How to create a new user in aspnetdb, when using asp:login control

Hi, I seacrhed on net but not found any helpful, will any one show an example Thanx ...

ASP.Net Membership logging in successfully, then redirecting to login page

We're having a load of problems with an ASP.Net Membership application at the moment. For reasons that aren't relevant, we're using a MembershipProvider implementation that uses the old-style Web.config specified credentials and a RoleProvider that just allows everything (the RolesProvider may be the problem here!). This isn't something...

Add Password Requirements to Membership Provider

Do I need to make a Custom Membership Provider or is there another way? I have a project using ASP.NET Forms Authentication and the Microsoft SQL Membership Provider. The website is DONE. I use this provider everywhere. (Register, Login, Forgot Password, etc...) Until now, my website users have not needed complex passwords. The users' p...

ASP.NET Login via Custom WCF Rest Call

Hey I'm writing an admin panel in ASP.NET for an existing set of web service calls. My goal is to use some of the existing login stuff (locking out pages if your not logged in) etc but using my login mechanism. This works by hitting an http post request with a username and password, if you're good you get a session id back, if not you g...

ASP .NET Membership with Entity Framework

How is everyone designing their EF models when using the built in ASP .NET Membership functionality? I have many entities (blog posts, comments, photos, etc.) which have a user id associated with them. I currently have a User model that maps to the aspnet_User table, but there is lots of sketchy code juggling around both the MembershipU...

Membershipprovider: Automatically logging out when session ends

Hi! I have some problems with getting my website to log out the authenticated user automatically when the session ends (the user closes the browser). This is what I have in my web.config: <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name="AuthCookie" protection="All" loginUrl="~/default.aspx" path="/" cookieless="UseCookies" timeout="2592...

DotNet OpenID and ASP.NET membership

Hi, I would like to know if is possible to use DotNet OpenID together with ASP.NET membership. Or other way or allow OpenId account in ASP.NET membership. Thanks ...

Asp.Net Membership - Providers in Entity Framework 4

Hi, I have a website using ASP.NET Membership, Entity Framework 4 in place and MS SQL 2008 for DB. I would like to know if using ASP.NET Membership the interaction with the database will be pass using Entity Framework? Thanks for your help! ...

suggestions for Membership in ASP.NET MVC application

With this question I am mostly looking for answers from people that have implemented the out-of-the-box ASP.NET membership in their own database - I've set up the tables inside my database and as far as I can see they contain mostly what I need but not everything. I will have the notion of a Firm (Company) to which Users will belong so I...

ASP.NET Login Control checking multiple databases before logging in...

I have 2 databases that have users in them. The databases allow for an easy seperation of data that can be used across one web system. I have asp members on each database and I am trying to set up the login control to check the frist database and if the first database has the corresponding username/password then log the user in, if not...

AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider & mixed logins

Hi All, I'm creating a WPF application, for which all users must be authenticated to an Active Directory. - Clientside, i'm using Client Application Services. - Server-side, i have an web application with a AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider. All is working as expected. There's one catch however. Some of the wpf applicati...

Custom Membership provider that would read connection string from custom file

hi, In my web application project I am using MYSQLMemberShipProvider. Now I want that instead of reading the connection string from web.config file, it will read the connection string from external file every time. So that I am implementing the custom membership provider class, this class inherits the MembershipProvider class. But th...

Static content and ASP.NET SQL sessions

Here's my scenario: Using SQL Server sessions (due to web farm) customErrors is On using redirect There is a membership provider that uses sessions to store user information In web.config, there are <location> sections that <allow users="*">. This is used for static content (e.g. images) Whenever I try to access the error page or ev...

Customizing ASP.NET Membership Provider to add logging capabilities

Hello, I need to slightly tweak the functionality of the ASP.NET Membership provider to add custom logging functionality. Instead of creating a wrapper class around the methods I wish to modify, I was toying with the idea or creating a custom Membership Provider and override a few of the methods. All the examples I could find would sho...

ASP.NET MVC Lightweight Login/Registration system

I'm on my first MVC project and am at a point where I need to implement my membership system. I'm not sure whether using the out-of-the-box membership system is a good choice for me given that all I need is a simple login/registration system like the one at Digg. My UserId field is a foreign key to many other tables, which is why I th...

After throwing a Security Exception, redirect to Login page...

I'm using WebForms and Asp.Net Routing. When trying to implement security on a members folder, I'm following the directions here : private IHttpHandler GeneratePage(string VN, RequestContext RC) { string virtualPath = string.Form...

Old password still working after password change in membership

Am using ASP.NET membership authentication in a small website and i just noticed some thing funny during testing. Am trying to enable user to change their login password any time they wish, i dragged a change password control to the form, i changed the password for my test account, but now all passwords are still working. I can login w... wrong password just logs me in

i have a simple website with membership authentication, so some reason which ever password i type for any user just logs me in. Whether i type fffffffff or 55555555 as the password for any user, am just loggedin. The wasn't behaving this way just 1 day back. Any ideas what could be wrong, or where i should start troubleshooting...

Custom ASP.NET SqlMembershipProvider - handling connection string

Hello, I am creating a custom SqlMembershipProvider class to add some enhanced functionality to the base class. I'm getting caught up on handling the connection string, though. How can I read the Connection String Name from the configuration and make that available to the rest of the methods? Right now I have: public override void In...

What is the best way of implementing non-permanent user deletion?

Hello everyone. I try to never delete the actual records from the important tables in my database, instead mark them as Deleted by setting corresponding field to True. But in case of a membership this approach will prevent any future user of reusing the username of the "deleted" user. Username won't be a problem, but what if the "delete...