
Passing params to flash from ASP

Hello. Please help me. i have a flash embed in my asp page` <object width="550" height="350" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" id="obj1"> <param name="movie" value="flash_small.swf"> <param name="flashvars" value ="my_language=en-EN"> <embed src="...

View exact query executed in ASP page

I've got stored procedures in my ASP code and I'd like to see the full command text (not just the (?,?,?,?) that will execute so I don't have to open up SQL Profiler. Code is as follows: sSQL="myProc" Set dbCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set dbCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn dbCommand.CommandType = adCmdStored...

asp session bug in internet explore(7)

i make web page using asp i implement log out function like this logout.asp session.abandon response.redirect "/" response.End() it's works good but have some problem when redirect main page -->> // response.redirect "/" but if i move previous page it's not work i mean session is until live example now page -> mydomain....

on postback op coded website @import-ed cssfile is not loaded

We are working on an asp website using frames. In the inner frame, default.css is linked. In default.css, a few css-files are imported. On a postback, the css files are not executed. On a 'normal' load, css is executed. In the source of the webpage we do see the reference to default.css. The path is correct. When using in the head o...

Is it possible to include an asp (header) file on an page?

I have a classic asp website, onto which I am adding an (.aspx) page. Is it possible to include my existing asp header (header.asp) and footer (footer.asp) files on my aspx page? I don't want to convert the page to a user control, because those pages include other asp pages with asp code on them. Thanks ...

Classic ASP simultaneous calls from different users

I have this classic ASP web application. Each user must login and their most important data are kept in Session variables. Back-end is MS-SQL. When user submit to a particular page, this ones does a lot of stuff including creating files and accessing the database, so each request can take up to 2-3 seconds to perform. Here's my problem...

ASP .Net Passing value from gridview using Session State (VB)

Hello all, I am classic asp programmer that is learning .net. Here is my problem: I have a gridview with the following columns: Pkey, Name, Address. Lets say that I want to have a hyperlink on the Pkey field to pass that value to another page. I have been able to get this to work using querystrings. I would like to use session state...

How server side page decide a request to a page is authorized?

It's normal case, user inputs a username with password, and after that the entire system can be accessed. Suppose I have a page a.php(or ASP), how can I restrict only the user that has been authorized can view a.php, for other user if they type (http://host/a.php) in browser, they will get an error? And furthermore, is it done thru cook...


Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500 I'm Getting this error when"I have RadListbox I have some names in it.When i delete those names from the list. When i close the iframe Im getting the above error." ...

Multiple 32bit processes on 64bit IIS - memory limit?

I've got a legacy ASP web application that uses a VB6 DLL. The app is quite memory hungry. I need to run multiple instances of the app on one machine. Now since VB6 DLLs are 32bit only, running in a 64bit process is out - but what if I ran multiple 32bit IIS app pools? Would the memory limit of 1.2 GB per kick in per app pool, or would t...

Custm membership provider from MYSQL MemberShipr Provider,

hi, I am implementing my custom membership provider for MYSQL for this I write thi code: public class CustomSqlMembershipProvider :MySQLMembershipProvider { public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection configs) { base.Initialize(name, configs); } } When I am compiling this class, ...

How to Extend the ASP.NET MVC AuthorizeAttribute

Hi, I'm using the membership provider for authentication of the user. I have another table with additional user details linked to my aspnet_users table. When a user logs into my site I place what I call their 'UserProfile' into a session variable and I need to check the presence of this Session variable on every call in my con...

Redirect subdirectory using ASP + Redirect Module

The story is this, I have a large Classic ASP website that has now been re-written in PHP and moved to a new server (Rackspace Cloudsites). I need to redirect all of the old ranking ASP pages to their new PHP counterparts (not always the same name so simple .asp -> .php rewrite will not work). I have followed this article as I was told t...

vbscript return string of whole words <=specified limit

I want to, in vbScript (Classic ASP), parse a string to a specified length without cutting words. The final string may be less than the specified length (to avoid cutting words), but should not exceed it.. ...

asp panel default button not working

Hi All, I am using ajax colllapsible panel extender in my project. So in one of the Price Range function panel i have 2 text boxes and one asp button that will handle the function of price range. Well i'm trying to set button as default button inside that asp panel but it does not work. I tried my page in firefox, IE & chrome also. It j...

WCF Service Start

I have a wcf service and i want to call a method automatically , immediately after the publishing in IIS. Like an initialization of the WCF service without having to call the method manually or from somewhere else. Where should i place my Initialize method in WCF Service in order to run exactly after the start of the application? ...

ASP vs .NET database encoding issue

I have an old classic ASP application that stores information in a SQL Server 2008 database. I need to retrieve the information in a new .NET application but I am having some encoding issues. When I look in SQL Management Studio or at the data retrieved in .NET text strings looks weird when it contain Danish characters, e.g “Øvrige” wh...

asp disable button postback

Hi, i'm working on a web page with a lot of jquery animation on the page load. I also have a contact form, with the "send" button that sends the form data to the clients email. Now, when i press the button, the page posts back and loads (incl the animation at the begining) again.. and i don't want that.. I saw some solutions on the net t...

How do I query a time server (like NIST) from ASP?

Hello world, I would like to validate my Windows 2000 server time by querying an external time source (like NIST) using ASP. I can't seem to find any examples of this on the web. Thanks in advance, Cliff ...

Modify SQL Query in SSRS at runtime

Is there a way to modify the SQL Query at runtime using some code? I have a situation where I have an ASP.NET application and I want to pass data to a SSRS report without adding parameters. Thank you. ...