Integrating CKEditor in ASP.NET MVC 2?

I want to use CKEditor for a comment field in my ASP.NET MVC 2 application, but can't get it to work. Here is what I have: The textarea where I try to integrate the editor: <div class="editor-field"> <%: Html.TextAreaFor(model => model.Comment, new { @class = "textarea", @id="Editor1" })%> <%: Html.ValidationMessage...

ASP.NET MVC 2, Ajax.ActionLink resets form data

As I have an editor-list, that needs to have additional edit lines, I found this solution for the problem: Mvc list editor by Stevens Anderson this works perfectly, excepts that every time when I add a new line, the whole Form is set back to the default values. You can see the behavior in the demo of the linked page. Try to edit the val...

How do I setup CKEditor to work with MVC 2.0?

I can't seem to find a step by step tutorial of how to get this up and running. Any help? Thanks! ...

Implementing a blog with MongoDB and NoRM: Relationships?

Hi, I'm starting to learn MongoDB, using the NoRM C# driver in an ASP.NET MVC project. I'm just writing POCO classes right now, and have question on how to implement relationships between Blog Posts, Comments, and Tags. I think I have the Post & Comment, but not sure what to do on the Tags. In SQL, they are many-to-many relationship, how...

MongoDB - - Questions

Hi, I’am starting a personal web project. Which I hope it grows fast. It will do a lot of text inserts and searches in this project. So it seems MongoDB a good option. But of course there is not a hosting of and mongoDB. Also I do not want to expend a lot of money, at the beginning. So I have the idea of contract https://mo...

What's the difference between the database inside App_Data folder vs connecting to SQL Server?

I'm new to .NET and while starting to learn ASP .NET MVC2 framework I see that you can create a .mdf file inside the App_Data folder and connect to it or you can connect to a SQL Server. What is the difference between these to methods of interacting with a database? What are the advantages/disadvantages of one over the other? ...

ASP.NET MVC - Catch All Route And Default Route

In trying to get my application to produce 404 errors correctly, I have implemented a catch all route at the end of my route table, as shown below: routes.MapRoute( "NotFound", _ "{*url}", _ New With {.controller = "Error", .action = "PageNotFound"} _ ) However, to get this working, I had to r...

The best way to import a collection of values in a controller using MEF

I have an ASP.NET MVC2 application that supports visualization plug-ins/providers. The IVisualization interface is defined in a common assembly which is referenced by both the ASP.NET MVC2 app, and any visualization providers. In the Visualization controller, I have a method which returns all the applicable visualizations for a given se...

ASP.NET MVC Intentional Ajax Failure

I am making an ajax call to my controller which is going to perform a long operation. The operation can fail for many reasons or succeed. If I want to force the failure code of my ajax call to execute ("error"), what do I need to do in my controller before returning? Just throw an exception? ...

IIS 6 4 mvc 2 attempt

Hi, I am trying to install my application onto IIS 6. It's 4 mvc 2. I get this error: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. In my Web.config I have this: <compilation debug="true"...

Data is empty in Post method mvc 2

I`m trying to display classes that have properties of type some custom class inside it. Model: public class ComplexParent { public SimpleChild First { get; set; } public SimpleChild Second { get; set; } } public class SimpleChild { public int Id { get; set; } public string ChildName { get; set; } public string Child... MVC 2 JqueryGrid table row empty

I need some help with mvc Controller: <HandleError()> _ Public Class HomeController Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller Function Index() As ActionResult ViewData("Message") = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!" Return View() End Function Public Function GetMovieData() As ActionResult Dim sortColu... 4 mvc 2 error

Hi, when I run the app on server I get: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.DLL' or one of its dependencies. This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800736B1) Description: An unhan...

ASP.NET MVC 3 Futures Library - Post New or Undocumented Feature Discoveries Here Please!

Possible Duplicate: Actually, a more specific version of below post, as mods declared below post as vague and general, yet this specific version is apparently a dupe? Asp.Net MVC 3.0 Futures - Please post your feature discoveries here? Basically trying to figure out the usage of the new features in the MVC 3 Beta Futures that ...

ASP.NET mvc strong typed <A> tags

Hi, i'm not sure, but didn't mvc 2 provide a way to create strong typed tags? Michel ...

ASP.NET MVC - PasswordLength in a built-in unit test

Why does the last assert in this built-in unit test in the ASP.NET MVC 2 project pass? //File: AccountControllerTest.cs [TestMethod] public void ChangePassword_Get_ReturnsView() { // Arrange AccountController controller = GetAccountController(); // Act ActionResult result = controller.Change...

How to create a Generic lambda expression. Many of my entities perform the same Lambda expression predicate.

I use Entity Framework 4. How can I perform a Generic Where Lambda Clause.? I Have many Entity that need the same Where Query. public Func<SupplierTypeText, bool> GetLmbLang() { return (p => p.LangID == 1); } public Func<ProductText, bool> GetLmbLang() { return (p => p.LangID == 1); } public Func<CategoryText, bool> GetLmbL...

Asp.Net MVC Custom ModelBinder

Hi, I would like to bind a complex object to a view. I create a custom ModelBinder inherited from DefaultModelBinder so if I post the form I can reach proper data in Controller. But if I want to send data to the view the data will not be binded. Which method of DefaultModelBinder should I override? Or anybody knows the solution? l....

DDD Architecture for ASP.NET MVC2 Project

I am trying to use Domain Driven Development (DDD) for my new ASP.NET MVC2 project with Entity Framework 4. After doing some research I came up with the following layer conventions with each layer in its own class project: MyCompany.Domain public class User { //Contains all the properties for the user entity } ...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Pure jquery client side validation

How do I go about hooking up my validation with jquery only? I do not want to use Microsoft ajax. I saw on this blog exactly what I want, but it seems that the file MicrosoftMvcJqueryValidator.js is deprecated or canceled. Is there an official way to do this now? Possibly using mvc 3. ...