File manager for ASP.NET MVC 2?

I'm trying to find a way to implement file manager functionality in an mvc 2 application. I've looked at jquery etc for ways of doing this. I have been able to implement a simple upload/download functionality with just an input file button and so on, and I have also tried out jquery File Tree (

LINQtoSQL - How do I get my query to recongize which table I want?

Hello SO, I'm using LINQtoSQL to create cascading deletes IE: if Category is deleted then all the Products in that category are also deleted. I have a Products repository set up already (IProductsRepository) and now I'm working in my Category repository to add the business domain logic for the cascade. Products repository has this met...

EF 4 with POCO in class library as MVC 2 model

I am exploring Entity Framework 4 with POCO as my Model for an MVC2 web app. The reason I'll need the model and data access code in a separate library is so I can share it with another web application that serves as a portal for our clients to access our data. My question is, will I lose any of the typical MVC2 Model features by having ...

Routing is finding the controller in my areas, but not the views

I'm trying to use Maarten Balliauw's Domain Route class to map sub-domains to the areas in an MVC2 app so that I have URLs like: instead of: So far, I've only had partial success. Execution is being routed to the correct controller in the correct area, but it...

htmlencode TinyMce/textarea to sql MVC 2 .net 4

I am creating a simple ‘site news’ feature on an MVC 2 .net 4 web site. The site news articles are kept in a simple sql data base, actually I’m doing it with Entity Framework Code First and compact sql, consisting of colums articleID, articleDate articleSummary and articleDetail (model.ItemEntry in code below). The articleDetail is a tex...

MVC2 ViewModel Binding

How do I get properties in my BLL passed down to a ModeView. For example, I have this class in a separate Class Library: [MetadataType(typeof(PersonMetaData))] public partial class Person { [Bind(Include = "PersonId,DepartmentId,FirstName,LastName,Active,DateAdded,DateDeleted")] public class PersonMetaData { ...

Where to Apply User Based Data-View Customizations?

I have a fairly large ASP.NET MVC 2 application that requires a large amount of user profile based data customization. This involves things like adding/removing table columns or applying user specific column headers in data returned by AJAX requests. There are dozens of types of customizations possible and there are many permutations sup...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Validate SelectList

Let's say I have the following selectlist (Countries) in a ViewModel: //.. private static string[] _countries = new[] { "USA", "Canada", "Japan" }; //... SelectList Countries = new SelectList(_countries, dinner.Country); //... And I render a dropdown list in the following fashion: <%: Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Dinner.Country, Model...

Problem with Relational Database in MVC Linq to Entities

I was hoping someone could tell me what is wrong here. I have three tables, LU_LOC_Suburb, Listings, ListingMessages. Listings has the following columns ID SuburbID (Coming from LU_LOC_Suburb) more... ListingMessages has the following columns ID ListingID (Coming from Listings) more... I'm trying to create a Messages page ...

How to manage significant functionality differences between user types in ASP.NET MVC2

I think I may have made a mess of my controllers. I have a fairly simple site that allows users of type "Staff" or "Client" to view Projects. Staff have access to all projects, can add and delete them, add and delete users, assign clients permission to projects, etc. As it stands this means I have a UserController and ProjectController,...

How can i rush the product to the market to meet deadline

I client of mines do not care about elegant and well structured code. I am writing the applications from scratch with minimal 3rd party tools. I am using l2s, Recatcha, tinymce, lucene, and structure map. I would like to quickly get the clients product to the market as fast as possible while sacrificing elegant code. Are there any too...

Optimize solution for categories tree search.

Hello, I'm creating some kind of auction application, and I have to decide what is the most optimize way for this problem. I'm using BL Toolkit as my OR Mapper (It have nice Linq support) and ASP.NET MVC 2. Background I've got multiple Category objects that are created dynamically and that are saved in my database as a representatio...

VS 2008 crashes after Anti-XSS added

Hello I'm using visual studio 2008 with mvc 2. I need anti xss library to santitize an input which is generated by rich text editor (lightweight RTE). I want to use AntiXss.GetSafeHtmlFragment(input); function. the problem is that VS 2008 crashes after I reference anti xss dll (it works fine in the first time but than it crashe... mvc period in POST parameter

i konw that you can have a period in a querystring parameter, but you cant specify a period in variable names in .net. The following code obviously does not work, but my external system uses the period in the names. Is there a way to do this? [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult Index(string hub.mode) { return View();...

How do I keep field values in the ASP.NET MVC form if it has been invalidated?

I have a form that is going through some validation before sending an e-mail. I have tried using this for validation, where the method ValidateInput sets the ModelState depending on the input: [HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { ValidateInput(collection); if (ModelState.IsValid == false) return Vi...

Why does this code changes location as I need it to

Hi, I have a weird question. I have been writing a code to change the view by a <select>'s onchange like this: <% Html.BeginForm(); %> <label for="id" >Automat:</label> <%= Html.DropDownList("id", Model as SelectList, new { @onchange = "window.location.href = document.getElementById('id').options[document.getElementById('id').selectedIn...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Model with array/list

Hello i'm in the process of creating my first site in ASP.NET MVC, it is a kind of learn as you go. But i have hit a problem that i just can't find a solution for. I want my user to be able to create an album with songs and tags attached. That can be an unspecified number of songs and tags. But there must be a minimum of 5 songs and 2 t...

MVC2 Client-side validation for a DateTime?

What approach do you recommend for validating a DateTime on the client side in MVC? Let's say I have a model with a property named DateOfBirth that is a DateTime, like so. public class UserModel { [DataType(DataType.Date)] public DateTime DateOfBirth {get;set;} } On the View, I have a simple <%: Html.LabelFor(model=>model.D...

Html.ActionLink, Url.ActionLink and Html.RountLink all of them returns empty url even though the target url is valid and displayed properly from url?

Html.ActionLink, Url.ActionLink and Html.RountLink all of them returns empty url even though the target url is valid and displayed properly from url? I played the route arount, it keeps return empty url without any exception. It's mvc 2 project with .net 3.5 ...

How can I access the DisplayName data annotation value from code?

public static string ProductHelper(this Product p) { // Need to get the DisplayName value for p.Name property } EDIT: [MetadataType(typeof(ProductMetadata))] public partial class Product { public class ProductMetadata { [DisplayName("Product name")] public object Name { get; set; } } } ...