How to best handle permissions (not roles) in membership, specifically in ASP.NET MVC

There are plenty of questions (and information) on setting up membership, role providers and the like. Whether or not you should use the built in platform provided by microsoft, or role extend the base classes and role your own. I have decided to extend the default providers and implement my own membership and role providers. No...

How do I prevent duplicate membership users when using multiple roleproviders with different application names?

I have a single membership provider which is using the '/' default application name. I then have multiple applications which share this common membership provider configuration. Each application has it's own role provider configuration, they all share the same database as the membership provider but use a different application name to is...

WCF & ASP.NET Membership Provider

I know for WCF to work with a membership provider you have to explicitly configure it: (e.g. But if you already have the ASP.NET site using it, can't you prevent anonymous access to the service simply by doing the following? <l... MVC membership - wrong username casing used

When a user logs in with the default implementation of the membership service in an mvc project, they are logged in with a username with whatever case they used when logging in. For example, if I create a user called John. If I then log in as joHN, then User.Identity.Name will equal joHN. I would like it to equal John, the act...

SqlMembershipProvider question

When you create the Register Control for the SqlMembersipProvider nothing happens if they register and the username or email is in use. Is there a tutorial or override function that fixes this in 2.0 ...

ASP.Net MVC checking role of user in aspnet memebership

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %> <% if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { %> Welcome <b><%= Html.Encode(Page.User.Identity.Name) %></b>! [ <%= Html.ActionLink("Log Off", "LogOff", "Account") %> ] <br /> <% if(User.IsInRole("Administrator")) { %> <br /> <%= Html.A...

WCF Service creates wcf Client proxy, starts transaction, calls proxy method but fails on Message Security

I am calling a WCF service from a WCF proxy(client) withing another WCF service as follows: Client -> Service1 -> Proxy.Method -> Service2 I use ASPNet Compatability everywhre with ASP.Net Membership configured and working everywhere. If I call the Service2 from the proxy using a TransactionSope I always get a message secu... mvc -> Roles.IsUserInRole(username,role)

Do we need to add any references or import any namespace for Roles.IsUserInRole(username,role) - > is it not giving the right result. <% if(Model.Count < 1) {%> No User's Add Under You! <% } else { foreach (var item in Model) { %> <tr class="tblheader"> <th> User Name </th> <th> Last Activity...

ASP.NET Memberships. Is it extensible?

I add the Property "WebSite" as a property of a registered user. <profile> <providers> <clear/> <add name="AspNetSqlProfileProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" applicationName="membershipSampleApp" type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider"/> </providers> <properties> <add name="W...

Is it necessary to override the membership and the role providers?

Hi, I'm working on a web app and I don't want to store the connection strings in the web or app config because of the requirements. So far I have found the only way to achieve this - to override the membership and the role providers. I also don't fully understand why do I also have to override a role provider when all authenticatio...

Problem connecting to ASP.NET Membership services database

I have been making some changes to an application that uses an ASP.NET Membership services database for authentication. I can access the database locally using windows authentication, and using my SA user. However, after moving the application to the prod. server, I can't access the DB at all. I wrote a simple test-app to test my conn...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Membership users table mdf file

I have an MVC 2 project where I have my own *.mdf file in the App_Data directory. The *.mdf file contains my normal tables but not a users table. Is it possible to add a Users table to my *.mdf file and work with that instead of the simple register form? (if so: how could this be done?) Because I don't know how to do these things above...

ajax and security controler

I'm using jQuery Ajax to post and when success get the data and replace some items that's work good if i add some security to the controller like that [Authorize] public ActionResult ......... If the user logged in every thing go OK but when the user not logged or not authorized it should be redirected to the login page As I'm using...

Membership API redirects me to login page after successful authentication

Hello! Im using Membership API with forms authentication. Sometimes, when a user try to go to login.aspx page (for example, there is a redirect event happen and the adress bar shows something like this Please draw an attention on that: User enter his login and p...

InvalidUserName in CreateUser when creating a user with . character before the @ character

I looked up the msdn documentation and it says that InvalidUserName is thrown when it does not find the username in the database, which is fine because the user I am creating should not exist in the database. If I use [email protected], it works, but if I try it with [email protected], the status from Membership.CreateUser is InvalidUser...

requireSSL="true" for subfolder

Is it possible to set requireSSL="true" for admin part of the site alone? ...

Client Application Services Membership.ValidateUser Always returns false

I have a WPF application using Client application services to validate a user against a web site Default SQL Membership provider. No matter what I do, the Membership.ValidateUser(username, password) on the client returns false. I even changed the ServiceUri to an invalid URL and it stills returns false rather than throwing an exception...

Membership.FindUsersByEmail - SQL Wildcards

I'm using an ASP .NET Membership database to authenticate users in a web application. Users log in using their email addresses but something else is used in the Username field of the database. So on the login form, I fetch my users using Membership.FindUsersByEmail The problem is that this function uses a 'LIKE' in SQL and that SQL wi...

LoggedinTemplate Not Displaying when logged in.

The project is a default Website built in vs 2010. I am new to and was just experimenting with the master page to only show a menu when logged in. I have the following in the master page. <asp:LoginView ID="MenuLoginView" runat="server" EnableViewState="false"> <asp:LoggedinTemplate> ...

Associations among users in ASP.NET Membership

I want to create associations between users in my application. For instance there is a Program Director (Role:PD) which has many Residents (Role:Resident), similarly there is an APD (Role: Asistant Program Director) to each PD. To each PD I want to show him only those Residents which belong to him i.e I want to filter the Residents by t...