrieve the profile property named FullName for that user, how can i achive this in Thanks in advance. ...

Execute ASP.NET Membership Login from codebehind in button click handler

I'm trying to seamlessly log in the user without prompting for credentials as part of a <asp:Wizard> process. My strategy is to handle the NextButtonClick event and login the user in code. I already have the user's credentials saved in session variables. Is it possible to login a user in code? Will a hidden <asp:Login> control behind th...

How to structure an ASPNET website using membership

Hello, i have to build a ASPNET website on which some functionalities will be available to logged in users. I'm trying to understand the right thing to to in building my pages. I've found the following code in Page_PreInit: protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Membership.GetUser() == null) //check the user.....

ASP.NET Membership Provider authentication not working authenticating WCF Service

I have a SqlMembershipProvider store with Roles enabled. This is configured and has the user "devtest" in the roles "xxUser" and "xxAdmin". I also have a WCF service, which I want to authenticate and authorize against. My problem is that: the authorisation is not happening, code just executes despite the policy attribute I don't get ...

How to access ASP.Net Session object outside the web project (class library)

I am implementing a custom membership and role providers where I need to store all the role/membership information in the user's session. I am implementing these custom providers inside a class library project (different from the website project) and need to access the session in them. The idea is to store the role/membership related in...

ASP.NET authentication - multi-app and multi-user database

We have a simple ASP.NET app that uses the ASP.NET SqlMembershipProvider and all is great. We want to create a second app on the same server, also use the SqlMembershipProvider, but a different "applicationName" so that the user accounts between the two apps are kept separate. It looks like this would be possible by making the two di...

How can I best learn SiteMinder? Was handed a site that integrates with it, and need to maintain it..

We have SiteMinder configured in our environment and I've been given an ASP.NET website to support. Where do I begin to learn SiteMinder? I have some background in ADFS, but need to translate my skills to this product. ...

where to check if user is login and how to prevent not login users to enter to the admin section

i have route all admin controllers to "admin folder", but i want to check if the user is login and if not to give him login view. for the not login user i want to let him enter just the "website" controller where i need to check it? public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { routes.IgnoreRoute("elmah.axd")...