
C# How to set a flexible base for altering controls from assembly later?

Hi @ all :) I'm still new with C#, and I'm working on a project where we also use WPF, and the WPF DataGrid Toolkit (See at CodePlex), which hasn't yet been released into the framework. Due to the nature of the project, it's 100% sure we will be altering some controls of the assembly later. My co-workers have decided to redefine every ...

Retrieving Assembly Version information for multiple DLLs in MSbuild

All I am fairly comfortable with writing assembly version information for a given project that will output as a DLL. However what I am looking to do now is to go through each DLL in a \Bin folder, retrieve the Assembly information and write it to a versions.txt file. Has anyone managed to acheive a similar goal? ...

Deploying an windowsform client app but ...ops assemblys are missing!

Hi there please help me i finish a little module from a reporting app, so im using externals .dlls i put in bin folder but when i deploy the app with click once, and install finish, i get that all externals dlls are missing for example Microsoft.SqlServer.Types version is missing is there a way to install automatically these as...

What purpose do unmanaged.dll.manifest files serve?

I observe unmanaged.dll files having a unmanaged.dll.manifest file tagging along. On opening this files in an editor, it seems to be normal XML with links to certain other dependent managed? assemblies. This seems to be like a recent change.. don't remember seeing them earlier. Why are these files needed? (If I had to make a guess, it ...

Project assembly references between team members...

I was curiious to know what type of structures you use for your project references? Where I work the developers have a shared folder called AssemblyCache (\\MACHINENAME\AssemblyCache) which is mapped to an R:\ via GPO in Windows 2008 AD (tied to the Developers AD group). Our shared components have post-build events that copy them to so...

.NET assemblies and DLL rebasing

According to this article rebasing is not necessary for .NET assemblies due to JIT compilation of the code. The article states: "JIT-compiled code does not have a rebasing problem since the addresses are generated at run time based on where the code is placed in memory. Also, MSIL is rarely affected by base address misses since MSIL re...

How does visual studio determine what to copy to the output directory with multi-project solutions?

Let's say we have a solution with the following structure: Project.DAL - Data access layer, depends on a lower-level library, e.g. Oracle.DataAccess w/copy local = true Project.BLL - Business logic layer, references Project.DAL as project Project.UI - UI layer, compiles to executable, references Project.BLL, default project When Pr...

Can strong naming an assembly be used to verify the assembly author?

After reading the proper article in MSDN and related questions here, I finally return to the community. To which extent can a strong-named assembly be verified to avoid tampering? Is it possible to use strong-naming to verify an assembly author? The first question arises after reading this CSharp411 article, which ...

Reference 3.5 assembly from 2.0 application?

I have an assembly that is targeted for .NET 3.5. I have an application targeted for .NET 2.0 and wonder if I should have any trouble referencing the 3.5 assembly from the 2.0 application. I understand that the IL is supposedly the same, so I'm assuming that it will work, but would like to hear some experiences from others who have tri...

How to load only signed assembly to a new AppDomain?

I'm doing a addin system where the main app loads assemblies Addin1.dll and Addin2.dll on runtime in new AppDomain's. However, in case that Addin1.dll is signed (strong name) with my key and Addin2.dll is not, I want to be able to only load Addin1.dll and reject Addin2.dll. I'm suspecting that it needs to be done by setting some parame...

Is loading a dependency assembly from the internet a good practice?

I know there are several ways to deploy a .net windows client application: There's Windows Installer, Click Once, a simple download & run, and loading the windows forms / WCF application in Internet Explorer (no to confuse the latter with WCF/E - Silverlight RIA applications) So... thinking about the true windows client applications --...

What is a partially trusted assembly/application/code/etc in .NET?

Could someone please explain? I couldn't find anything on the internet, everything talks about how to go about it in some way, but nothing says exactly what it is. Also, what is a fully trusted assembly and how do they differ from one another? I have a MS certification exam and this is the only topic that I just don't understand. EDI...

ASP.NET Website's BIN directory and references

Imagine the following solution: -Website (not Web Application) -BLL (business logic layer in a seperate assembly) -DTO (dto objects in their own assembly) -DAL (data access layer in it's own assembly as well). The BLL has a reference to the DAL. The BLL has a reference to the DTO layer. The Website project references the BLL. ...

ReadOnly vs Property within Assembly Question/Conundrum

How can I make a Property "ReadOnly" outside the Assembly (DLL) for people using the DLL but still be able to populate that property from within the assembly for them to read? For example, if I have a Transaction object that needs to populate a property in a Document object (which is a child class of the Transaction class) when somethin...

What does it mean by logical grouping of modules in assembly?

What does it mean by logical grouping of modules in assembly? Can anyone please explain how .NET's CLR works with assembly ? ...

Assembly reference error on web site with same signature

I've more than one ASP.NET 2.0 web site on IIS 6 and Windows Server 2003. Each site reference some DLLs: design, logic and so on. Each site is on a different ApplicationPool with default configuration about recycling techniques. Every DLL is strong named (not delayed) and has a version that never changes (, all DLLs are placed i...

How to preserve COM DLL version in an auto-generated interop assembly in VS2005?

I've added a reference to a co-worker's COM DLL -- MyLogic.dll -- to my C# project in Visual Studio 2005. As expected, this auto-generates Interop.MyLogicLib.dll in my output folder. However, the version number of the COM DLL is, whereas the version number of the auto-generated interop assembly is How do I get Visual S...

How do you loop through currently loaded assemblies?

I've got a "diagnostics" page in my ASP.NET application which does things like verify the database connection(s), display the current appSettings and ConnectionStrings, etc. A section of this page displays the Assembly versions of important types used throughout, but I could not figure out how to effectively show the versions of ALL of ...

Referencing private .net assemblies in a subfolder

In Visual Studio 2008 I can add a project reference and set Copy Local property to true. As result the referenced assembly will be copied to the same folder the main assembly is build to. But what if I want to have all referenced assemblies in a subfolder near the main assembly? Something like this: .. myApp.exe Libs myLib1.dll my...

Read .config file in another assembly

Hi, Is there any possiblity to read a .config file in a dll assembly? At the moment I use OpenExeConfiguration on a Assembly.Location Property which seems to work. But I want to create separate .config files for different usages like ConfigModuleA.config, ConfigModuleB.config etc. Any idea? ...