How do I get a profile of a newly created user?

I am trying to handle add a custom field to a user profile using CreateUserWizard. I added the field to web.config as <profile defaultProvider="SqlProvider"> <providers> <add name="SqlProvider" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="db" applicationName="dbapp" /> </providers> <properties> ...

ASP.NET Membership: CSS being blocked by Deny users, page doesn't render correctly?

Hi there, I have a page that functions correctly but when i issue a deny user for the whole site it redirects me to the logon page which seems to work BUT the css is not working. Hence there is no styling.. Can anyone help? My web.config is like so <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880" /> </a...

Limiting Access to "Functional Modules" in ASP.NET MVC

I am building a site in ASP.NET 4 and MVC2 that will have premium features, such as SMS notifications that will only be available to paid subscribers. I also have additional modules for things like Inventory, and Transactions etc I am already leveraging the standard MembershipProvider, and am leaning towards using Roles tp provide this ...

The membership provider name specified is invalid. Parameter name: providerName

.Net4.0 MVC 2 NHibernate NUnit I'm trying to test user creation. From my test, I'm calling the following: MembershipCreateStatus status; // _session is my current NHibernate session. var mmp = new MyMembershipProvider(_session); mmp.CreateUser(username, password, "[email protected]", "", "", true, Guid.NewGuid(), out status); ...

ASP.NET Membership Alternatives

I have always stayed away from membership as it seemed bloated, and (at the time) untestable. In the case of MVC specifically, does anyone use an alternative solution for assigning roles to users, and storing some addition information for the logged in user? Any recommendation? Is it crazy to just roll your own, just impl... membership webforms admin userlist

I have been using the membership system, with code such as: <asp:Login id="Login1" runat="server" BorderStyle="Solid" BackColor="#F7F7DE" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="#CCCC99" Font-Size="10pt" Font-Names="Verdana" ...

Dynamic routes and Membership providers

Using the a Membership provider and the MVC framework, is it possible that routes are dynamically changed so that a already logged in user goes to his own page, rather than the default. At the moment I go to the default. If the user is already logged in or not, there I do a redirect to their own page. This can't be the correct way! Can ...

Grouping roles in custom membership provider in ASP.Net MVC 2

Maybe I'm using the wrong terms, but I've been Googling for two days and just can't find anything on this: grouping roles/permissions. Or maybe I don't quite understand membership in the ASP.Net model. Currently I have a homegrown authentication system in a PHP site, with users, permissions, and roles. Each role (such as "User" or "Te...

ASP.NET Allow Admin Users Access Basic Users Accounts

Hello, We have an ASP.Net web application currently released to the public, that uses Membership and Provider features and have our users assign to a "Basic" role. What we are working on doing is developing an administrative site, so that administrators (presumably to be assigned an "Admin" role) are able to login to the administrative...

Login failed for user ''.

I have a an ASP .Net MVC website which works fine when testing locally. I have put the website onto IIS 7 on our windows server 2008 machine. The website uses .net membership provider and when I try to login I receive the following error: Login failed for user ''. This is the membership connection string: data source=(local);Integr...

Migrating from custom user list to MS membership in SQL Server

Hello, Sorry, I'm not even sure how to ask this exactly... but I wrote a website with logins. For that, I made my own users and passwords tables and hashed the passwords myself. Now, I would much rather move to Microsoft's built in membership provider with in sql server. Does anybody know a good way to migrate over? The only re...

How do I secure WCF services for website and mobile device using membership provider?

My question is a bit specific. I am currently hosting WCF services that provide data to a website (JQuery) and a mobile application (iphone). I want to secure this communication using a Membership Provider. I know how to setup the membership provider to secure the services so the Jquery part of the story is complete. However I need ...

Overriding web.config in sharepoint webpart/using custom membership provider in web part

I'm developing a web part for MOSS 2007. The web part is being deployed to a web application which utilizes forms-based authentication, and role/membership providers to control users. The membership table has been edited to include addition user info (I am aware, that this isn't the best way to handle additional user, i.e. profiles etc...

ASP.NET Membership installation wizard

Hi. How install membership provider from C# code ? input is only connection string. Thats all. Thank you ...

In what is the most scalable way to have role based access to pages/features/menus ?

I am aware of implementations like dynamic menu creation based on roles or pages inheriting from different base pages. Web.config for different site sections. I do not want to use the default membership table structure in the database. I want to use something less complex. I am looking at a possibility that roles can come and g...

Using session variable with ASP.Net membership provider

Hi everyone ! I m using the membership provider with my web application ! I would like to know how to get the user ID and How and Where can I add code to the application to set same session variable On the User log on ! This is the scenario : The user Logon, I catch his ID an the database I execute some query to set same sessio...

PCI Compliance with ASP.Net Membership Provider

So if you have an ecommerce app and you used the awesome ASP.Net Membership Provider you have a working user authentication system out-of-the-box. Now.. your customers says "Please make my site PCI Compliant" So it seems like there are handful of tweaks that you'll need to make, such as: enforce symbols in new passwords minimum passw...

Managing users when using a stand alone database as the membership provider

When using a stand alone database as a membership provider, is it usual to then have an application specific users table in the database serving the application? For example say I have an application that manages messages for a user. Normally I would have a user_messages table and reference the users table foreign key? However if I just ...

AzMan Nested Roles not finding user in role

I'm using AzMan (1.0) for an ASP.Net web app, and I have a question about nested Roles. Say I have the following roles: MyApp MyAppUser MyAppAdmin MyAppSupport For the most part, all users (MyApp) can access the app, but some functions will be specific to the other roles. I want to declaratively restrict access to the web pages to me...

ASP.NET MVC Membership: Who should provide "returnUrl" to the LogOn method?

Hello, Here's the definition of the LogOn post action method [HttpPost] public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl) { // more inside } I've a basic question. Does the framework supplies the string returnUrl? or I do have that responsibility? Thanks for helping. ...