
Definition of fix-up?

I've seen this term in the Python Lisp compiler and some C linker's sources. My guess is that a fix-up is just some wrapper around an Assembly routine that makes sure the alignment is right, but I'm not sure at all about anything here. ...

"Assembly" vs. "Assembler"

I've been taught that "assembly" is what you write in your files, to have your "assembler" convert it into binary code. But I see these two terms mixed and matched in various works. I've even heard that you write "assembler", after which an "assemblator" makes it executable. Tell me, please, what's the right words to use? ...

gas vs. nasm: which assembler produces the best code?

Both tools translate assembly instructions directly into machine code, but is it possible to determine which one produces the fastest and cleanest code? ...

Writing an z80 assembler - Lexing ASM and building a parse tree using composition?

Hi guys, I'm very new to the concept of writing an assembler and even after reading a great deal of material, I'm still having difficulties wrapping my head around a couple of concepts. 1) What is the process to actually break up a source file into tokens? I believe this process is called lexing and I've searched high and low for a real...

Z80 ASM BNF structure... I'm am on the right track?

I'm currently trying to get to grips with BNF and attempting to assemble some Z80 ASM code. Since I'm new to both fields So my question is, Am I even on the right track? I am currently trying to write the format of Z80 ASM as EBNF so that I can then figure out where to go from there to create machine code from the source. At the moment I...

What is the best way to go about writing a simple x86 assembler?

I'm interested in writing an x86 assembler for a hobby project. At first it seemed fairly straight forward to me but the more I read into it, the more unanswered questions I find myself having. I'm not totally inexperienced: I've used MIPs assembly a fair amount and I've written a toy compiler for a subset of C in school. My goal is...

Which assemblers currently support the AVX instruction set?

I'd like to start and play with some AVX (advanced vector extension) instructions. I know Intel provides an emulator to test software containing these instructions (see this question), but since I don't want to manually write hex code, the question arises as to which assemblers currently know the AVX instruction set? I would be most in...

Create Executable From Assembly Code

Hello, I need to create an executable from the next assembly code: .MODEL SMALL .DATA TEXT DB 'Hello world!$' .CODE .STACK 20 .STARTUP MOV AX, @DATA MOV DS, AX MOV AH, 9 MOV BL, 02H INT 10H MOV Dx, OFFSET TEXT INT 21H MOV AH, 4CH INT 21H END It works with Turbo Assembler (tasm.exe), but I don't want to continue working with it, becau...

ZX Spin emulator, built-in assembly errors

I'm having problems understanding how to get an assembly file to run inside the ZX Spin emulator using the built-in assembler. I'm able to assemble my program but it seems to crash each time I attempt to run the assembled object code. I cannot find any documentation on how this is meant to be set to run. The message I get with version...

A good NASM/FASM tutorial?

Does anyone know any good NASM or FASM tutorials? I am trying to learn assembler but I can't seem to find any good resources on it. ...

Is assembly language `assembler` specific too? Which assembler is best?

Hello, I'm learning assembly language. I started with Paul A. Carter's PC Assembly Language which uses NASM (The Netwide Assembler). Then in the middle I switched and started reading Introduction to 80×86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture which uses MASM. In NASM I used to write, for initializing a byte db 110101b In MA...

What do C and Assembler actually compile to?

So I found out that C(++) programs actually don't compile to plain "binary" (I may have gotten some things wrong here, in that case I'm sorry :D) but to a range of things (symbol table, os-related stuff,...) but... Does assembler "compile" to pure binary? That means no extra stuff besides resources like predefined strings, etc. If C co...

Where can I find an assembler for the x86?

I study ASM-86 language at high school and I want to program a little at home. Do you know any "compiler" for this language that I can program and view the state of the memory? ...

Assembler: Using "Flat assembler" how do I produce EXE files (compile, link..)?

I'm using FASM to compile a small piece of code: mov ah,4ch mov al,00 int 21h I click Run -> Compile, and what I get is a .BIN file. sorry for the noobish question but why don't I get an OBJ, or an EXE file, and what is this BIN? ...

Converting Assembly Code To Machine Code

Hi everybody.. My Question is How can I know the exchangeable machine code of the instructions of the assembly code? And how to write a binary file that can be executed? Thanks. ...

Electronic resources for learning Z/OS assembler?

This is a follow up to this question. I'm totally blind so printed books aren't an option. All the recommended books appear to have been published before electronic publishing got started. I've been able to learn the very basics but would like something between here's what a register is, and the IBM reference material. Searching the norm...

How Do You Make An Assembler?

I'd like to make a simple x86 assembler. I'm wondering if there's any tutorials for making your own assembler. Or if there's a simple assembler that I could study. Also, I wonder what tools are used in looking at and handling the binary/hex of programs. ...

Question about "Link Map" output and "Assume" directive of MASM assembler.

I am new to MASM. So the questions may be quite basic. When I am using the MASM assembler, there's an output file called "Link Map". Its content is composed of the starting offset and length of various segments, such as Data segment, Code segment and Stack segment. I am wondering that, where are these information describing? Are they ta...

Why does this 'hello world' x86 bootloader code written for NASM work without the [BITS 16] and [ORG 0x7C00] directives?

push word 0b800h pop es xor di, di mov [es:di], word 441h jmp $ times 510 - ($-$$) db 0 db 55h db 0AAh ...

Converting to VFP assembler

Hi, i've had a go at converting this little bit of C code to ARM vfp assembler can anyone see any problems with it or possible improvements for(int j=0;j<count; j++) { output += array[j]*(*p++); } to this VFM assembly: for(int j=0;j<count;j++){ asm volatile( VFP_VECTOR_LENGTH(8) ...