
Has-A Relationship

Hi all, public class Elevator () { Button firstFloorbutton = ButtonFactory.getButtonInstance(this, 1); Button secondFloorbutton = ButtonFactory.getButtonInstance(this, 2); Button thirdFloorbutton = ButtonFactory.getButtonInstance(this, 3); Button fourthFloorbutton = ButtonFactory.getButtonInstance(this, 4); Fan fan1 = ...

Having serious problems with Entity Framework & Foreign Keys :(

Hi folks, I've got the following entities on my EDMX :- These two entites were generated by Update Model From Database. Now, notice how my country has the following primary key :- Name & IsoCode this is because each country is UNIQUE in the system by Name and IsoCode. Now, with my States ... it's similar. Primary Key is :- Name ...

Why I can't change the data of another model in CakePHP

Hi, I have a one-to-one relation between an Account and a User table, I'm trying to do all the pre-processing in the beforeSave of the account model, but it seems like i can only change the values of $this->data['Account'][...] and not $this->data['User'][...], why is so? function beforeSave() { // Check if this is a create or updat...

Best way to override named_scope for has_many associations in Rails?

Note: I'm using Rails 2.3.8, not 3. I have a Photo model with a default_scope: default_scope :conditions => ["published = ?", true], :order => :position Calling returns all published photos ordered by position as it should. However, when looping through these photo albums in an admin panel to display the number of ...

In Ruby on Rails, if you have the association wrong in the models, will it affect your app if you only touch model.instance_variable?

That is, if you have all the has_many, has_one, belongs_to, and has many ... :through and has_many_and_belongs_to wrong, but your program only touch the model.instance_variable but not model.some_other_model # or model.some_other_model.some_method_or_variable will you app do anything wrong or do anything bad to the database? Th...

Rails Associations (belongs_to, has_many) can't save 2 ids in table with a create method (user, post, comment)

Hi, Trying to write a basic "blog-like" app in rails 3, I'm stuck with associations. I need the create method save the post_id as well as the user_id in the comment table (which I need in order to retrive all comments written by a user in order to display it) The app has users (authentication - devise), posts (posted by users - but I'm...

Transfer associated data to another DB

Hi, i need to transfer data from one SQlite3 database to another, preserving all the associated records. For example, Person has many messages, each message has many attachments. I need to transfer, say only "Person1" and "Person2" with all messages, belonging to them and with all attachments, belonging to each message. I've heard ab...

Rails: Finding all associated objects to a parent object

I have created a complex object in rails with a principle parent object "Resume" it has a number of child objects for each section("objective_section", "contact_section", etc), is there a way I can fetch all associated objects to the parent object Resume? ...

activerecord find conditions for associated models

so i havent found much documentation about using conditions on activerecord find methods for associated models, but i have found a variety of examples. although none of them seem to be working for me. user has_one avatar avatar belongs_to user Avatar.find(:all, :include => :user, :conditions => {:user => {:login => 'admin'}}) return...

Rails 3 build a select tag with has_many belongs_to association

Hi, Based on following models class Company < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :country end class Country < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :companies end I want to have in my companies/_form a select tag containing all the countries I think that the[:company]) in companies_controller#create can create the associati...

Rails 3 has_and_belongs_to_many creates checkboxes in view

Hi, Based on following models class Company < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :origins end class Origin < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :companies end I want to have in my companies/_form a collection of checkboxes representing all origins. Don't know if the[:company]) in companies_con...

after_add callback for has_one

This seems to be an inconsistency between has_many and has_one. The has_many association allows you to specify an after_add callback that is called after an object has been added to the collection. class Person has_many :parents, :after_add => { puts "Added new parent" } # allowed has_one :car, :after_add => { puts "Added car" } #...

LinqToSql associations loading

This may have been asked already, but I can't find it, so here goes. We have a generic read of a table, using Context.GetTable( ) and then attaching an expression to find the single record in the table. This table has associations. Unfortunately, we're trying to change a field on which an association is made, so; Foo is parent of Bar o...

Help with rails association.

Ok guys, so I'm making a scheduler. So I have two tables so far, Shows with "title:string" and "description:text" and I also have ShowTime; with "show_id:integer", "day:string", and "show_time:time". I did the has_many, and belongs_to, I honestly do not know where to go from here on, I want a user to be able to add the times when cr...

Self referential associations (Ruby on Rails)

I want to create a system for users to comment on posts where comments can also have replies. Since I can't do a self-referential HABTM relationship, I did some research and saw that I should be going about it in this manner: Post has_many :comments end Comment belongs_to :user belongs_to :post has_many :replies, :class_name =...

Rails sorting child objects and displaying

Relating to my last question here: Is it possible to sort multiple separate child objects in Rails by creation date, and then list them? Using the previous example I have a resume with two different has_many child objects, I would like to ...

Finding object in array based on attribute

My app has the following models: user and watch_list. User has attributes id, name and WatchList has attributes user_id, friend_id. class WatchList < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user has_many :friends, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "friend_id" end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :watch_list has_many :friend...

Overriding the assignment method for a has_one

I have a has_one association that is reflective on the objects of another association. I have Project, which has many ProjectUsers, which tie Projects and Users. One of those ProjectUsers is authoritative. The issue is that both the has_one and the has_many use the same foreign key on project_users. Here's the base idea of the models...

Why can't ActiveRecord assign object to association attribute?

I've spent half a working day trying to track this down in AR. Given a model setup like: class Publication < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :subscriptions end class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :publication belongs_to :user end In controller, @new_subscription = publication.subscriptions.create( user: @current_u...

Rails app does not recognize mass assigned belongs_to association in production

I have an Account model that belongs to an account manager: class Account < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :account_manager, :class_name => 'User' validates_presence_of :account_manager end My controller looks like this: def create @account =[:account]) ... A request looks like this: Started POST "/acco...